safe_malloc failed

(gynec) #1

i get this error in my junk.txt

safe_malloc failed on allocation of 155713536 bytes

i know i can raise the chopsize. but 8192 is very high. does it affect the cluster size or anything else badly?
And exists another better solution for this error? I heard of a compiler switch which can handle this.

(narc) #2

i might be wrong but i think that means you ran out of virtual memory. if you have a larger partition or drive you should set windows to use it for virtual memory.

  1. click Control Panel>System>Performance>Virtual Memory
  2. then click “Let me specify my own Virtual Memory settings”
  3. for hard disk, choose the largest and fastest one.
  4. click OK

(gynec) #3

methods i know to avoid this memory error:

bigger gridsize (128 or 256)
_lightmapscale 2
_chopsize (sof2=chopsize) > 1024 (2048)
-patchshadows off
closing all programs
-fast (light process)

(narc) #4

those options may indeed stop the memory error from occouring but it doesnt really solve the problem. you need more virtual memory.

default windows pagefile is your boot partition on the boot drive. if you have not enough free space there you need to specify another location for windows to use. for example if you had a 200GB drive and the boot partition was only 1GB you will have very little virtual memory. if you made a 50GB partition the swapfile location instead then thats more like it.

(Emon) #5

Eh, it’s not a partition exactly, and I’m not sure about Windows having any kind of “boot partition”.

(Loffy) #6

I used the search and found this thread, since I (for the first time) got safe_malloc failure.
I have windows XP. The internal memory is 512 something (Mb?). I went to the Control Panel>>Virtual Memory and increased it to 4000 something (Mb?). (I’m no hacker, that’s for sure.) I also added the -lomem switch in my light-stage (in my bat-file).
Problem solved!
// Loffy

PS. What is the switch command to force q3map2 to write a logfile? I mean, a file that I can open after a failed compile, to read for example “safe_malloc failed on allocation of xxxxxxx bytes”.
This feature is perhaps already there, and there is no need for a command, but I cannot find a logfile in my q3map2 folder. (I also searched this forum for info. about written logfiles.)
I had to sit by the computer, while it q3map2:ed my elite .map-project, and wait until the “safe_malloc failed”-message appeared. It went away after a couple of seconds!

EDIT!: Apparently this had been discussed before. The keyword was “junk”, when searching the forum. I found this, among a number of threads about q3map2 and logfiles:


What does _chopsize do? I searched google and I’ve never even heard of that command.

Also is safe_malloc mean it’s failing on the -light phase or the -vis phase.

I was under the impression that it was in the -light phase so if you raise the _lightmapscale up to 64 that should have solved it. weird if it doesn’t solve the problem…

-lomem will help a little.

_gridsize helps but so marginally that it’s kind of pointless to bother with it.

_blocksize probably won’t matter if it’s failing in the -light part of the compile although it might speed the compile up.

I was under the impression that -fastgrid was a weak version of -fast.

(obsidian) #8

Windows virtual memory is called a Page File. In Task Manager, under Performance, you can actually see the amount of the total page file in use. Windows stores the pagefile in a file called, umm… pagefile.sys that is a hidden file located on one of your hard drives (by default C:). If you enable hidden files to be viewable in folder options, you will see it sitting there.

As mentioned above, you can manually set it to different values if you know what you are doing. I wouldn’t recommend messing with it if you are unfamiliar with it. Truth in that for best performance, it should be located on your fastest (though not necessarily your largest) and/or most idle hard drive and even better if it resides in it’s own partition to prevent disc fragmentation.

The page file by default can change size as needed, but to prevent fragmentation, it is often wise to set a fixed page file size. The general rule of thumb for page file maximum and minimum sizes is 1.5x the amount of installed RAM on your system. I would NOT recommend creating a 50GB swap file.

I have my page file sitting on my second hard drive (non system disc) under it’s own partition set to 3GB in size (2GB RAM).

Note, this applies to Windows XP. I believe that there are a few changes in Vista with regards to how virtual memory is handled so all of the above may not apply.

(obsidian) #9

Best way to prevent this error is to optimize your map. I have never run into this error myself and I have created some pretty large/crazy ones in the past. Failing that, -lomem might help. I believe it saves temp data to your computer as a way of clearing memory, as a result it’s slower. Randomly changing your page file size arbitrarily will likely affect your system’s stability.

