Here, online, we become who we are, or who we want to be, and in the process, we give ourselves a new identity, a new name, a username we use online. some people switch around ever few accounts they make, some use the same name everywhere we go, but pretty much every name we come up with has a story, be it “‘SwiggitySwooty’ was taken so i went with ‘SwaggitySwooty’”, “The RNG on the forums gave me this name” or "Ryder why are you making this stu- " oh wait, nevermind that guy.
Anyways, pretty much every username has a story if not a meaning behind it, why not share it, i see @Dysfnal trying to get people to understand his name here, which gave me the idea for this thread in the first place.
Me, I use the name TheRyderShotgun everywhere I go these days. The story goes that once, while i still went by a different name, I was playing this game on an iPad called Dungeon Hunters 4, a sort of Diablo top-down hack and slash RPG spinoff on the iOS. I was playing the archer person and just got a high enough level to challenge a dungeon, and did it online with 3 other strangers who were all much higher level than me. We reached the boss and it became immediately clear how little I was actually helping damaging the monster, I must have did like 0.08 damage with every arrow or something, and I said to myself, “man, I am really not helping right now, all these guys are doing the hard work and I’m just here riding shotgun.”
Just so happened that recently I read a Sherlock Holmes book(not for the first time, but it was fresh in my memory at the time), a story about the Blue Carbuncle, and there was a guy named John Ryder. Apparently Ryder was a proper name, so I went with that, TheRyderShotgun, I can’t remember where the “The” came from, maybe i was trying to say “this is THE guy that you shouldn’t expect too much help from.” or something, but there you have it, a guy whose name perfectly(or tries to) say that he can never get that good at any game while sounding like it’s f*cken cool. Sometime along the way, i started to pretend to worship the god of shotguns, so that helped a little too, I guess.