Your Longest Playtimes In Video Games

(JRMC) #21

According to my Steam profile, my top six games are as follow:

Warframe: 2,266 hrs
Killing Floor: 497 hrs
PAYDAY 2: 369 hrs
Counter-Strike: Global Offensive: 361 hrs
Team Fortress: 246 hrs
Terraria: 228 hrs

Unfortunately, Warframe is probably the one I still play to this date. Most of these games I dislike playing alone and my friends are rarely up for a few hours of play.

(DaaDog) #22

Steam tracked games:
700hrs ~ Dirty Bomb
650hrs ~ Robocraft (when it was good)
262hrs ~ CS:GO
250ish hrs ~ Terraria

Other games not tracked on my steam:
Oblivion + Skyrim (disk installs when they first came out)
Runescape ~ 2009 - end of 2012
Old School Runescape ~ 2013 - mid 2015
Many RuneScape private player killing servers
Minecraft ~ 2011 till about 2014
Age of Empires 2
The ps2 classics (GTA:SA, Sly cooper 1,2,3, Ratchet & Clank 1,2,3, Etc)

(Dagasawr) #23

1988 - in TF2 (got tired of the unbalanced in public servers and everyones a d*ck in the comp community.)
1698 - in csgo (left because of popularity and skins/gambling destroyed the community.)
744 (and growing.) - in Dirty bomb ( <3 love the community.)

(FalC_16) #24

I had around 3000 hrs in game called Freelancer.
Funny enough my hours on CS 1.6 are not showing… i guess they haven’t recorded the time by the time I used to play it…but it was like my whole high school lmao…I better don’t know how much time I wasted with CS…

Currently around 700 hrs into DB.

(Nail) #25

W:ET several thousand
DF2 1.2K

(straightforwardMacadamia) #26

Apart from Trackmania, with 1000 hours on it, I haven’t really played any game that’s on steam a whole lot. However, I always used Xfire (rip) to keep track of my gaming hours. I got well over thousands of hours on both War Rock and Maplestory a couple of years back, as well as League that I’ve been playing mostly the last few years. Apart from those games it’s usually 50-150 hours on random games.

(Xyfurion) #27

Dirty Bomb: 520 hours
Guild Wars 2: a sh*tton hours
Borderlands 2: 100 hours

Then there is Ace of Spades, Age of Empires, Minecraft, etc…

Other than that, I haven’t played a single game for a really long time.

(Xenithos) #28

[left]Mech’Warrior Online: Somewhere around 1400-2000 hours.
[spoiler]It was the only game I played for 3 years straight, no breaks. From Alpha all the way to Steam release… :open_mouth: late 2012-2015 My MechWarrior account is worth over 1200$ that I put into it, + mechs’-wise it’s worth almost 2 grand. Meh. Never making that mistake again. [/spoiler]

Final Fantasy Tactics Advanced (Yes, the Gameboy game): 900+ hours. age 6- now.
(all of my time on the road traveling, I played this game… Equivalent of beating it 4x over, but only really beating it once.)

Dirty Bomb (steam lies: 1580): 740 - Since June 2015.
Legion of Heroes: 826 hours. (mobile game) - Since June 2015.


(NuclearCats) #29

Simcity 2013: 200 hours(sort of.)

Hours contemplating on my $#!% life decisions, 600

Dirty Bomb 80 (Last time I checked(is it in comparison?)

(plumChild) #30

Trove: 865 hours
The Witcher 3: Around 400 hours
Then a lot of f2p in Steam like Dirty Bomb and Warframe, both around 100 hours. I plan to put more hours in DB though.
Also I think I did around 100 or 150 hours on Borderlands 2. Also 90± hours on GTA V (Singleplayer).

(Fr0stPh03niX) #31

Warframe - 1917 hours
Payday 2 - 1609 hours
Borderlands 2 - 801 hours
Killing Floor 2 - 428 hours
and , this might be a lol for some guys but , Batman Arkham Origin MP - over roughly 120+ hours (total is 161, but that is combined for both MP/SP)

and last but not the least , Dirty Bomb - 45 hours (and counting, will cross easily 500+ for sure in the near future [as I just returned back to it again :# ])

For offline games (meaning games which steam didn’t track, or the Battlefield 3 and 4 for example - which I got combined hours of more than 500+ and 300+ respectively) , I have got more hours in many other Single Player games I enjoyed too (like the Bioshock/Farcry/Batman Arkham series) etc etc…

(PewPewSkittles) #32

The most I have in a game is 1100 hours in Heroes & Generals. I’d still be playing that game religiously, but after the latest update it overheats my gpu and crashes my computer. DB does that too sometimes, but with HnG it’s guaranteed after half an hour. Q.Q

(Wolf_Darkrose) #33

warthunder 967 hours
planetside2 667 hours
tf2 562 hours
killing floor 2 485 hours
dirtybomb only 50… took a long break after first pre season

and that my start of 2015 to when this post hit

(XFabioXD) #34

461h Garry’s Mod
344h Counter Strike: Global Offensive
158h Team Fortress 2. :slight_smile:

(Dr_Plantboss) #35

1004 hours in tf2. Since… sometime in 2013.