@Loffy: “>” is not a Q3Map2 command, it’s a DOS command. It instructs DOS to output all data from the command window to a text file. There is quite a list of commands that might come in handy with batch files.

@ACROBAT: I believe _chopsize is the SoF2 equivalent of _blocksize, though I don’t do anything related to SoF2, so I can’t be sure.

(Shallow) #10

There should be a function in the forums software which draws progressively larger numbers of little cobweb graphics over the corners of old posts, so people can easily see the cutoff between old and new in necrobumped threads.

(obsidian) #11

lol… thanks for pointing that out.


Will _chopsize 0 turn that thing off completely?

(GTBGranny) #13

OK I am having this error now.

I have upped my virtual memory to 20gb

I have a quad core thingy with 4gb RAM and am still getting this error:

“safe_malloc failed on allocation of 513360 bytes”

Not sure where to find this chopsize command.

Does anyone have any other ideas for me to try ?

(kamikazee) #14

How large is your map anyway?

(GTBGranny) #15

8698.1 x 8710.6

It’s only that big because I had to make it square(ish) for command map.

The area of gameplay is rectangular, the rest is just minefields.

I get the problem on desktop and laptop even if i try to do:

Q3Map2: (single test) -light -fast -samples 2

I can’t test the map now to see where I need to put lighting etc.

I have got map running on my server at the minute with no lighting just so my guys can do a bug report.

Seems to play ok.

(GTBGranny) #16

After reading up about hint brushes I wondered whether that could be part of the problem as I thought I didn’t have any.

Oh dear.

I didn’t realise that these were hidden automatically.

The problem I have now is that in the past I have moved my map in order to try and centre it for the command map.

Now most of the hint brushes are outside the map.

I wondered if this might be causing the safe_malloc error but after deleting all of them I am still getting the same error.

Thought the picture would amuse you though.

Is there any way of correcting this automatically ?

(kamikazee) #17

You could try brush cleanup… Go to Plugins > bobtoolz > Brush cleanup.

(GTBGranny) #18

Sorry I should have said.

I have already done that, it cleaned three brushes but made no difference to problem.

(GTBGranny) #19

This is the error I am now getting after reformatting my pc and trying again.

