random patch needed

(king_troll) #81

the maps are not big enough in general in normal quakewars gameplay…

if id used quakewars engine and release a dev kit like UDK, they would have to add larger megatextures and lipsyncing to models. to make it worth their worth and for people to actually used it and maybe make some “top” quality indy games like crysis/brink/all the others

when id release doom 3 or quake 4 engines in a few months under GPL, they are not going to be used, they are complete crap and you cannot do much with them in the state both games were release retail like and unpatch to this day with most bugs remaining

carmack can keep his megatexture code all hidden away from the folks at epic and everywhere else who will be most of the downloaders of hte GPL`d engine, not actual modders

(Rex) #82

They are. We are in Quake Wars not in Battlefield, you know?

Lipsyncing? Have the GDF or Strogg ever talked yet ingame? What did you take to come up with this idea in multiplayer shooter where gameplay matters and nothing else?

Yeah you don’t need to use them.

But now tell us, what the fack do you want (apart from trolling the scene which worked actually)?
What about starting to code instead of writing bullsh!t every day?

(Ashog) #83


(m1rra) #84

troll ≠ retard

(Breo) #85

What day is it? :mad:


(Donnovan) #86

Troll wins! Again, and again, and AGAIN!!!

(Kl3ppy) #87


I’ve defeated the troll, now he’s busy :smiley:

(king_troll) #88

how are you al so retarded, this is splashdamage forum, not esReality

allowing quakewars or dev kit based on idtech4 of quakewars to have bigger megatextures and bigger terrains, the possibilities are wide open to make a proper indy game or total conversion. with all the benefits of the scripting system for all entities etc etc etc. for open maps like quakewars gameplay using vehicles, the terrain size is not beg enough

if you make a urban map with usable building and sky scrappers, then the max terrain size is plenty big enough. the same old game play style maps are pure boring in a endless cycle on a server, and a big open map makes a changes, and you can get back to the urban fighting on the next map

so on and so on. play quake wars if you so wow about quakewars, and never play a mod, megatexture sizes go up in steps of unit terrain size which are the actual pixel size of the “megatexture”, mappers can use any size of terrain they like, adding a few bigger sizes in a patch for quakewars or whatever, just add more possibilities for modders to make some good mods, as no future game will probaly have a SDK either, just a map editor

(.Chris.) #89

Give this guy a break, don’t see any of you lot doing anything for ET:QW lately. He obviously wants to mod ET:QW into something else but that isn’t exactly any different from Wheels of War and Tribal Wars now is it?

(king_troll) #90

not really. the code works the same as q4 and can read 90% of it, and alot of the source minus scriptobjects is like q43a added functions

theres a lot of modders in the world, all half life source mods are old and not really any happening, unreal mods with UDK have all died away… id needs to release a dev using quakewars engine instead of doom 3 idtech4 under GPL which is 100% nothing like quakewars idtech4

(Donnovan) #91

I was just kiding king_troll. Dont think you is a troll. But if you was a troll your trolling is 100% sucessfull, since you moved lots of persons.

(m1rra) #92

[QUOTE=Breo;383294]What day is it? :mad:

(Scrupus) #93

These ideas reminds me more of the 23th century warfare project - I think the author there wanted to have bigger terrains as well, but I’m not sure if he ever tried to make it work. There was some discussions on the etqwmod channel long ago about the possibilities for extending the maps size from 32k to 64k (it might have been for twars though, I don’t quite remember), and I think the conclusion was that it could be really hard to accomplish, as the engine itself is designed for 32k x 32k gameunits - it’s just too many things that must be fixed with game physics in the engine itself to make it work with larger sized maps.

The author stopped working on this mod a while ago and released all the source code and everything needed, so feel free to take a look at it or use it as a starting point:

With that said, I don’t think this is an easy task at all, and the etqw SDK can be a beast - it’s not enough to just update some defs and scripts here and there to make major changes in gameplay, you have to change a lot of stuff and code to make it work the way you want. Just look at the Brace or Dusk mod by TinMan, or QWTA - those mods changes a lot of the core gameplay, but it’s tons of testing, coding and failures behind them, and some of their ideas was pretty much impossible to get working as they wanted it.

I’m not saying it’s impossible, but it’s a lot of work and the qw population is not exactly massive - it’s a constant lack of players to test new stuff or help you out. If you do it for the fun of it keep working, but don’t expect it to be a massive success with a lot of players and servers running it - even if it should turn out to be pretty good.

I also think I would recommend to focus on the more easy and visible changes first, like player skins and scripting and game play and stuff - trying to increase the map size is probably a waste of time, but that’s just my 2 cents.

Frankly I think the stock map space is pretty big already, it’s the player and vehicle speed that make them feel so small. Almost every stock map only use about half of the available map space as a battle space - the rest is outlands players never reach in normal matches. Try the Brace or Dusk mods, they utilize the current stock map space more than the vanilla objective gameplay does.

(taw_m0nsta) #94

Well melee attack like in QWO would be fun

(taw_m0nsta) #95

Just a wild suggestion here, what about extending the map like they did with the massive portal structure in Slipgate? This allows you to have multiple atmospheres as well. No it doesn’t gives you more overview but in the end you don’t wanna snipe somebody thats exactly 1 pixel big.

(.Chris.) #96

Slipgate is just one map split in two, its the same size as a regular map.

(king_troll) #97

how does in little minds get that all maps will be 4x the size if the engine can handle 4x the maximum size of megatexture that quakewars currently can do

1>choose the size of megatexture you are going to use
2>make your terrain mesh
3>make a map

none of you have to play on server with big maps, or servers running total conversion mods

(Breo) #98

With big maps you need to change a lot other things.

  • More vehicles, or faster spawn times (time between spawn and no action/travelling isn’t really fun*)
  • More players 16 vs 16* (random lags no matter what game)
  • Multiple objects (secondary) for example command posts brings you closer to the action so big maps aren’t necessary.
  • Lipsync… sigh -.- we all know that’s for singleplayer like LA Noire.

(Susefreak) #99

and netcode, big map’s would certainly mean more datathrough put. Not even to mention the extra players if you want to surpas the current 32 players.

To be honest bigger maps wouldn’t cut it for me. Warrock was the last game I played that had some large maps, I couldn’t b bothered with them since the action was too far away. Don’t forget this game was build on the basics of W:ET, which in general was also about close to medium range combat.

As mentioned: If you want to go ahead with your plan for large maps, take a look at the source code for 21st century warfare. It should be up somewhere, if you can’t find it I can dig it up if needed.

edit after reading a post about the megatexture technology: D3 features some rudimentary megatexture code already. I believe AO worked on it from D3. IIRC that project (as far as possible) was opensourced a long time ago.

(taw_m0nsta) #100

If i am right the 21 centrury maps have the same max size as well.