Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory
General Chat
Where is the ET directory and the startup file?
Gray screen of death...
Krefeld Battlground - ET LAN next week
Remake RtCW or ET for PS4 and Xbox 1 PC
How to get ET to work?
Program won't work
My First Impressions
Lag at first program run
Demos problem
[UJE]Factory map by [UJE]Niek
COD Modern Warfare installed and i can't fnd what to delete???
New ETPro oldschool server
Enable PunkBuster
very high ceiling maps (or unclipped)
Need Help Getting Back Into WolfET
What's this error ?
Who thinks they should remaster ET
What happened to etforever.com?
silent server lunch problem
Kick BOT by LUA script
Anyone want to play EtXreal???
.UF| Recruiting
I can't use more than 1024 com_hunkmegs
Low fps
ET Audio Engine
Wolf: ET won't display.
eliteTrickjump - classic etjump
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