Dirty Bomb
General Chat
The BR 16 needs some love now. RPM nerf was a double DPS and accuracy debuff.
My personal problems with hunter
Crafting kit
Had a new popup..D3D9 error?
Is Dirty bomb is getting blocked in Russia?
Earned rads vs pay to win argument
Cant load game
the all-muting Announcer volume
New Map Idea: The Zone
Could we get some changes to cobalt katana?
Show equiped cards
What do you think of Chapel Last?
Why I can't open the console ???
What is the point of having friendly fire in Ranked?
Something I've wanted for a while...
Obsidians as Skins and not Cards.
Merc Stereotypes: Bushwhacker and Turtle
We've been giving SD crap for melee skins, but....
Stark stopped firing with unknown reason
Warchest data collection. Would love a official answer to this.
Penalty for Phantoms Breaking-Cloak
Nader XP
Suggestions for a revamped quickchat
Weapons bugged?
Not getting enough objective points
When will Fagger get fixed?
New Weapon, Merc, and Item Ideas?
Credit Booster Bug?
The Stacking problem paradox
New player here: first thoughts about DB and question
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