Your Longest Playtimes In Video Games

(TheStrangerous) #1

Video games that took a good chunk of your life.

I’ll start:

TF2 - 819 hours since April 2008
DIrty Bomb - 370 hours and still counting, since end of December 2015
Fistful Of Frags - 183 hours since May 2014

Tf2 was the game I had the most history with, so far. The first 2 years were great, until they started neglecting it after adding microtransactions. I was coming back to it, once in a while, but in the end, I didn’t find myself enjoying TF2 no more.

Fistful of Frags, a quite unique HL2 mod. I dig spaghetti westerns, so I stick around for quite some time, until the slow gameplay started to bore me, and the lack of new maps and content update contributed to it. I was seeking some faster paced stuff, and thankfully landed in DB.

(SereneFlight) #2

1260 or so in Killing Floor
Unknown, possibly unlimited hours in Wolfenstein ET.

E: Oh yeah, forgot about ~400 hours in Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate and god know how many hours in Star Wars Battlefront 2 and Warcraft 3 back in the day.
+326 hours in Red Orchestra 2: Heroes of Stalingrad.

(HunterAssassin5) #3

361 hours in dirty bomb
229 hours in Insurgency
152 hours in XCOM 2

i used to play quite a lot of TF2, but uninstalled it a long while ago. in any event, i clocked in 363 hours in that game

(terminal) #4

3084 hours in tf2
700 hours in Dirty Bomb
500 hours in CSGO
200 hours in Terraria
70 hours in Nuclear Throne

(Dawnlazy) #5

992 hours in Dirty Bomb on my profile page. I played a crapton of Age of Empires, Warcraft 3, S4 League and Unreal Tournament outside of Steam too.

(Verticules) #6

Well over 365 days in BC and WotLK WOW. Get on my level!


(blonk) #7

World of Tanks: ~1000hrs (over 12k battles)
TF2: ~700hrs? I don’t think Steam was tracking time back then (or I reset it somehow), my profile reports a rediculously low number but I know I was playing near constantly until at least the end of the spy update
Battlefield 2142: 575hrs
CSS: ~400hrs? Same story as TF2 (Steam reports 15 hrs, wat)
BF3(PS3 casual mode): 210 hrs

I feel like I spent a good chunk of my life playing BF2142, I have really fond memories of it, but it looks like it was actually not quite that much time-wise. I can see I’m easily going to overtake it in Dirty Bomb. There are others but I can’t honestly even put a finger in the air estimate to them (Q3A, ET, 1942) because it seems like ages ago.

(everlovestruck) #8

TF2 2486hrs
Terraria 1736hrs
PAYDAY 2 1049hrs
DirtyBomb <3 548hrs
CSGO 356hrs (regret)
HL2DM 334hrs
TBOI:AB 207hrs

The rest (around 30 games with ~50hrs in each) doesn’t matter

(Ardez1) #9

Over 800 hours in Navyfield Rise of the Steel Fleet. It was tracked in Xfire before it shut down. Also most likely over 1k hours in Wolfenstein: ET, but only a portion got tracked because that was before I used Xfire.

On Steam my biggest game is less then 400 hours.

(BananaSlug) #10

610h in DB
300/320h in terraria

@Ardez soooo… what is your playtime in DB ? :tongue:

edit: ooops, forgot about tf2, i played tf2 for like 400+h but then i just got bored (DB came out :p)

(boerhae) #11

3394 hours in TF2. I no longer play it though.
And I have 429 hours in DB.

(Mrarauzz) #12

4320ish hours in COD WAW I miss high school, so much free time lol

(sakkeex) #13

2129h LoL
1089h CS:GO
259h DB

(SkrubLord) #14

Fifa 14 520 hours
Dirty Bomb 370 hours (and counting)
TESV:Skyrim 326 hours
FIFA 12 297 hours
Garrys Mod 267 hours
Crysis 3 50ish hours
Need for Speed Most Wanted/Battlefield 4/Oblivion/Amnesia + 20 other games 20ish hours

  • probably 200+ hours in both FIFA 08 and 10 (yes I’m a sports person)

(DexterGrif) #15

557 hours of Warframe… in three months. I am finally getting back into it after about 4 months of Dirty Bomb no-lifeing.

(Equanimity) #16

Probably 5k~ in CS 1.5
3k~ in TF2
2k~ WoW
1k~ Nosgoth
1k~ Path of Exile
1k~ LoL
500~ Hawken
400~ DB (Climbing)
350~ CS:GO (Never was the same)

(LifeupOmega) #17

I have around 4.2K combined hours across 3 accounts on TF2 since 2008. Heavily dropped off in the past 2 years due to Valve clearly neglecting game balance in favour of just bloating the game with more rubbish.

Then WoW which I’ve played since Vanilla, same characters until I quit before MoP due to IRL - never unsubbed before then.

(Herr_Hanz) #18

shitton of hours in CoD 4. had to reinstall and get golden guns again 3 times -_-
Battlefield Heroes about 1k hours
10 days in CoD BO3
4 prestiges into CoD MW3
274 hours ingame/157 hours actual playtime in CS:GO,
719 hours ingame/412 actual playtime Dirty Bomb
Colonel 1 in BF3

(inscrutableShow) #19

Around 380 in Dirty Bomb

120 in Mount and Blade Warband

Yes, I have a life. Thank you for noticing.

(KUST__LunarTM) #20

This would be difficult for me :confused: I don’t have any way of finding the time spent in Battlefield Heroes or Battlefield Play 4 Free.