Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory 2 - any chances?

(king_troll) #41

time would be better spent on brink 2 to keep splash a working company, then being a third party for peanuts in the bank with bills and wages to pay

brink 2 can be a full fusion of all past games

(Shownie) #42

I still wonder why the most popular mods (NQ, Jaymod, ETPub and ETPro) make one big devteam to develope and improve Enemy Territory. They can easily make what you are talking about. I mean. Not sure if Splash Damage would spent time on a Wolf ET 2, even they would, it would not be free.

ET should stay free, and thats why those mods should go together and make what you call ET 2 :slight_smile:
Also there are many many mods coming out these days, which adds their improvements and fixes all along.

The community should go together. Would be awesome to see such thing happen. (:

(SockDog) #43

I’d like Doom4 to actually have a competent online component but I’m doubtful this is of any interest these days.

As for W:ET2. I maintain that a near 1:1 conversion should have been included with Brink as a more core/simplified option.

(Nail) #44

I’d remove xp and make everyone level 3, direct etpro port to console, dedicated servers of course

see what their console tapirs can do

(Bloodbite) #45

[QUOTE=Shownie;319951]I still wonder why the most popular mods (NQ, Jaymod, ETPub and ETPro) make one big devteam to develope and improve Enemy Territory. They can easily make what you are talking about. I mean. Not sure if Splash Damage would spent time on a Wolf ET 2, even they would, it would not be free.

ET should stay free, and thats why those mods should go together and make what you call ET 2 :slight_smile:
Also there are many many mods coming out these days, which adds their improvements and fixes all along.

The community should go together. Would be awesome to see such thing happen. (:[/QUOTE]

ET2 mod for Brink with those ETPub/Pro/etc mods incorporated into the overall mod… I’d play it.

(Shownie) #46

I think BRINK looks really cool, but it ain’t ET, and ET2 should be WW2 not BRINK. :slight_smile:

(Bloodbite) #47

yeah, I mean with an SDK, a full WW2 mod conversion could be created that plays with the Brink client, not the Brink scenario

(king_troll) #48

you would be better off using quakewars SDK. there is nothing much wrong with the code besides the same old obvious online glitches…

coding wise, the SDK only needs a few changes, and new weapons, the rest of the work is done by mappers and modellers, and you can have vehicles

(Nail) #49

[QUOTE=king_troll;321029]you would be better off using quakewars SDK. there is nothing much wrong with the code besides the same old obvious online glitches…

coding wise, the SDK only needs a few changes, and new weapons, the rest of the work is done by mappers and modellers, and you can have vehicles[/QUOTE]

good luck with that

(Shownie) #50

Wolf: ET2 should not be as demanding as BRINK. The best would be to keep it free and keep it at pretty low minimum requirements as possible but with a decent quality.

Thats really what I think, and also could be possible :slight_smile:

(zicogja421) #51

[QUOTE=freefall;319636]RTCW was the precursor. It proved, and continues to prove that xp in fps games is beyond retarded.

Here’s how things have evolved:
RTCW - awesome from the beta onwards

ET - a bit ****, movement was never as tight as rtcw, guns/hitboxes? utter failure had to be semi fixed by 3rd party. Introduced xp which was a massive joke, as was nade sticks and mortars, really let the game down. Massively succesful because it’s free and playable on old pcs.
Little Slower

ET-QW - pretty freaking amazing but indoor gun fights sucked. Also support was ridiculously bad. Really a good game if those things had been resolved.
About the same speed as ET.

Wolfenstein - destroyed by Activision as ID quit them. A totally deranged set of mechanics that once again
showed console lead fps games are ****.
Ridiculously slow.

Brink - fails by not having strafe jumping in my opinion. SMART thing is ok. Hitboxes seem really odd for headshots. But the thin body + medic is basically heading down the same street as RTCW and that makes it a lot of fun. Maps look and play pretty well, they all seem like playing L4D2 though. There’s no doubt that strafe jumping in Brink would take it to the level it should be.
FAST once you get to the level…

The inclusion of XP and levels and stuff ruined FPS’s.
Removing of strafe jumping in exchange for er…nothing special has ruined FPS’s. We have had creeping around corners and so on for well over 10 years and frankly it was tired and boring in 2000. It’s just a lot worse now in 2011.

