Crafting kit

(Swagger24904) #1

How to have the crafting kits I had a ton of fragment and i need it to craft new load out cards

(Splicerrr) #2

They removed crafting kits completely. Any remaining crafting kits were turned into a new currency called rads. You can use rads to craft cards instead of using credits.

(Your worst knifemare.) #3

Rads can also be used to get obsidians, the cases with gold and cobalt cards, and anything else that would otherwise be paid with real money.

(Swagger24904) #4

So where do I gonna craft liadout card now

(k3endo) #5

You craft in the same place as before, but using Rads/credits, alongside fragments.

(Swagger24904) #6

I just click on the crafting kits and it lead me to the craft menu now i dont know where to craft

(Ptiloui) #7

Armory > Loadout Card > Craft (bottom right)

(ThePigVomit) #8

Hoard your rads…think of them like hard currency. Credits can be earned willy nilly, you can get ANY loadout with credits in bronze. Rads should only be used for Obsidians, keys, trinkets, or unlocked weapons cases, IMO.