Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory 2 - any chances?

(MorsTua) #261

o’ really?

(stealth6) #262

yes really.

(shagileo) #263

o’ really?


We do not have to decompile as it is our earlier work from S&M in W:ET. So we have the source, however when importing the map certain things (models, textures, shaders) get messed up and need to be fixed.

Pretty clear, no?

(Pegazus) #264

As it was stated by Stealth6 and Shagileo: I do have the rights.

Anyhow, the nice doctors from my surgery in the hospital gave me a 2 week break to relax and get myself together again. In that time perhaps I can figure out the importing errors I just recently began to receive and show you guys what has been done so far.

(Shownie) #265

Hehe, we can name this to “Enemies Territory” :cool:

(shagileo) #266

“Beyond Enemy Lines”


(Shownie) #267

“Enemy From Behind” :rolleyes:

(Indloon) #268

Name suggestions:
“Cookie Enemy”
“Enemies Cookies”
“Enemy Under Your Bed”
“Wulvenstein:Enemy Territory 404”
“Enemies At Front”
“Enemy Wolf”
“Wolfenstein:Mine Territory”

(light_sh4v0r) #269

Stolfenwein, Weinfelston, Telnoswein, Nelsontwiet, Wenseltoif, Flotswileen, Noftsiewel, Sweetonfil, Fwetnisnol.


(kamikazee) #270

[QUOTE=light_sh4v0r;339793]Stolfenwein, Weinfelston, Telnoswein, Nelsontwiet, Wenseltoif, Flotswileen, Noftsiewel, Sweetonfil, Fwetnisnol. [/QUOTE]That’s just painful…

(Nail) #271

working title so far:


(DarkangelUK) #272

“Enemy Territory: Modern Warfare”

(Pegazus) #273

[QUOTE=Nail;340052]working title so far:


Not really. So far around half of the test map has been imported to Quake Wars. However constant importing errors make the current work effort slow (One particular house is giving me a big headache). Once the test map is ready, new features are next on the list.

I’d show some pictures of the progress, but I am not allowed to do it yet.

(stealth6) #274

haha, you are allowed to post this though? Get back to work slave! :smiley:

(Shownie) #275

Still kinda sad to hear this is gonna be a mod, and not a new game… ah well.

(Pegazus) #276

Fresh news: The last house was now (almost) successfully imported to the map editor. Some minor detail was lost however, but the main house is now in place. Now I have to re-texture it, add new detail and then work on megatexture can start. (That will be painful for my first time)

Well, like Stealth said many were willing to pay for a new Wolfenstein. Besides players would be getting two games for the price of one. That is already great, I believe.

Slave needs his break now.

(shagileo) #277


jeesh, these slaves are so frisky lately

(Pegazus) #278

[QUOTE=shagileo;340308]STOP POSTING, PEGAZUS ! :eek:

Whaat, no way… :slight_smile:

I was thinking. Once the test map is ready, perhaps we should create a new thread because that’s when the real modding starts. That way we keep this thread from getting any more confusion. Although should it be under Quake Wars section or Enemy Territory?

(Shownie) #279

[QUOTE=Pegazus;340460]Whaat, no way… :slight_smile:

I was thinking. Once the test map is ready, perhaps we should create a new thread because that’s when the real modding starts. That way we keep this thread from getting any more confusion. Although should it be under Quake Wars section or Enemy Territory?[/QUOTE]

Seams like a rhetorical question, of course it should be in QUAKE Wars section, since it is a QUAKE Wars MOD now.

Kinda funny to hear people say they will pay for a “mod” they don’t know anything about. How near to the original W:ET will it be, how good will the models be.

So the statement that we get two games for the price of one, it does not say the games are great, just that we get ONE game and ONE mod, which we have no clue how it will look like.

Anyways, good luck with the map thing :slight_smile:

(Pegazus) #280

Seams like a rhetorical question, of course it should be in QUAKE Wars section, since it is a QUAKE Wars MOD now.

While that is true, but what I meant was that what community would show more interest in it. Posting it to Quake Wars would be technically right although many of the people are not involved with Enemy Territory at all. Odds are greater to get advice from Enemy Territory section.

Kinda funny to hear people say they will pay for a “mod” they don’t know anything about. How near to the original W:ET will it be, how good will the models be.

The mod is free. Nobody has to pay us anything for it. Game will be as good as the team is capable of making it.

So the statement that we get two games for the price of one, it does not say the games are great, just that we get ONE game and ONE mod, which we have no clue how it will look like.

The project is young. Give it some time before considering that.