A new Enemy Territory total Mode Conversion. Theme American Civil War

(KeMoN) #41

That seems pretty good to me. Sounds like you had a solid roadmap and plan going, that you managed to do that in such a considerably short time.
Well done. I wish I had such proper time management.

(PAV) #42

[QUOTE=KeMoN;557789]That seems pretty good to me. Sounds like you had a solid roadmap and plan going, that you managed to do that in such a considerably short time.
Well done. I wish I had such proper time management.[/QUOTE]

ahahahahahah man,
not at all, just made to feeling. im an artist , just i work. no plan. just luck because not many bug.
thanks god.

(diaboliksmart) #43

Thanks PAV !
Playable here:

If download fails, create a acw directory next to etmain, and copy the 4 big files pk3 from PAV’s link

Have fun !

(diaboliksmart) #44

EDIT: you can try it from 17H to 01H everyday

/connect americancivilwar.servegame.com

Enjoy xD

(zbzero) #45

awesome really thx for it!!!
keep the good work!!

(PAV) #46

:slight_smile: lol thank you for american civil war.

I do now, RTCW cards, I think rtcw 20 cards.

(PAV) #47

Hi !

ACW-Final.zip - Bobot Version 6.1 (2017) Version Libraries Windows and Linux.

ACW is the biggest mod of all time, 65 maps western. 6 campaigns.

Installing : Unzip ACW-Final.zip. into the folder users/public, and a new folder ACW now.
Open main, creat a shortcut on et.exe and add parameters + exec server.cfg + set com_hunkMegs 512
example (“C:\Users\Public\ACW\et.exe” + exec server.cfg + set com_hunkMegs 512) and that’s all.
Run the shortcut to play ACW.

Link : 1drv.ms/f/s!Aq_-AgdKkVpnhxTDTzeaj92H6yO6

or my website http://bobots.e-monsite.com/

Good bye !

(SiNRay) #48

Thanks PAV for the update! :slight_smile:

(William Faure) #49

[QUOTE=PAV;563954]Hi !

ACW-Final.zip - Bobot Version 6.1 (2017) Version Libraries Windows and Linux.

ACW is the biggest mod of all time, 65 maps western. 6 campaigns.

Installing : Unzip ACW-Final.zip. into the folder users/public, and a new folder ACW now.
Open main, creat a shortcut on et.exe and add parameters + exec server.cfg + set com_hunkMegs 512
example (“C:\Users\Public\ACW\et.exe” + exec server.cfg + set com_hunkMegs 512) and that’s all.
Run the shortcut to play ACW.

Link : 1drv.ms/f/s!Aq_-AgdKkVpnhxTDTzeaj92H6yO6

or my website http://bobots.e-monsite.com/

Good bye ![/QUOTE]

Joli travail PAV! Bobot (qu’est-ce que j’ai pu y jouer lors de mon temps sur ET^^, ah la la) et Wildwest sont deux de mes mods préférés! Ton travail impressionnant sur ACW m’a réellement comblé! Merci pour tout!

(PAV) #50

mdr, pareil, je me suis amusé aussi de wildwest, bref j ai passé de temps a faire ACW et de jouer avec !
A plus

(KeMoN) #51

Damn, a total conversion of the game and 65 maps to ship it with. That’s remarkable dedication!
Fantastic work!

(Nerwitz) #52

Agree. Hellish labor work for a lone man.

(freidadye) #53

Yea!! We can have a zip package.

(macbeth) #54

can we have a server ip to can test
thanks a lot cuz seems very interesting

(diaboliksmart) #55

Hello try here but I need PAV for some crashs

(PAV) #56


ACW Version 2.

1 : The ranks are different between confederates and union. look at ACW_Ranks.png
2 : Add a civilian, a mexican, an indian bots (confederacy and Union).
3 : Fixed some maps.
4 : Code : Fixed more warning. (Windows - Linux).
5 : Code : Add messages chat of bots in the game (295 messages).
You can edit messages or add new messages, look format
(bots-chat.txt into acw.pk3).
6 : Code : Add 60 voices of bots in the game,
43 english, 10 mexican, (7 voices for french : fun answers from the movie “the 7th company”).
7 : Modify main menu of the background picture.
8 : Modify the movie etintro.roq
9 : Modify the menus.
10 : Picture in the hud, for standing, crouching, prone and dead.
11 : Change Hud Bobot or Hud ET (HUD EDITOR menu in game).
12 : Modify XPSave for all players and bots, specially for Windows security.
13 : Automatic settings Full screen display for portable computer.
seta r_mode “-1” unsafe, default.cfg into acw.pk3.
14 : Menu, listen to all the musics into the maps
or want to select the music in the map you play.

Download websit http://bobots.e-monsite.com/
ACW-2.zip 800Mg 1hour between 2hours , It depends on your web connection.
You can play ACW online.

Bye men!

(Ray Wolf) #57

Thanks for the update. PAV!:slight_smile:

(PAV) #58


A bug leads to big lag into statistic, maps, players, ranks …

Fixed 6 july 2017

American Civil War, very stable code.

Download update ACW on website http://bobots.e-monsite.com/
