How to disable chat completely ?

(delicateAlmond) #1

The question is clear. I want to explain why i want to do this. There are so many people who are playing Dirty Bomb and i can see every day under 12-15 years old players so much. I cannot ignore chat i read it every time. This ruin my concentration. Quick Chat is also useless because people does not care so much quick chat. You can easily see when player playing Skyhammer he do not throw ammo pack to you. This is annoying or there is a medic who near under 5m do not revive you. I decided to go own my way. For example, if i need ammo i can go to some checkpoints in the map, if i need a medic, forget it play more careful. I know this game completely include team game but i do not want to listen them. If i am a medic, i can see broken heart image environment so i do not need quick chat.

Finally, correct me if i am wrong i just tired to see bullshit words like EZ, idiot team ( who says last player on the scoreboard ), e.t.c … I just want to play calmly, patiently and without being cancer.

I hope i can clearly explain my situation…

(PewPewSkittles) #2

Boo Boo, Cry Cry. Here’s how to disable the chat: focus on the game and ignore the trash talk.
Voice chat’s disabled in the audio settings.

(Shangri_Ha) #3

Normally I’m too focused on the game I forget there is the chat box…

Don’t think you can disable chat so just like the person above said, ignore it.

(delicateAlmond) #4

i tried but i couldnt do very well. I disabled voice chat in auido settings. Now, quick chat and chat… any helps ?

(EverythingElse) #5

Open up the console by hiting the tilda key ~ or `
type in “hudturnoff chat”
Salt goes down the drain

(delicateAlmond) #6

[quote=“EverythingElse;197001”]Open up the console by hiting the tilda key ~ or `
type in “hudturnoff chat”
Salt goes down the drain[/quote]

thanks a lot, it works… you are life saver bro :slight_smile: