Gray screen of death...

(C3jZi) #1


3 years since i played Wolf ET last time…
So i decied to install it and it was succesfull…
i launched the game and played all was ok…


i tried to launch it it opened i can hear the sounds and all i just have a gray screen

idk what the problem is but since last year my laptop was in a tech store i wanted to reinstall win because i do not have a bootable disc or usb

since that day i have no working OpenGL for gaming.

idk if thats the problem…

(twt_thunder) #2

what OS? Windows 10?

(twt_thunder) #3

you could also try:

(edxot) #4

reinstall directX
reinstall drivers

if your GPU is ATI you may need to try different drivers (OMEGA)

PS: and you should try at least another 3D game, to make sure the GPU is still working properly.

(C3jZi) #5

Win 7

(C3jZi) #6

i reinstalled windows cause of a virus ill try to install wolf et and play it if the error shows up i wil inform you

(C3jZi) #7

Whats that? a mod?

(Nail) #8

etlegacy is the latest updated game, solves many problems