Steam discussion of Dainty Bum

(blonk) #1

I don’t really read discussions and guides on Steam about Dirty Bomb (though I love @ArsonistCow 's loadout guide <3) but if you’ve ever wanted to feel what it might be like if you put your brain inside a nuclear reactor…well…here you go! You can quite literally feel it dripping out of your ears as you read this what I guess must be called a discussion. Also apparently Travis doesn’t have a job. The jist of it:

Overwatch clones rly?
Really… the game is barely two months old and here we are seeing the first round of clones. Get off blizz’s jock for real…

Like what even makes this worth the bandwidth to download?

Don’t need to play F2P garbo.

I got enough money to buy a triple A game that is made by americans.

Also why do people think using the word “***” is funny i dun get it

(BananaSlug) #2

i got cancer from the steam forum radiation, rip me

1like=1$ for healing poor banana

(BananaSlug) #3

cheeky raziel changed something :warning:

(blonk) #4

@RazielWarmonic see that’s exactly what I’m talking about - while I guess the word has lewd implications it isn’t a bad word (unless you also consider sex a bad word), and I wasn’t referring to that guy who got banned twice. What’s the dealeo?

(RazielWarmonic) #5

@RazielWarmonic see that’s exactly what I’m talking about - while I guess the word has lewd implications it isn’t a bad word (unless you also consider sex a bad word), and I wasn’t referring to that guy who got banned twice. What’s the dealeo?[/quote]

It’s a banned word on our forums as it refers to a few things 1] a sexual act & 2] another name for genitals.

(Jan S.) #6

I’ll make sure to never open Steam discussions anymore.

(blonk) #7

Oh yeah that makes sense. Another name for genitals though…Why is that ringing a bell somewhere in my head? I guess if we can’t say genitals and we can’t say ****, what other word can we use? Hmm…

[spoiler]I honestly had no idea was another name for gentimals[/spoiler]

(Xenithos) #8

Oh gosh, I cannot handle this steam page. So many people, so misinformed, it FEELS like they’re trolling, but you realize they’re honest and you just feel bad for them. They’re so dumb… :neutral:

(blonk) #9

[quote=“BananaSlug;197465”]i got cancer from the steam forum radiation, rip me

1like=1$ for healing poor banana[/quote]

I guess the irony there is that bananas are radioactive. Oh well, when in radiation, right?

The first page or so I can buy as just trolling but then it takes on this weird personal edge like you’ve just wandered into a proxy war between ex-friends.

(BananaSlug) #10

[quote=“BananaSlug;197465”]i got cancer from the steam forum radiation, rip me

1like=1$ for healing poor banana[/quote]

for these 5$ i bought myself an ice cream and chocolate bar, banana feels better, thanks

Oh yeah that makes sense. Another name for genitals though…Why is that ringing a bell somewhere in my head? I guess if we can’t say genitals and we can’t say ****, what other word can we use? Hmm…

[spoiler]I honestly had no idea was another name for gentimals[/spoiler][/quote]

made my day :lol:

(Dr_Plantboss) #11

I once saw a Reddit post where some 10 year old said that TF2 was a cheap ripoff of Dirty Bomb.
(TF2 came out 8 years before Dirty Bomb)

But that was Reddit, the home of 10 year old idiot trolls.

Don’t be a d*ck!