Splash Damage is (possibly) being sold to a Chinese Poultry Company.

(3D Printer) #1


That would explain the Chicken Trinket.

(Shangri_Ha) #2

How did you get hold of this?

(3D Printer) #3

From this: http://www.golem.de/news/splash-damage-huehnchenfleischvermarkter-kauft-gears-of-war-4-mitentwickler-1607-122028.html

(HunterAssassin5) #4

well…vg24/7 just picked it up…

(Wolf_Darkrose) #5

WAIT. time out. if that happening do the founders get free chicken… and the mods get chicken wings ???
also i dont think this game will last if a Chinese company takes it… between the fact most games made or own in that country have been found out to be snooping on you and worse yet i feel this is just a hey we have this company lets use it to get a better one then fire them all.

i pray this game stays in the hands of the devs that built and took so much time to make it either way

(Wolf_Darkrose) #6

china isnt very good at hiding things… being the country its lies and stuff like this pile up and slip out far to easy. just gotta know where to look or dig into.

(buffBook) #7

Wow, i think i might just stop playing this game. First nexon is the publisher now SD is selling out. Well im going to make my own game, with hookers and liquor.

(Wolf_Darkrose) #8


That would explain the Chicken Trinket.[/quote]

so why is this in off topic… it should be in general where everyone can see it. unless its one of those hush hush things and you get banned for doing it. which i can see.