Story behind your username

(HunterAssassin5) #1

Here, online, we become who we are, or who we want to be, and in the process, we give ourselves a new identity, a new name, a username we use online. some people switch around ever few accounts they make, some use the same name everywhere we go, but pretty much every name we come up with has a story, be it “‘SwiggitySwooty’ was taken so i went with ‘SwaggitySwooty’”, “The RNG on the forums gave me this name” or "Ryder why are you making this stu- " oh wait, nevermind that guy.

Anyways, pretty much every username has a story if not a meaning behind it, why not share it, i see @Dysfnal trying to get people to understand his name here, which gave me the idea for this thread in the first place.

Me, I use the name TheRyderShotgun everywhere I go these days. The story goes that once, while i still went by a different name, I was playing this game on an iPad called Dungeon Hunters 4, a sort of Diablo top-down hack and slash RPG spinoff on the iOS. I was playing the archer person and just got a high enough level to challenge a dungeon, and did it online with 3 other strangers who were all much higher level than me. We reached the boss and it became immediately clear how little I was actually helping damaging the monster, I must have did like 0.08 damage with every arrow or something, and I said to myself, “man, I am really not helping right now, all these guys are doing the hard work and I’m just here riding shotgun.”

Just so happened that recently I read a Sherlock Holmes book(not for the first time, but it was fresh in my memory at the time), a story about the Blue Carbuncle, and there was a guy named John Ryder. Apparently Ryder was a proper name, so I went with that, TheRyderShotgun, I can’t remember where the “The” came from, maybe i was trying to say “this is THE guy that you shouldn’t expect too much help from.” or something, but there you have it, a guy whose name perfectly(or tries to) say that he can never get that good at any game while sounding like it’s f*cken cool. Sometime along the way, i started to pretend to worship the god of shotguns, so that helped a little too, I guess.

(SirSwag) #2

I use my name so that even if our team lost, I could proclaim that we as a team had more swag, therefore we were the real winners.

(yesser) #3

ok now let tell you the story behind my name
[spoiler]its my real name[/spoiler]

(HunterAssassin5) #4

[quote=“yesser;194410”]ok now let tell you the story behind my name
[spoiler]its my real name[/spoiler][/quote]

what about your last name?

(EverythingElse) #5

Somewhere along the line on Steam when i was high or summing (jk dont do drugs kids) i changed my name to EverythingElse, but then changed it to Swagrid (Hagrid from harry potter but with swag) and then I saw my aliases and saw EverythingElse was there and i was like “hmm that seems kool” and den i kept it

[spoiler]And now ur probs like english plox[/spoiler]

(BlackboltLW) #6

I was an edgy kid few years back, even the “LW” means “Lone Wolf” for some… weird reason.

I’m using this username multiple times back then for lots of websites and social medias. And now I’m kinda embarassed because how weird (and absolute cringe) this username sounds like, but no turning back since I’m basically create EVERY ACCOUNT in every site using this name.

Like seriously, type “BlackboltLW” or “BlackboltLonewolf” and you can find me in pretty much… everywhere?

(yesser) #7

[quote=“TheRyderShotgun;194424”][quote=“yesser;194410”]ok now let tell you the story behind my name
[spoiler]its my real name[/spoiler][/quote]

what about your last name?[/quote]

i use my last name too when i find that yesser is taken like in lol but i prefer a lot just yesser so people would this its actually yes-sir

(Herr_Hanz) #8

i named a character that i created in the game Battlefield Heroes ‘Hanzwurst’, that was my main character, so i got called hanz. later i added Herr to it, first as a clan tag in DB, then i added it officially to my name to make it fancy, and shortened it to Hanz for official things like youtube, since Hanzwurst is a bit too silly. so now its Herr Hanz. steam is Herr Chánzwûrst™, since a friend came up with the name Chanz™, and i felt like adding wurst and weird symbols.

(BananaSlug) #9

i was watching cyanide&happiness show and saw banana slug and i was like “haha, banana slug” and mashed it into google and i was like “lol, that thing exists” and i was missing name that i like

the funny thing is that i hate slugs :neutral:

(The_N00Ba) #10

I actually created my name with FPS games in mind. I just love how it looks in the kill feed and text announcements. :slight_smile:

(VincentRJaeger) #11

Vintage Jägermeister.
The sick and horrible lovechild of Retro-philosophy meeting a commercial.

I mean, I use Jaeger now but Vintage Jägermeister is its origin.

That’s all you need to know.

(Dysfnal) #12

For those of you who haven’t seen my post, my name means dysfunctional. The fn had derived from the function key.

Other names I’ve had…
Virago: my favorite word, look it up
SilentCacophony: because irony
Other names that are hella embarrasing… Such shall not be uttered in a place like this.

(Pyjama_Slam) #13

I like Slam. its a subgenre of metal. I am horrible at finding decent usernames. x]
another username I often use is K0rpiklaan1. The reason for this one is equally bad. I went to a band called korpiklaani later that day. xD

(sgtCrookyGrin) #14

The name is based off of a character from this show called Dick Figures. The creator’s made a movie and a character named Captain Major Lieutenant Crookygrin, I liked him soo much that I used his name. The issue is that the name is too long for most username rules so I went with something short like Sergeant.

So people either call me Sarge, Grin, or sometimes someone may call me cookie by accident and it makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside because cookies…

(inscrutableShow) #15

You lose? Aim for the head, scrub.

Seriously, though, my Steam name is Billybob The Cheeseburger, simply because I’m a teenager and I can. Unfortunately, this forum doesn’t allow the amount of characters needed for “BillybobTheCheeseburger” and I’m unwilling to sacrifice any part of my beloved name, so inscrutableShow I shall remain.

(Herr_Hanz) #16

i used to play under different names. my account name was Sgt.Guarnere, in CoD 1 (UO), 2, i named myself ‘your worst nightmare’, after that in CoD 4 i was ‘My lil powny’, Braainz, Braainz*pro, and ‘some g4y clown’. just because i thought it was funny the way i said it in my mind and in the killfeed.

(YeOldeButtcheek) #17

My best friends Dad made a small song revolving around rhyming sentences and one of them was, " My buttcheeks smell like rubber…" Overtime it developed into Ye Olde’ Buttcheeks which fit the quota of Rubber Butts, from Smelly Old Butts, to now Ye Olde’ Buttcheeks.

(Equanimity) #18

Chose a random word in the dictionary that had a powerful meaning to me. :stuck_out_tongue:

(boerhae) #19

It’s sort of a mixup of my real name. Gbari (pronounced Guh-Bah-Ree), if you sort of mess with it a little you can get (Guh-Boe-Rhae). It’s basically my username for everything at this point.

(straightforwardMacadamia) #20

Best name I’ve ever been given when I’ve signed up for a website or game. Think I’ll just keep it.

In-game however, I’m “Lama”, which sort of comes from my last name. “Hurrdurr, Llama is spelt with two L’s”. Well yes, I’m aware of the English spelling, however, I’m going for the Swedish one. You might also see me using “Patster”, which in a way I think explains itself. If you know my first name, that is!