Dirty Bomb   Off Topic

W:Enemy Territory Nostalgia (3)
Story behind your username ( 2 3 4 ) (74)
Recommend Me good shows/ What Dirty Players are Watching right now? (16)
100% Balanced. (2)
What should you do if a blonde throws a pin at you? ( 2 ) (32)
How to make someone sad in one second. (14)
Do u agree (5)
Waiting for new mercs........ (10)
A warning from a different era. - (TF2 rant - Don't let Splash damage repeat Valve's mistake.) (20)
Insomnia (3)
Lawbreakers alpha test ( 2 ) (21)
Steam discussion of Dainty Bum (11)
somebody had to do it (3)
Fun fact. (4)
Weekends are so weird here ? (2)
Why Splash Damage Needs to Listen to Players (6)
I added adblock so that I can spectate IGN... (8)
Would anyone play Execution, if it was mixed in with CS GO's Economy? (7)
It's my birthday today! (13)
Moth in the room ! ( 2 ) (32)
How do I close a discussion? (3)
Your Longest Playtimes In Video Games ( 2 ) (35)
Please like this to help me change my profile pic (4)
How to disable chat completely ? (6)
Anyone remember ir/rational? (2)
Life is Feudal: Your Own (Giveaway) (5)
Splash Damage is (possibly) being sold to a Chinese Poultry Company. (8)
The Perfect way to fix all of dirtybombs problems ???? (3)
Ban function (3)
So, for a game like Dirty Bomb, would you miss iron sights? (10)