So, for a game like Dirty Bomb, would you miss iron sights?

(watsyurdeal) #1

Just a curious question, since this game is so heavily hip fire dependent, I was curious to see how many people would actually miss iron sights if it were perhaps, something different.

Like a rifle mounted grenade launcher for example, or fires two shotgun blasts instead of one, or something else of that nature.

(Dysfnal) #2

I’d miss it, weapons like the stark would take quite the hit IMO, and the MK46, and the blish

(TheStrangerous) #3

Nah, iron sights slows down the pacing. I love good old running and gunning, which has been quite neglected in modern gaming.

(Herr_Hanz) #4

i will miss it, unless its forced hipfire like CS:GO i will always use it.

(Icecoal) #5

Not at all. As for me I use it rarely , only on assault rifles sometimes or the grandeur

(nokiII) #6

I wouldn’t miss it, but it would need a rebalancing of guns, as some are dependent on iron sighting to reduce spread.

(straightforwardMacadamia) #7

I’d miss it, even if I don’t use it much anymore. It’s just reassuring the have it there, whenever my aim turns to crap.

(Xyfurion) #8

I would miss it… a LOT. I use the Stark AR as one of my main weapons and have to constantly use it at long range. I can’t fathom not having Iron Sights on my Stark AR. Blishlock, MK46, Stark AR would, as @Dysfnal said, take quite the hit.

(inscrutableShow) #9

Two words. Sniper. Rifles.

(Vexed) #10

I think I probably would miss it. It’s not that I feel I need it to help my aim (which is pants anyway), but the effect it has on weapon stability at long ranges is really noticeable.