OpenGL window configuration: colour-buffer = 32bpp, depth-buffer = none
GL_VENDOR: Microsoft Corporation
GL_EXTENSIONS: GL_WIN_swap_hint GL_EXT_bgra GL_EXT_paletted_texture
No Anisotropic filtering available
Lighting mode requires OpenGL features not supported by your graphics drivers:
  GL version 1.3 or better
Loaded Texture: "C:/Program Files/GtkRadiant 1.5.0/bitmaps/notex.bmp"
OpenGL window configuration: colour-buffer = 32bpp, depth-buffer = 32bpp
Loading default tag file C:/Program Files/GtkRadiant 1.5.0/
OpenGL window configuration: colour-buffer = 32bpp, depth-buffer = none
Loading map from C:/Program Files/Wolfenstein - Enemy Territory/etmain/maps/
Open file C:/Program Files/Wolfenstein - Enemy Territory/etmain/maps/ for read...success
Started logging to C:/Users/Andrew/AppData/Roaming/RadiantSettings/1.5.0/radiant.log
Today is: Thu Feb 19 01:45:49 2009
This is GtkRadiant '1.5.0' compiled Apr 26 2007
Official build by namespace
Texture load failed: "textures/"
Texture load failed: "textures/common/clipweapwood"
Loaded Texture: "C:/Program Files/GtkRadiant 1.5.0/bitmaps/shadernotex.bmp"
Texture load failed: "textures/common/caulk"
Loaded Texture: "textures/chateau/wall_c01"
Loaded Texture: "textures/bunker_sd/int_wall01_white"
Loaded Texture: "textures/chateau/wallpaper_c19"
Loaded Texture: "textures/bunker_sd/int_wall01_rusty"
Loaded Texture: "textures/chateau/wallpaper_c09a2"
Loaded Texture: "textures/chateau/walltest_c07a"
Loaded Texture: "textures/lights/light_m15"
Loaded Texture: "textures/props/box_m04a"
Loaded Texture: "textures/lights/light_m1r"
Loaded Texture: "textures/props/box_m04a_sd"
Loaded Texture: "textures/chateau/marblefloor_c04"
Loaded Texture: "textures/chateau/marble_c03"
Loaded Texture: "textures/chateau/floor_c10a"
Loaded Texture: "textures/props/box_m04"
Loaded Texture: "textures/props/board_c03"
Loaded Texture: "textures/chateau/test"
Loaded Texture: "textures/chateau/wallpaper_c17"
Loaded Texture: "textures/bunker_sd/int_wall01"
Loaded Texture: "textures/props_sd/board_cl02m"
Loaded Texture: "textures/props_sd/board_cl01m"
Texture load failed: "textures/common/clipweapmetal"
Texture load failed: "textures/common/clip"
Loaded Texture: "textures/town_wall/town_c91"
Loaded Texture: "textures/wood/wood_m15"
Loaded Texture: "textures/town_wall/town_m_c01"
Loaded Texture: "textures/rubble/debri_m05"
Loaded Texture: "textures/town_wall/church_c01dm"
Loaded Texture: "textures/castle_wall/castle_c09_2"
Loaded Texture: "textures/props/cable_m01"
Loaded Texture: "textures/metal_misc/metal_m04dg"
Loaded Texture: "textures/miltary_wall/concrete_c07bcmp"
Loaded Texture: "textures/assault_rock/concrete_m02"
Loaded Texture: "textures/metal_misc/ametal_m03"
Loaded Texture: "textures/lights/light_m25r"
Loaded Texture: "textures/alpha/fence_c10"
Loaded Texture: "textures/alpha/truss_m06a"
Loaded Texture: "textures/battery_wall/wall03_mid"
Loaded Texture: "textures/chateau/floor_c10"
Loaded Texture: "textures/temperate_sd/grass_dense1"
Loaded Texture: "textures/cathedrale_wall/cathedrale_c09"
Loaded Texture: "textures/castle_wood/cwood_c10"
Loaded Texture: "textures/wood/wood_m13"
Loaded Texture: "textures/cathedrale_wall/cathedrale_c13"
Loaded Texture: "textures/wood/wood_m16"
Loaded Texture: "textures/metal_misc/ametal_m01"
Loaded Texture: "textures/tobruk_roof_sd/tobruk_roof2"
Loaded Texture: "textures/nsmirror/mirrortut"
Loaded Texture: "textures/props/board_c01"
Loaded Texture: "textures/metal_misc/ametal_m07a"
Loaded Texture: "textures/lights/light_xlight_02"
Texture load failed: "textures/common/clip_metal"
Loaded Texture: "textures/chateau/wood_c05"
Loaded Texture: "textures/chateau/desk_c04"
Loaded Texture: "textures/chat_wood/chwood_c04"
