Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory 2 - any chances?

(Bloodbite) #241

realism doesn’t equal quality tactics.

Nor does sucking up processing power equate to ‘a better game.’ I’ll take Killing Floor, Super Meat Boy, Magicka and Frozen Synapse over a swarm of AAA titles any day. All those games are challenging, addictively fun, and have a strong visual style that doesn’t bleed your system’s resources dry.

And remember we’re talking about making this redo with a strong competitive focus, so an excessive frame rate even when FRAPSing a live match wouldn’t be a bad thing. It would also be nice to know that if someone was away from their expensive gaming tower that they could turn up to a lanparty connection or whatever and still play the game on their not-so-bleeding-edge laptop with zero concern about performance loss. A Core2 Duo should still be overkill… but that’s my view on how accessible and convenient it should be.

(king_troll) #242

seems like a pointless mod, if you de-saturize textures and give your marines camo, you can camp in bushes wit a sniper or in a burnt down building, then you need tactics to complete the objective because both teams will be playing the same style

compititive mods have to comply to the compitive league of clans or the mod will die after a month like most retail games, and the mod would just be another wolf mod

with quakewars, you can take wolf to the next level and mix wolf gameplay with BF2, and not have to code anything, besides some scripts and menus, but that would need terrains twice the size of quakewars maps

(Shownie) #243

If it doesn’t change it will FAIL! I won’t buy ET:QW just to be able to enjoy a sequel to a free game.

Besides, what is wrong with id Tech 3, clearly the render can be updated, and thats what you want, so what I understand.

A ET 2 should have better graphics with higher res and also new models. Add some new features, and BOOM, theres a ET 2 :slight_smile:

(Pegazus) #244

People would be getting two games for the price of one as I see. Besides you can get the game for a nice low price and a new game to your collection.

While it is true that the render can be updated the amount of effort and work that has to be placed into the game to make an interesting map is dreadful and there are extreme limits to what you can achive with the released software. That is one of our goals, we want to give new environments to the Enemy Territory scene and Quake Wars is there to offer it.

(stealth6) #245

[QUOTE=Shownie;334803]If it doesn’t change it will FAIL! I won’t buy ET:QW just to be able to enjoy a sequel to a free game.

Besides, what is wrong with id Tech 3, clearly the render can be updated, and thats what you want, so what I understand.

A ET 2 should have better graphics with higher res and also new models. Add some new features, and BOOM, theres a ET 2 :)[/QUOTE]

It’s funny how people say they’d pay 50 euros for a real ET 2, but now that Pegazus suggests using QW:ET as a base people are like NOT PAYING, WANT IT FREE! :smiley:

Not saying you said you’d pay before, since I don’t keep tabs on these things. But I do think it would be fitting since SD did make QW:ET.

But tbh I don’t think anybody (general public) REALLY wants a W:ET remake… People don’t tend to actually know what they want, that’s why advertising works.

Most people are just saying this due to nostalgia, but at the end of the day I doubt they actually want it.

(Shownie) #246

I never played ET: QW so theres nothing I can say about it, pros and cons. But since I does not already own a copy of it, that says a lot.

Tough I can say, if ET 2 would be like old vanilla ET but with ET: QW quality and such, then fine, I would consider to buy it… :slight_smile:

As I said before, the game as it is now can be updated and be called ET 2 :wink:

(Bloodbite) #247

Isn’t that what Quake Wars is already? As much as I liked ETQW (which is plenty), the gameplay was slow compared to W:ET because of the size of the maps and the reliance on vehicles to move around. People that want a BF style game aren’t going to bother with a W:ET mod with vehicles, they’re just going to wait for BF3, and then they’ll be keen on the eventual mods that come out for that.

What made the XP reward system so much more satisfying in W:ET was that you could level them up faster than ETQW because of the smaller size of the maps. Faster to level up for those that were skilled, not an artificial increase in XP point requirements.

(E_Zeee) #248

Instead of Wolf:ET 2 name it “Return to Enemy Territory”

(king_troll) #249

[QUOTE=Bloodbite;334941]Isn’t that what Quake Wars is already? As much as I liked ETQW (which is plenty), the gameplay was slow compared to W:ET because of the size of the maps and the reliance on vehicles to move around. People that want a BF style game aren’t going to bother with a W:ET mod with vehicles, they’re just going to wait for BF3, and then they’ll be keen on the eventual mods that come out for that.

