ET Audio Engine

(Gubylee) #1

Hello i am Guberto a Sound Design student, i would like to know how does ET Sound works and if its platform supports Wwise. I have to start working on a project of my own choice and i would like to re do the sound to make it more interactive and higher quality for a better and pleasant experience for the players.

(Nail) #2

afaik, all audio is handled by the id Tech 3 game engine

(Mateos) #3

WAV, Mono, 352 KBit/s usually

You may ask ET:Legacy peeps for details

(ryven) #4

In vanilla ET on windows sound is working using directx8 sound calls, i am not entirely sure how it’s handled on unix-like machines.
ETLegacy ought to be using SDL2 sound system, which has platform independent api, but under the hood selects best suitable for platform audio manager.

(KeMoN) #5

Hello Gubylee,

This sounds quite interesting and it’s nice to see that you plan on working with Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory for your project.

Ryven is quite right with the assumption regarding the sound system. ET: Legacy uses SDL2’s api or OpenAL as a backend sound system.

I am part of the dev team of ET: Legacy and I will just give a rough introduction about the project, in case you are wondering.
Roughly our plan is also to ‘re-do’ Enemy Territory while still maintaining full compatibility. Code-wise we are on an incredibly good way and although asset recreation is a bit lagging behind, it’s getting there. Sounds are also game assets and incredibly important ones, that is why we didn’t dare to touch them yet. We simply didn’t have the resources and were lacking skilled people to properly work on them.

If you really decide to work on recreating the sounds for Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory and even use the sound system from ET: Legacy for that, then please don’t hesitate to get in touch with us.
