Anyone have any readme’s explaining the components of the lightphase? Also I could use some reading on “specular lighting” which seems to be a type of dyanmic lighting. I also know there is a lightgrid that is used for dyanmic lighitng of some sort vs. the static lightmap that is made during the light phase.
This area is all especially hazey to me. If someone has a good readme it would be helpful.
Also I was wondering about this statement I was reading yesterday
How can I control the BSP splits? (a way to use detail and Hint brushes)
ALL structural brush face-planes, Including completely hidden or nodraw faces, are possible candidates to split the BSP and create extra Leaf Nodes. Leaf Nodes are currently NEVER merged, even if the result of the merge would be a new convex leaf. The ideal situation is to have all structural brush faces axial and perpendicular to the grid lines every 128 units. Any more complex brushes can be made detail, and all hidden structural or detail Brush faces can be made nodraw as well, by applying the common/caulk shader. The effect is similar to using Bezier Patch surfaces, which also do not block vis or have any other visible faces than the front surface.
Hint Brushes are structural, trans, and nonsolid. This means they are totally invisible in a compiled Quake3 level, but their Face-Planes are used to split the BSP like other structural Brush Face. A large Axial Hint brush face will be an ideal candidate to be used for a BSP Split. Adding Hints with Axial faces (perpendicular to the 128-unit grid lines) aligned with other Axial Planes from structural Brush faces, minimises the number of extra split-Planes and Leaf Nodes.
Basing a map on the 128-unit grid allows you to hugely simplify the visibility process. If the leaf nodes are all 128-unit cubes, its very easy for the designer to predict whether one area can see into another, and place simple axial hint brushes to reduce visibility with minimal increase in vis pre-processing time. As detail brushes and bezier patch surfaces do not affect the shape of nodes they can be used to build up complex architecture in front of simple axial structural nodraw brushes"
Why 128 grid units?
Is that the default _blocksize distance?
Why not make the leaf nodes 1024 long? or larger?