baked lightmaps :/

(stephanbay) #1

my terrain has few brushes all baked when lightmapped, itried odifiying those part with easy gen but still have the same problem elsewhere. Any idea?

compile switche : bsp -meta , -vis , -light -fast (also tried with -sample 2/3)

my sky shader :


	qer_editorimage textures/pha_horus/lowsun.tga
	q3map_lightimage textures/skies_sd/nero_bluelight.tga
	surfaceparm noimpact
	surfaceparm nolightmap
	surfaceparm sky
	q3map_skylight 75 3
	q3map_sun 1 1 0.9 1 120 35
	q3map_sunext 1 1 0.9 200 120 35 1 8
	skyparms textures/pha_horus/pha/skyRender - -

(mena666) #2

You can revert back to vertex lit terrain and fix the problem by setting the vertex color manually with q3map_rgbGen like below as a temp. solution.
These shaders can be used in the same way as alpha mod volume.

	qer_trans 0.5
	q3map_rgbMod volume
	q3map_rgbGen set ( 1 0 0 )
	surfaceparm nodraw
	surfaceparm nonsolid
	surfaceparm trans

	qer_trans 0.5
	q3map_rgbMod volume
	q3map_rgbGen set ( 0 1 0 )
	surfaceparm nodraw
	surfaceparm nonsolid
	surfaceparm trans

	qer_trans 0.5
	q3map_rgbMod volume
	q3map_rgbGen set ( 0 0 1 )
	surfaceparm nodraw
	surfaceparm nonsolid
	surfaceparm trans

(stephanbay) #3

In an easy way, where do i put that shader code? terrain shader? i didnt got it , sry

(TNR360) #4

try an ambient worldspawn key or minlight

(stephanbay) #5

ambient is 8
and minlight is set to 15

I removed ambient but still no success… I ll end up remaking the terrain.

(obsidian) #6

Did you intend to have two sun lights?

Also, no need to set lightImage when you already set colours in sunExt.

(stephanbay) #7

yes wanted to use 4 suns for better shadowings and lightning. The problem has been actually solved by using the bounce. i blame easy gen for making some weird brushing (with weird coordinates in the .map) which actually cannot be seen or whatever to be lit.

(obsidian) #8

Adding more suns is not a good way of creating better shadows and lighting. It should only be used when you actually have more than 1 light source (think Tatooine).

Read here:

(stephanbay) #9

Thanks for the link. At the final compile , i used the number 13 settings and the shadows were quiet nice :slight_smile: . slow compiling tho. map already released here if you want to take a look :smiley:

(beijmanli) #10

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