q3map2 stucks on MapRawLightmap...

(cl4ym4n) #1


I am building a small (my first) duel map…its 1512x1512 units, but most of it is used by a terrain…so its a quite small map though…

I didn’t work on the map for a few weeks and now i started to finish it…
Well…i made some changes here and there and finally tried to compile the map with the default GTK-Compile-Settings:

Q3Map2: (final) BSP -meta, -vis, -light -fast -filter -samples 2 -bounce 8

So…the DOS-boxes open like always…but in the third box, where it creates the lightmaps, it kinda stucks on MapRawLightmap…

Its like 0…1…2…3…4…5…_

But then nothing happens…it stays at this point for hours…
I tried to let it compile over night, but then somehow GTK crashed…

When i abort the process, all changes i made on the map are, like they should be (brushes etc.) but the lights and shadows are missing then…

I downloaded GTK and tried to repair the installation - with no changes.
I also downloaded q3map_2.5.11_win32_x86 and Q3Map2Build and tried to compile it through this and it doesnt stuck on MapRawLightmap, but then ALL textures are missing (also the textures of the limbo menu, weapons etc. etc.)…

Some details of my computer:

P4 3.2 Ghz
1Gig RAM
GTK 1.5.0 (1.4 doesnt work for me somehow)
q3map2 version that comes with GTK 1.5.0

I hope someone of you can help me… :confused:

(obsidian) #2

Can you zip up the map and necessary files? I can take a look.

(Loffy) #3

Have you tried something more simple, like
-light -fast -samples 2
? Did that work OK?

I have no idea why it takes so long for you. It is a small map so it should work fine.

(cl4ym4n) #4

obsidian… i will try to get all the files together…

Tried it with almost every setting…always the same result as above… MapRawLightmap …5… :x

Thats driving me nuts… :bash:

(Loffy) #5

OK, then something is definitely wrong.
Have you made a simple room with just one or two lights? Did you manage to compile it correctly, with all three stages (incl. light stage)?

(mena666) #6

In the past I experienced a similar problem with older version of q3map2(2.5.14).

(cl4ym4n) #7

I installed GTK on my 2nd harddisk and compiled the map - within 4 minutes… :shock:

So i guess, the other installation or my whole Windows is somehow §$&(* up…^^

But i got another question… what are the best compile-settings to get the best visual quality in my map?

Figured out, that

Q3Map2: (final) BSP -meta, -vis, -light -fast -filter -samples 2 -bounce 8

gives the best result within all available pre-settings, but maybe there is something better?

(kael) #8

There is nothing the best about compile settings.
Because the settings might differ in accordance with a characteristic of the map, and mappers can set up each shaders in detail instead of using command-line compile settings.
However, many people stick to the following rules for final compile.

It is good to use -fast on final compile.
Do not use -filter.
Do not use -extra or -super N. Instead, use -samples N.

It gives an acceptable quality but you should get rid of -filter. Like this,

Q3Map2: (final) BSP -meta, -vis, -light -fast -samples 2 -bounce 8

For reference, these are my settings for final(ET).

bsp: -meta -patchmeta -mv 1024 -mi 6144
vis: -vis -saveprt
light: -light -fast -external -lightmapsize 256 -patchshadows -samples 3 -thresh 0.2 -bounce 8 -bouncegrid -bouncescale 2.5

Have fun! :blah:

(Manwhore) #9

Very sorry to rekindle this topic, but I’ve got a basic question to all of this. How do I change the compile commands or switches to my taste. In my Radiant, I only got the basic commands, like meta, vis, light fast, light fastest, etc. How can I change into something like this:

-light -fast -samples 2 -filter -bounce 8 -external -lightmapsize 256 -approx 8


as in the previous post:

bsp: -meta -patchmeta -mv 1024 -mi 6144
vis: -vis -saveprt
light: -light -fast -external -lightmapsize 256 -patchshadows -samples 3 -thresh 0.2 -bounce 8 -bouncegrid -bouncescale 2.5

Thanks in advance

(shagileo) #10

In GTK open:

File => Project settings
You’ll see a list of all the compile modes on the bottom.

Select “Add”

Then you’ll see= Add command:
`menu text (that’s the name of your compile mode (like -vis,-light etc etc)
Command: is a specific code you need to enter so the compiler knows what to do in that specific stage

Now that’s as far I can help, for the codes, I hope there’s another person who can help you out with that one


(obsidian) #11

In GtkRadiant 1.5.0, it’s just Build > Customize > Add your switches.

Personally, I run Q3Map2 independently of Radiant using a simple Windows batch file. Makes tweaking values easy.

(Manwhore) #12

Ok, thanks a lot. I’ll be searching the forums for that batch tweaking info when I got the time tonight.

(jalisko) #13

Did you try adding the -lomem switch?