What made the XP reward system so much more satisfying in W:ET was that you could level them up faster than ETQW because of the smaller size of the maps. Faster to level up for those that were skilled, not an artificial increase in XP point requirements.[/QUOTE]

not really, quakewars is more of a showcase of megatextures, the gameplay is the same as wolf, there are just some vehicles to move around the map abit quicker then holding down spint, running across a quakewars maps takes a few mins, running across a UT2k map takes 15mins +

BF games have fanatics, wolf has all the idtech trolls who end up just camping and chatting and playing 2 matches all night, with all the color names etc making wolf a MP network game and atmosphere

… download this autoexec.cfg and the game will run fine looking like this on a AMD barton 2500+, megatextures will be perfect way into the distance with no abnormalities

(MorsTua) #250

[QUOTE=stealth6;334829]It’s funny how people say they’d pay 50 euros for a real ET 2, but now that Pegazus suggests using QW:ET as a base people are like NOT PAYING, WANT IT FREE! :smiley:

Not saying you said you’d pay before, since I don’t keep tabs on these things. But I do think it would be fitting since SD did make QW:ET.

But tbh I don’t think anybody (general public) REALLY wants a W:ET remake… People don’t tend to actually know what they want, that’s why advertising works.

Most people are just saying this due to nostalgia, but at the end of the day I doubt they actually want it.[/QUOTE]

i said it too here

[QUOTE=MorsTua;332841]u really want et:wolf 2 ?

U can make it futuristic
quake wars sdk is out

Take quakewars, remove the stroggs and vehicles, make 2 human factions (black and white) and the game is done
You can also change the physic’s cvars to have a smooth engine like tech 3

u cannot? U can! there it is a demo i made by myself using the mod


And obviously u can make rtcw alike maps…

(Shownie) #251

I second that :tongue:

(Nail) #252

I believe SD own the “Enemy Territory” name/title, W:ET2 should suffice

(Shownie) #253

OpenWolf and ETXreaL plus some other id Tech 3 engine projects can be used for this project.

Was just thinking of this, since there is this discussion about what engine. Some claim it would be to much work with the engine, but here is it already done, more or less :slight_smile:

EDIT: We also have Urban Terror which used id Tech 3!

(donmichelangelo) #254

[QUOTE=Shownie;336794]OpenWolf and ETXreaL plus some other id Tech 3 engine projects can be used for this project.

Was just thinking of this, since there is this discussion about what engine. Some claim it would be to much work with the engine, but here is it already done, more or less :slight_smile:

EDIT: We also have Urban Terror which used id Tech 3![/QUOTE]

Urban Terror is closed source so you won’t be able to use it.

There are actually just two engine options if you want to create an ET sucessor before you waste time recreating the ET gameplay on a completely else engine :

  1. Use the published GPL source of ET or any available fork of it
  2. Use ETQW and create a WolfET like mod for it

The first option is imho the best option because you can tweak and fix everything what you desire, the negative side of it is the lack of idtech4 tools which you would have here to develope by yourself or behelp on any other way.

The second option… yeh it doesn’t have the lack of mapping/modding tools like idtech3, at least at all, but people tend not to buy a game for 10€ or whatever just to play a WolfET mod. So I claim that a ETQW based mod wouldn’t have much success in the scene.

(Shownie) #255

I am not talking about the game code for Urban Terror, the engine code, ftp://ftp.snt.utwente.nl/pub/games/urbanterror/iourbanterror/


(donmichelangelo) #256

[QUOTE=Shownie;336837]I am not talking about the game code for Urban Terror, the engine code, ftp://ftp.snt.utwente.nl/pub/games/urbanterror/iourbanterror/


Thats correct about the game code, but the engine that you have linked is simply ioquake3 with a couple enhancements…

(Shownie) #257

Ah oki doki :slight_smile:

But I would like ET2 to be standalone and not a QW mod :frowning:

(MorsTua) #258

u cant… the maps are under copyrights
u have always to ask devlopers if u can use them

(Pegazus) #259

[QUOTE=MorsTua;336857]u cant… the maps are under copyrights
u have always to ask devlopers if u can use them[/QUOTE]

I am one of the developers for the map under question. And I have the rights to modify it.

(king_troll) #260

[QUOTE=MorsTua;336857]u cant… the maps are under copyrights
u have always to ask devlopers if u can use them[/QUOTE]

not with id games are maps, porting 1 map to another version of the same game is common place and all the well known maps are always ported by upscaling the existing map

id have never been known to take maps off of sites because of copyright