Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory 2 - any chances?

(Shownie) #281

I will give it time :slight_smile:

(JereManU) #282

I think ET section would be better, more people interested in ET would find it. I hope that mod will be as great as some others that became standalone games after being a mods.

(Indloon) #283

Anything going on with the idea what You players,had??:smiley:

(Shownie) #284

Read some post and you will clearly see whats going on here. :stroggtapir:

(.Chris.) #285

What map are you porting and why arenā€™t there any WIP shots in the WIP shots thread?

Post in ET:QW editing section, then when its complete make post pointing to it else where, will prevent lots of whine and people who reckon they know best about ET maps telling you what you should be doing, instead you will get those who have mapped for ET:QW helping you out on technical issues.

(Pegazus) #286

Itā€™s an unreleased map from S&M Mapping. Everything needed for the map has been imported and I have started work on megatexture however I am new to this (megatexture) and it is turning out to be very slow progress for me. Although detailed terrain itself has been created for the map.

But I like your suggestion about the thread. Iā€™l contact Sage if itā€™s alright by him for me to make a WIP thread when the time is right.

(.Chris.) #287

Hope youā€™ve scaled all your geometry to match the ET:QW player model size :slight_smile:

Was a common mistake for a couple of ET map ports.

(lausl) #288

iā€™m really locking forward to this mod.
good luck guys!!
name suggestion: WQLF WARS: Evolution

ze return of ze rebirth of ze evolution :stroggtapir:

(daz2007) #289

W:ET2 would be most Awesome in the Source Engine

(MorsTua) #290


team blur is already doing a modern w:et mod with tech 2 (totally re-programmed) : overdose

they totally reprogrammed it and the result is beautyful

(Mustang) #291

I wonder why the OverDose devs went for idTech2 when 3 years prior to their project starting idTech3 was GPLā€™d

(Pegazus) #292

We are not doing a modern W:ET mod. It will be a World War 2 mod just to ease the confusion.

(Shownie) #293

Hell yeah! Keep wwii, there are already way to many modern games, I like the wwii scene :slight_smile:

(BetaVersion) #294

The same game twice, and BETTER, would be worth paying for.

Better being better graphics, principally, but still maintaining the slightly cartoonish character appearancesā€¦ Part of the fun of the game, for me, is that I felt like a tiny toy soldierā€¦ the newer games seem so serious in comparison. ET is just plain fun.

Keep the original voice clips, hire some actors with similar accents to expand the audio library for mappers to have greater options (or rehire the original actors), improve the graphics, allow for free climbing, reduce the ranking spread a bit, ensure that installation is easy for both Windows and Linux users (and you Mac people, too)ā€¦ and, thatā€™s about it. Voila! Major blockbuster reboot and financial windfall!

Oh yeah, and keep/force mods to be menu items completely controlable by playersā€¦ no shennigans with my config file or GUI without my say-so.

The key is to keep the original 2.60b sans mods feel to the gameā€¦ just better.


Cheers everyone,


(BetaVersion) #295

OMG no zombies, please.

(daz2007) #296

I think Zombies would work rather Well specially since Zombies is a Part of RTCW Single Player and would encourage more Players, which off course would be seperate to Main Multiplayers.

I could Easily Convert All 6 Stock ET Maps to Zombies Maps, Do Objectives by Battling though Hundreds of Zombies with a team of Five (Medic/Engineer/Cvops/Fieldops/Soldier) similar to Alien Swarm on Steam,

The ā€œ2ndā€ best multiplayer FPS i ever played was Time-splitters 2 on PS2, It had Hundreds of Multiplayer modes and Arcade Features that i wish would to be implanted in Open Territory(?) would be really cool.

(SphereCow) #297

I thinkā€¦Splash Damage should improve the gametype they have always worked on, rather than creating a bunch of different ones.

They should make the objective gametype more diverse. : |

(E_Zeee) #298

Something like that was done for ETQWā€¦Dusk mod

(light_sh4v0r) #299

And guess what, Dusk mod was really cool. Shame there are no servers anymore, was looking for one the other day. It worked really well in ETQW with the big maps, item drops, vehicles you had to repair and refuel etc, it really required some teamwork as well.

(its al bout security) #300

yeah W:ET two sounds like a fun idea, hitlerstien:zombie nazis??

would be cool playing that way, axis versus zombie nazis