A new Enemy Territory total Mode Conversion. Theme American Civil War

(PAV) #21

Pour la rotation du objectivecycle.cfg la derniière ligne est celle là :

set d6 “set g_gametype 2 ; map killdeermountain set nextmap vstr d1”

Or il manque le point virgule entre killdeermountain et set, il faut écrire :

set d6 “set g_gametype 2 ; map killdeermountain ; set nextmap vstr d1”

Voilà c tout, c’ était pas méchant.

(diaboliksmart) #22

Yeahh thanks, server rocks (from 17h to 01h) :

(PAV) #23

I prepared the version 2
I made for the moment 4 new cards
church, elpaso, fort abercrombie, stormpoint.

fort abercrombie



(PAV) #24

Soon version 2 of American Civil War

Currently 15 maps

Campaign north america
Killdeer Mountain, Fort Abercrombie, Storm Point, Once upon a time in the West

Campaign center america
FortLaramie;Church;Unionpacific;Burlington;Home sweet home

Campaign south america
Dodge City, Colorado river, Santa Fe, El Paso, Tombstone, Tijuana

I stop whith 18 cards for now.

(PAV) #25

Hi young guys, American Civil War version 2 is now available for free download, lucky guys. 30 cards, 3 campaigns, full of improvement in the game. hey guy,u dont win against bots, no guy will live long. Good game. Some cards are played day and night. You can watch the video to get an idea of the game.

Campaign for the states of North America.: Killdeer Mountain, Fort Abercrombie, Storm Point, Once upon a time in the West, Factory, The Wild Wild West, Farm, Hang’Em High.

Campaign for the states of Center America.: Fort Laramie, Church, Union pacific, Burlington, Home sweet home, Hacienda, Warlock, Durango.

Campaign for the states of South America.: Dodge City, Colorado river, Santa Fe, El Paso, Tombstone, Tijuana, Yuma, Tucson, Mexican oasis, The Alamo.

Platform Windows 570Mo, soon Linux ( if I have the courage to do it)

Mod available on this site Wednesday, August 24 to 19, 20 hours.(upload requires).


(macbeth) #26

thanks you a lot for the updates

Pav peux tu nous donner le lien pour la download ?

you can download the game here https://onedrive.live.com/redir?resi...int=file%2Cexe
celui ci n est plus bon :

(PAV) #27

The mode do not interest anyone, it was decided to remove the free download.

(Nerwitz) #28

Killed my chance having a try with the mentioned conversion, PAV. Wont distribute it anymore?

(macbeth) #29

we only need some new screenshots of the new version of “American Civil War” mod and a “read me” file" to instruct people on how to install and play it?

Once we have that information we will advertise it on Wolffiles , Splatterladder., Ets When we advertise this, lots of players will download and play it, it’s an excellent, fun mod
thanks in advance

(PAV) #30

ok ok men

American civil war V2 preview here

American civil war V2 download here

(Nerwitz) #31

Dont give up on theme, feels addictive. Few conventional questions for you PAV before I move on installing:

1> ET patch 2.60b necessary for operational game?
2> Mod dependent on main game or does it run separate* (*standalone)?

Appreciate your time.

(KeMoN) #32

I think it’s amazing that you managed to create all those models and maps, the complete atmosphere completely on your own. That is incredible dedication towards a project. Very well done!

Downloading the nearly 600 mb right now. Quite curious on what awaits me

(PAV) #33

[QUOTE=KeMoN;557756]I think it’s amazing that you managed to create all those models and maps, the complete atmosphere completely on your own. That is incredible dedication towards a project. Very well done!

Downloading the nearly 600 mb right now. Quite curious on what awaits me[/QUOTE]

yes, maps (30) 142 mo, models weapons textures 120mo, music ennio morricon and other 120MB. lol
but we dont need to download the game, it is already possesses.
u can delete inside acw.pk3 the folders sounds/ennio_morricone and sounds/music (120mo)

thanks to rtcw wildwest team for their weapons.and 3,4 maps., I won the grace time has them

american civil war is a curiosity test

(PAV) #34

N3rwitZ, lol the zip file already contains et 2.60b
juste unzip where u want
create a shortcut on ET with these parameters

“et.exe” + exec server.cfg + set com_hunkMegs 512
that’s all

example :

“C:\ACW\et.exe” + exec server.cfg + set com_hunkMegs 512

but u can use ET legacy and add acw like a mod, but with ET legacy the map cow creek dont run because my cgame.dll has biggest constants.

ET legacy better supports the configuration of screen 16/9

ok man ?

(Nerwitz) #35

All thanks, gotcha PAV. Setting it up I do myself, thx!

(KeMoN) #36

The setup worked well for me, no problems.
Hopped a bit through your maps and played a little with bots.

Really interesting take on W:ET, do you plan on working on it further?
I just think it’s sad that the remaining players are too few to get total conversions really active. Unfortunately you already see that with ET:Nam which in my opinion is one of the greatest takes on W:ET ever.

(PAV) #37

it is normal that players are not interested by ET. this game has 13. years.
for the game we still have 2 maps to make. Max 10 cards per campaign, that’s enough I do not want to modify the code for this.

my plans for the futur ? vacation :slight_smile:

(KeMoN) #38

[QUOTE=PAV;557761]it is normal that players are not interested by ET. this game has 13. years.
for the game we still have 2 maps to make. Max 10 cards per campaign, that’s enough I do not want to modify the code for this.

my plans for the futur ? vacation :)[/QUOTE]

Regarding your future plans, I take it you are the developer of bobots? I’m absolutely certain that if you ever consider to continue modding for ET, you would be of great help to ET: Legacy.

Anyway I wish you all the best for your remaining two maps and again: impressive job

(stealth6) #39

How long have you been working on this? Just watched the video and it looks like a tonne of content :eek:

(PAV) #40

to change the code, add weapons , models,… 1 month
for maps 4 or 5 months.