Loaded Texture: "textures/wood/wood_m13_usat"
Loaded Texture: "textures/lights/light_m21"
Loaded Texture: "textures/metal_misc/ametal_m04a"
Loaded Texture: "textures/town_roof/roof_c03a"
Loaded Texture: "textures/wood/wood_m06a"
Loaded Texture: "textures/skies/fueldump_clouds"
Texture load failed: "textures/common/ladder"
Loaded Texture: "textures/liquids/pool3d_3c"
Loaded Texture: "textures/stone/mxrock1aa"
Loaded Texture: "textures/doors/door_c01b"
Texture load failed: "textures/common/terrain2"
Loaded Texture: "textures/props/panelside_d01"
Loaded Texture: "textures/props/panel_tram3"
Loaded Texture: "textures/gtbtextures/gtbposter"
Loaded Texture: "textures/gtbtextures/sign_mines"
Loaded Texture: "textures/wood/wood_m12"
Loaded Texture: "textures/gtbtextures/sign_aerial"
Loaded Texture: "textures/gtbtextures/sign_westgatea"
Loaded Texture: "textures/gtbtextures/sign_westgateb"
Texture load failed: "textures/common/hint"
Texture load failed: "textures/common/skip"
Loaded Texture: "textures/gtbtextures/edvardmunch"
Loaded Texture: "textures/gtbtextures/vangogh"
Loaded Texture: "textures/gtbtextures/constable"
Loaded Texture: "textures/gtbtextures/lowry1"
Loaded Texture: "textures/gtbtextures/davinci"
Loaded Texture: "textures/gtbtextures/pablopicasso"
Loaded Texture: "textures/gtbtextures/lowry3"
Loaded Texture: "textures/gtbtextures/lowry2"
Loaded Texture: "textures/gtbtextures/lowry4"
Loaded Texture: "textures/gtbtextures/lowry5"
Loaded Texture: "textures/gtbtextures/lowry6"
Loaded Texture: "textures/passing_airplanes_textures/passing_airplanes_f15"
Texture load failed: "textures/common/origin"
Texture load failed: "textures/common/trigger"
Loaded Texture: "textures/metal_misc/metal_m04g2"
Loaded Texture: "textures/town_wall/town_c61a"
Loaded Texture: "textures/xlab_wall/xmetal_c03"
Loaded Texture: "textures/common/dirtymirror"
Loaded Texture: "textures/props/controlpanel_c02"
Texture load failed: "textures/props/controlpanel_c03"
Loaded Texture: "textures/swf/metal_m02"
Loaded Texture: "textures/metal_misc/ametal_m03dm"
Doom3LightRadius: failed to parse default light radius
Doom3LightRadius: failed to parse default light radius
Doom3LightRadius: failed to parse default light radius
Doom3LightRadius: failed to parse default light radius
Doom3LightRadius: failed to parse default light radius
Doom3LightRadius: failed to parse default light radius
Doom3LightRadius: failed to parse default light radius
Doom3LightRadius: failed to parse default light radius
Doom3LightRadius: failed to parse default light radius
Doom3LightRadius: failed to parse default light radius
Doom3LightRadius: failed to parse default light radius
Doom3LightRadius: failed to parse default light radius
Doom3LightRadius: failed to parse default light radius
Doom3LightRadius: failed to parse default light radius
Doom3LightRadius: failed to parse default light radius
Doom3LightRadius: failed to parse default light radius
Doom3LightRadius: failed to parse default light radius
Loaded Texture: "textures/chateau/door_c01"
Loaded Texture: "textures/metals_sd/door_a"
Loaded Texture: "textures/metal_misc/ametal_m03_bak"
Doom3LightRadius: failed to parse default light radius
Doom3LightRadius: failed to parse default light radius
Doom3LightRadius: failed to parse default light radius
Doom3LightRadius: failed to parse default light radius
Doom3LightRadius: failed to parse default light radius
Loaded Texture: "textures/chateau/window_c10e"
Doom3LightRadius: failed to parse default light radius
Texture load failed: "textures/common/nodraw"
Loaded Texture: "textures/alpha/truss_m03"
Doom3LightRadius: failed to parse default light radius
Doom3LightRadius: failed to parse default light radius
Doom3LightRadius: failed to parse default light radius
