Q3Map2 Support

newest gtkradiant 1.4 (8)
q3map2 stucks on MapRawLightmap... (13)
Fog Causing Opaque Blendfuncs to be Transparent (5)
safe_malloc failed ( 2 ) (23)
Converting COD bsp to ET bsp possible? (8)
-vis requirements? ( 2 ) (27)
Caustic water (6)
How to make a map without shadows? (12)
terrain not effected by light (1)
how to compile so vertexlight works correctly? (4)
realloc() failed (IncDrawVerts) (5)
not working for enemy territory wolfenstein (6)
Fur shader (7)
Chopsize (8)
load .srf --- line 957 is incomplete (7)
safe_malloc exceeded in -meta stage (7)
Quit using entity lights all together? (3)
Dot Product Question: JPEGs vs. TGA files? (5)
q3map2 crash at radiositiy (9)
I hate the blocksize command (8)
q3map2 possible support for bsp version 59? (5)
misc_model_breakable entities in .ASE models (2)
bsp formats (4)
shader : q3map_rgbMod (6)
exclude some brushes from radiosity-/bounce-compile (14)
-scale & level of detail on patches (5)
Readme's explaining light phases? (5)
clipping question to ydnar (3)
baked lightmaps :/ (10)
Sock's dot product 2 +alpha shader (2)