shader : q3map_rgbMod

(Joe Kari) #1

Hi !

I have read the great shader manual of obsidian there :

But I have some little question…
There isn’t explaination about q3map_rgbMod…
Does it mimic q3map_alphaMod ?
And especially, does q3map_rgbMod volume exist ?

And what is q3map_colorMod and q3map_colorGen ?

(obsidian) #2

It sort of works the same way as q3map_alphaMod.

q3map_rgbMod volume flags it as a editor volume brush that you use to place over vertexes to control the RGB vertex colour values, much the same way that alphaMod alters vertex alpha.

q3map_rgbMod set ( R G B ) sets the vertex colours of the enclosed vertexes of the volume brush.

colorMod and colorGen are the same thing.

On that note, the development version of Q3Map2 has the following new/fixed features, available now:

q3map_colorGen -or- q3map_rgbGen
q3map_rgbMod -or- q3map_colorMod

These new keywords are synonyms for q3map_alphaMod, except where color requires 3 values:

q3map_rgbMod scale ( R G B )
q3map_rgbMod set ( R G B )
which is the same as
q3map_rgbGen const ( R G B )

(Joe Kari) #3

Thanks you very much Obsidian !

(obsidian) #4

BTW, the Shader Manual has a new home:

(080903k) #5


(Huoliuhi) #6

just my two centsbump