It’s always the same, people take something amazing and remove the amazing bit and try and do something else instead which sucks. Just keep the amazing and improve everything else, how hard can it be? There has never been a perfect FPS based upon smgs because of this. RTCW was close, instead of evolving that it’s basically had genetic failures for offspring.

And SD are largely to blame.[/QUOTE]

I can generally agree with the way you ranked the games, although I feel that, overall, ET was a better game than RTCW - at least for competition. It offered more variety for strategies (rnades, mines, mortars, etc.) w/o becoming overly spammy or unpredictable. Some people would say that mines or mortars were spammy, but they could easily be restricted with configs (and they usually were). I mean, ET was basically RTCW 1.5. And unlike the 2009 Wolfenstein, it really stayed true to the values of the first game.

I agree that Brink would be better off with strafe jumping instead of SMART. The SMART system does allow you to do some nifty things like hopping off walls or sliding. But I don’t like the climbing movements because they are basically scripted movement and create a strange flow of movement. I prefer the RTCW/ET, which relied not on scripted movements but on where you looked and how you jumped and strafed.

(king_troll) #52

why, the class system/bots/player models/pickups etc are already there and done, and all in scripts and def files, you dont need to code anything

the only actual code you need todo beside driver weapon code, are all the menus and gui`s

its kids work

(Bloodbite) #53

[QUOTE=king_troll;321029]you would be better off using quakewars SDK. there is nothing much wrong with the code besides the same old obvious online glitches…

coding wise, the SDK only needs a few changes, and new weapons, the rest of the work is done by mappers and modellers, and you can have vehicles[/QUOTE]

I’d prefer to play a Wolf ET that is footsoldier only, no vehicles except the ole escortable tank with an MG you can ride on. And I’d like to see some of the SMART system involved in it. I know that kills off some of the land surfing that we all used to exploit on certain maps like the Gold Rush inclines, but it would add a new and different dynamic to be able to hold shift and automatically leap over minor obstacles.

I mean if it was a dead straight conversion then there would be no point to it, might as well just play the original. It would be interesting to see how the maps play with the addition of looking down the sights of each weapon as well as the way melee is implemented in Brink. Personally I like the way it works (as in knives only while a pistol is equipped, everything else is a weapon bash).

Aside from adding the per-map/campaign XP system back into the game, I imagine the hardest thing to code would be the airstrikes. Airstrike and artillery spamming was a pretty big part of the game and was often a big cause of lag. It’d be interesting to see if that could be done more efficiently this time around. I would hope the mass spread of damage data hitting people would be similar to the caltrop nades… as in, the game is already setup to handle large portions of simultaneous team damage from a single ‘weapon’

Anyway, we’ll see when an SDK comes out, I’m sure all of this kind of stuff can be discussed and debated on a WolfET Modders forum when the time comes.

(king_troll) #54

vehicles are good,. they are a bonus to a game. they add more phun on phun servers. open more possibilities for objectives.

you dont need them on every map, and a custom server can run its own map pool

(Nail) #55

[QUOTE=king_troll;321300]why, the class system/bots/player models/pickups etc are already there and done, and all in scripts and def files, you dont need to code anything

the only actual code you need todo beside driver weapon code, are all the menus and gui`s

its kids work[/QUOTE]

whip us up a quick map then

(Nail) #56

New idea, all SMART, all speedruns, multi route, no guns

Make it simple, a racing game

(king_troll) #57

i dont map, its more mundane then sitting in silence

(Nail) #58

I’m just saying, don’t tell us “it’s easy, it’s kids work”
show us how easy

(king_troll) #59

[QUOTE=Nail;321487]I’m just saying, don’t tell us “it’s easy, it’s kids work”
show us how easy[/QUOTE]

look real hard on goodle for troll flame forum and see how long it takes for a dev patch <---->

(CVIChEK) #60

They could just overhaul it, then ask THE COMMUNITY what kind of new things would they like to see in W:ET 2.
Still WW2, still Allies vs Nazis, still the xp leveling system (but client side, not server side), same weapons with a few more made, still same maps plus new ones, still the same classes, etc.
Seriously, same old W:ET with big changes, but it shouild still the same way.