Enemy Territory ELITE Community and Clan

(Onkelb0b) #1

Hi, i want to announce the founding of a new Enemy Territory Clan, and also a Community.
We will provide many features, many advanced Applications and Developements to push ET in the 21th Century.
But Still all is work in progress…
be patient…

We primary aim for Experienced Oldschool Players, and much Gaming Skill isnt neccesary.

My name is Onkel Bob, i am from Germany.
I play RTCW and ET since it was released, because to be honest,
One of the best Games ever made.
And the proof is, that it is still beeing played after so many years.

I founded this Community to bring People addicted to this games, together,
to share their experiences, their Stories and i be sure, that some of them will be long.
So Join our Community, and enjoy with us the truely Spirit,
of Wolfenstein.

Enemy Territory ELITE

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Enemy Territory ELITE