nm it worked
I hate the blocksize command
I thought blocksize 0 wasn’t working at all.
I really don’t know wy anyone uses blocksize at all since when leaf nodes are concave (have internal angle greater than 180) they autosplit.
You can make a gigantic map with no hints at all, and as long as you have a few L shaped hallways it should split up just fine on its own. Even if you use blocksize 0, I’ve notices that the compiler still splits nodes that get large which is odd.
having smaller portals can still speed up the game by reducing the amount of physics calculations that need to be performed, when a bullet is fired or a grenade is thrown it must be tested against all the brushes in its current portal to see if it collides with anything
I read about someone doing a collision damage experiment here a year ago. He didn’t notice a slow down really until he put 15000 brushes into one leaf node.
That seems rather extreme to me.
I’ve also notices that if you make a large box (a large leaf node) radiant autosplits it when it gets REALLY large. I’m not sure what the maximum number of grids a leaf can be in length, height, width but radiant clearly seems to autosplit that too.
Radiant seems dummy proof to me. Even if you don’t understand hint brushes or area portals etc at all, you’d probably be fine with blocksize 0 on, and your map would compile much faster.
blocksize 0 can be useful if you map clean and understand (at least somewhat) what you are doing and how the compiler breaks stuff up, but I wouldn’t recommend it to beginners who may disable it just because someone else thought it was a good idea and not really understand what it’s doing.
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