Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory 2 - any chances?

(Pegazus) #201

We are interested in your ideas, don’t be like that Nail.

(Nail) #202

actually I meant it, I can’t contribute much if anything to the game/mod so I’ll let you guys work it out and bitch later


as far as mods go, I think Brink would be a better vehicle for a W:ET style mod than QW, it’s already infantry oriented

(Pegazus) #203

You can be a great motivator. Your words & ideas make people think.

Brink would be better for that reason, but it is not impossible to achive good results in Quake Wars either.

(Wepohn) #204

UDK would be cool, I could do some 3d modelling if you want. :slight_smile:

(tokamak) #205

Unity is great for conceptualising games. Making rough drafts to get the idea across.

I wonder what it would take to simply lift over W:ET (piece by piece) into that editor and start experimenting.

(Pegazus) #206

I’l send you a PM.

I got approval from Sage to use one of our S&M unfinished projects from W:ET in this project as a testing map and in the future as a playable map.

(MorsTua) #207

u really want et:wolf 2 ?

U can make it futuristic
quake wars sdk is out

Take quakewars, remove the stroggs and vehicles, make 2 human factions (black and white) and the game is done
You can also change the physic’s cvars to have a smooth engine like tech 3

u cannot? U can! there it is a demo i made by myself using the mod


(Pegazus) #208

That’s what we have been discussing here MorsTau. However we want to make it World War 2 themed with suitable new maps.

(MorsTua) #209

make a game from 0 and mod a game is different

btw steal models from mohaa airborne or cod 5 and change them a bit :wink:

(Pegazus) #210

btw steal models from mohaa airborne or cod 5 and change them a bit ;)[/QUOTE]

Ehm. Don’t talk about stealing other people’s work. We can do our own original work just so you would know. Most people don’t appreciate seeing other games work in Enemy Territory.

(king_troll) #211

there is 1 TC mod for quakewars and that is racing game, all other mods try to be a tactical version of quakewars

(dutchmeat) #212

[QUOTE=tokamak;332607]Unity is great for conceptualising games. Making rough drafts to get the idea across.

I wonder what it would take to simply lift over W:ET (piece by piece) into that editor and start experimenting.[/QUOTE]

Like I said before, Unity is not the right engine for W:ET.
I think people like ET because of it’s quick speed and physics.

‘porting’ ET to Unity would take alot of work, not just because of the fact you have to code the whole shooter base, but also you would have to alter the physics to match ET’s one.
Don’t get me wrong, Unity is a great tool to work with, but I just don’t think it is suitable for a RTCW/ET like game.

In my opinion “ET:2” wouldn’t be “ET:2” if it had new physics and movement like COD, it would just be another COD copy.

Also, what’s wrong with using the (yet to be finished) ET:Xreal as a base ? It has the graphical potential of being a new ET.

About the whole ‘lets use ET:QW’ as a base thing;
ET was a free game(unfortunatly for SD), but that’s also the reason alot of people play it.
I don’t say I wouldn’t pay for ET2, but I won’t pay for ET:QW just so I can play an ET mod.

That’s my 2 cents anyway.

(Pegazus) #213

[QUOTE=dutchmeat;333041]About the whole ‘lets use ET:QW’ as a base thing;
ET was a free game(unfortunatly for SD), but that’s also the reason alot of people play it.
I don’t say I wouldn’t pay for ET2, but I won’t pay for ET:QW just so I can play an ET mod.

We realise that. However we are excited to work on ET:QW because it allows us to put our imagination into use where it used to be impossible in W:ET. The end result will be the same as W:ET but with improved graphics and new maps. One map is already being reworked as we speak.

While Xreal indeed improves the game a lot we believe it is still not enough to get the majority of people back interested in it who have left the scenary because of outdated graphics or game engine. Obviously this statement brings up a lot of argument and hate. We have nothing against Xreal and we hope the project itself turns out to be successful.

Also we do not plan to make another Call Of Duty game. This is not what our goal is about at all. Call Of Duty is a genre of its own and we do not intend to compeat with it or bring any elements of that game into our project. Copying that game is the last thing on our mind.

(funRut) #214

well why ceep discussing here?
and not just get started
i suggest we just continuel the et-xreal project as it has alot of features already
atm there is a good render as far as i know
so we wil need
-Texture makers
-Model makers
-(maybe) sound creator/editor

i am willing to help but i cand do mutch then mapping a bit :confused:


(actual i think its a waste of time discussing what sound editor program we should use the earlyier this project start the better as alot of ppl go playing cod or other games atm…)

(SmokeStacker) #215

The only reason I personally bought Brink is because I use to play ET, and I can’t even run brink at the moment because of an AllocRenderModel crash, which has yet to be addressed. As much as I’d like to see ET2, at this point, I have no confidence in Splash to deliver. It’s not a whine, just a fact. Deal with it.

(Nail) #216

it’s a Brink whine non the less, and doesn’t belong in here

At this point it’s a community build we’re talking about, not a Splash Damage build.
some people want a build based on idtech3, I think it needs a new engine

(king_troll) #217

its needs quakewars engine.

you dont have to code new weapons in the driver, they are all done through sdk/base/def/weapons/def files, you just have to delete the strogg weapons and use the GDF weapons as a base for a wolf mod, which is 100% new models and not much else

for a full wolf mod on quakewars engine, you probaly done have todo any driver coding, if the weapons are 100% scripts

(Shanks) #218

[QUOTE=king_troll;333372]its needs quakewars engine.

you dont have to code new weapons in the driver, they are all done through sdk/base/def/weapons/def files, you just have to delete the strogg weapons and use the GDF weapons as a base for a wolf mod, which is 100% new models and not much else

for a full wolf mod on quakewars engine, you probaly done have todo any driver coding, if the weapons are 100% scripts[/QUOTE]

Yeah and on idtech3 all you have to do is update media. Gameplay is already there…

(Qhullu) #219

[QUOTE=dutchmeat;333041]‘porting’ ET to Unity would take alot of work, not just because of the fact you have to code the whole shooter base, but also you would have to alter the physics to match ET’s one.
Don’t get me wrong, Unity is a great tool to work with, but I just don’t think it is suitable for a RTCW/ET like game.

In my opinion “ET:2” wouldn’t be “ET:2” if it had new physics and movement like COD, it would just be another COD copy.
At least in UDK you can make any kind of movement physics you can dream up, it’s just vector maths, I’d assume the same is true for Unity? The “sluggish” movement systems you see in fps games nowadays are made that way on purpose. :frowning:

It will not be easy and effortless make it behave exactly like W:ET in all situations, but not exceptionally hard either compared to the rest of the mechanics you’d need to implement to make the game work over internet.

(king_troll) #220

the gameplay is already in quakewars, you can tweaks the physics alittle in the code just by having new define values for ait friction etc at the top of the player_physics.cpp

and in reality no body, would play another wolf mod using idtech3, the original wolf has been about for way too long, and the folks who still play it would change for the world, there is no reason to play a fake wolf 2 mod which is the same game with a few new maps

a wolf mod using idtech3 would also get no new players, console gamers and casual pc players that appeared because they got the net, want graphics first