Doom3LightRadius: failed to parse default light radius
Doom3LightRadius: failed to parse default light radius
Loaded Texture: "textures/metal_misc/metal_m04g2-r"
Loaded Texture: "textures/xlab_props/panel_m01"
Loaded Texture: "textures/metal_misc/metal_m04r2"
Loaded Texture: "textures/metal_misc/metal_m03"
Loaded Texture: "textures/doors/door_m01asml"
Texture load failed: "textures/common/slick"
Doom3LightRadius: failed to parse default light radius
Doom3LightRadius: failed to parse default light radius
Doom3LightRadius: failed to parse default light radius
Loaded Model: "models/mapobjects/tree_temperate_sd/hightree1.md3"
Loaded Texture: "models/mapobjects/tree_temperate_sd/leaves_temperate1"
Loaded Texture: "models/mapobjects/tree_temperate_sd/trunk_temperate"
Loaded Model: "models/mapobjects/tree_temperate_sd/bush_temperate1.md3"
Loaded Model: "models/mapobjects/supplystands/stand_health.md3"
Loaded Texture: "models/mapobjects/supplystands/frame"
Loaded Texture: "models/mapobjects/supplystands/metal_shelves"
Loaded Model: "models/mapobjects/supplystands/stand_ammo.md3"
Loaded Model: "models/mapobjects/blitz_sd/blitzbody2.md3"
Loaded Texture: "models/mapobjects/blitz_sd/blitz_sd"
Loaded Model: "models/mapobjects/blitz_sd/blitzwheelsf_mm.md3"
Loaded Model: "models/mapobjects/blitz_sd/blitzwheelsb_mm.md3"
Loaded Model: "models/mapobjects/cmarker/cmarker_flag.md3"
Loaded Model: "models/mapobjects/cmarker/cmarker_crates.md3"
Loaded Model: "models/mapobjects/tree_temperate_sd/bush_temperate2.md3"
Loaded Model: "models/mapobjects/blitz_sd/blitzbody3_mm.md3"
Loaded Texture: "models/mapobjects/blitz_sd/blitz_sd_interior02"
Loaded Model: "models/mapobjects/radios_sd/compostalliedopened.md3"
Loaded Texture: "models/mapobjects/radios_sd/allied_sign"
Loaded Model: "models/mapobjects/radios_sd/compostallieddamaged.md3"
Loaded Model: "models/mapobjects/radios_sd/compostalliedclosed.md3"
Loaded Model: "models/mapobjects/radios_sd/compostaxisopened.md3"
Loaded Model: "models/mapobjects/radios_sd/compostaxisdamaged.md3"
Loaded Model: "models/mapobjects/radios_sd/compostaxisclosed.md3"
Loaded Model: "models/mapobjects/furniture/clubchair.md3"
Loaded Texture: "models/mapobjects/furniture/clubchair"
Loaded Model: "models/mapobjects/furniture/chat_armchair.md3"
Loaded Texture: "models/mapobjects/furniture/wood_c05"
Loaded Texture: "models/mapobjects/furniture/trim_c01"
Loaded Texture: "models/mapobjects/furniture/bedlinenpillow_c01"
Loaded Model: "models/mapobjects/shell_sd/big_shell.md3"
Loaded Texture: "models/mapobjects/shell_sd/big_shell"
Loaded Model: "models/mapobjects/vehicles/wagon_tilt.md3"
Loaded Texture: "models/mapobjects/vehicles/wood_m02a"
Loaded Texture: "models/mapobjects/vehicles/wagon/wag_whl"
Loaded Model: "models/mapobjects/spool_sd/spool_s.md3"
Loaded Texture: "models/mapobjects/spool_sd/spool_s"
Loaded Model: "models/mapobjects/barrel_sd/barrel.md3"
Loaded Texture: "textures/props/barrel_m02"
Loaded Texture: "textures/props/barrel_m01"
map load timer:  1.72 second(s) elapsed
--- LoadMapFile ---
C:/Program Files/Wolfenstein - Enemy Territory/etmain/maps/
2956 primitive
368 entities
Setting up
=== running build command ===
"C:/Program Files/GtkRadiant 1.5.0/q3map2.exe" -v -connect -game et -fs_basepath "C:/Program Files/Wolfenstein - Enemy Territory/" -fs_game etmain -light -faster -external -lightmapsize 256 "C:/Program Files/Wolfenstein - Enemy Territory/etmain/maps/"
4 threads
Q3Map         - v1.0r (c) 1999 Id Software Inc.
Q3Map (ydnar) - v2.5.17
GtkRadiant    - v1.5.0 Apr 26 2007 19:01:46
Last one turns the lights off
--- InitPaths ---
VFS Init: C:/Program Files/Wolfenstein - Enemy Territory//etmain/
VFS Init: C:/Program Files/Wolfenstein - Enemy Territory//etmain/

--- Light ---
Faster mode enabled
Storing all lightmaps externally
Default lightmap size set to 256 x 256 pixels
Storing all lightmaps externally
Map has shader script C:/Program Files/Wolfenstein - Enemy Territory/etmain/maps/../scripts/q3map2_alderney2.shader
entering scripts/shaderlist.txt
entering scripts/shaderlist.txt (2)
entering scripts/shaderlist.txt (3)
entering scripts/shaderlist.txt (4)
entering scripts/_unsorted.shader
entering scripts/alpha.shader
entering scripts/alpha_sd.shader
entering scripts/assault.shader
entering scripts/assault_rock.shader
entering scripts/awf_props.shader
entering scripts/battery.shader
entering scripts/battery_wall.shader
entering scripts/bbmodels_mapobjects.shader
entering scripts/blimp.shader
entering scripts/bunker_sd.shader
entering scripts/castle_door.shader
entering scripts/castle_floor.shader
entering scripts/castle_window.shader
entering scripts/castle_wood.shader
entering scripts/chat.shader
entering scripts/chat_window.shader
entering scripts/chat_wood.shader
entering scripts/chateau.shader
entering scripts/common.shader
entering scripts/decals.shader
entering scripts/doors.shader
entering scripts/eerie.shader
entering scripts/egypt_door_sd.shader
entering scripts/egypt_floor_sd.shader
entering scripts/egypt_props_sd.shader
entering scripts/egypt_rock_sd.shader
entering scripts/egypt_trim_sd.shader
entering scripts/egypt_walls_sd.shader
entering scripts/egypt_windows_sd.shader
entering scripts/egypt_wood_sd.shader
entering scripts/factory_sd.shader
entering scripts/fueldump.shader
entering scripts/gfx_2d.shader
entering scripts/gfx_clipboard.shader
entering scripts/gfx_damage.shader
entering scripts/gfx_hud.shader
entering scripts/gfx_limbo.shader
entering scripts/gfx_misc.shader
entering scripts/goldrush.shader
entering scripts/icons.shader
entering scripts/levelshots.shader
entering scripts/lights.shader
entering scripts/liquids.shader
entering scripts/liquids_sd.shader
entering scripts/mapfx.shader
entering scripts/metal_misc.shader
entering scripts/metals_sd.shader
entering scripts/miltary_door.shader
entering scripts/miltary_trim.shader
entering scripts/miltary_wall.shader
entering scripts/models_ammo.shader
entering scripts/models_foliage.shader
entering scripts/models_furniture.shader
entering scripts/models_mapobjects.shader
entering scripts/models_multiplayer.shader
entering scripts/models_players.shader
entering scripts/models_shards.shader
entering scripts/models_weapons2.shader
entering scripts/mp_goldrush.shader
entering scripts/mp_guns.shader
entering scripts/mp_railgun.shader
entering scripts/mp_rocket.shader
entering scripts/mp_seawall.shader
entering scripts/mp_siwa.shader
entering scripts/mp_wurzburg.shader
entering scripts/props.shader
entering scripts/props_sd.shader
entering scripts/radar.shader
entering scripts/railgun_props.shader
entering scripts/railway_sd.shader
entering scripts/rock.shader
entering scripts/rubble.shader
entering scripts/seawall_wall.shader
entering scripts/sfx.shader
entering scripts/shadows.shader
entering scripts/siwa_fx_sd.shader
entering scripts/siwa_props_sd.shader
entering scripts/siwa_skyboxes_sd.shader
entering scripts/skies.shader
entering scripts/skies_sd.shader
entering scripts/snow.shader
entering scripts/snow_sd.shader
entering scripts/sprites.shader
entering scripts/stone.shader
entering scripts/swf.shader
entering scripts/temperate_sd.shader
entering scripts/terrain.shader
entering scripts/textures.shader
entering scripts/tobruk_wall_sd.shader
entering scripts/tobruk_windows_sd.shader
entering scripts/town_props.shader
entering scripts/town_roof.shader
entering scripts/town_wall.shader
entering scripts/town_window.shader
entering scripts/town_wood.shader
entering scripts/tree.shader
entering scripts/ui_assets.shader
entering scripts/ui_assets2.shader
entering scripts/villa_sd.shader
entering scripts/village.shader
entering scripts/wood.shader
entering scripts/xlab_door.shader
entering scripts/xlab_props.shader
entering scripts/xlab_wall.shader
Script file scripts/q3map.shader was not found
Script file scripts/cel.shader was not found
entering scripts/test.shader
     2032 shaderInfo
Loading C:/Program Files/Wolfenstein - Enemy Territory/etmain/maps/alderney2.bsp
Loading C:/Program Files/Wolfenstein - Enemy Territory/etmain/maps/alderney2.srf
--- LoadMapFile ---
Loading C:/Program Files/Wolfenstein - Enemy Territory/etmain/maps/
entering C:/Program Files/Wolfenstein - Enemy Territory/etmain/maps/
       31 light entities
--- SetupBrushes ---
     2176 opaque brushes
--- SetupDirt ---
       48 dirtmap vectors
--- SetupSurfaceLightmaps ---
************ ERROR ************
safe_malloc failed on allocation of 944000 bytes

Does that give anyone more of a clue to what might be the problem ?

(GTBGranny) #20

I thought I would test the theory about RAM etc so I looked through all my PK3s until I found one that still had the map file in to see if I could compile that.

I found a .map file that is 10mb in size and tested that one.

It compiled perfectly with all the builds that I tried.

This has obviously got something to do with the way I have built the map.

I will be happy to send the .map file to any senior admin here to take a look at if they are inqusitive about this problem.

I am completely bewildered by the problem.