random patch needed

(king_troll) #101

wouldnt know… quakewars terrains can be a maximum of 32,768 units, which is the width and height in pixels of the single “megatexture”

doom 3 and quake 4 can handle 16,384 units but have no tools and other GL code to fully use mini megatextures in the engines

big maps just use system ram, quakewars is good for ten years, the world could be running it on nano cpu`s by then with more polys and trees and full jungles

(murka) #102

32k x 32k is not the max. IIRC 64k x 64k is and after that physics start breaking.

(king_troll) #103

i know 32k isnt the max, its the maximum size quakewars idtech4 engine can handle, 64k isnt the max either, the render and build process is the same for all sizes. the system ram they use is too much, so carmack plays it like a bitch, and limits everything, even if the engine is full of bugs like rage and all others. 16gb of ram cost £40, in 5 years. all pc`s will have 48 gb +

(taw_m0nsta) #104

[QUOTE=king_troll;383376]in 5 years. all pc`s will have 48 gb +[/QUOTE] No need for extra ram (PCs sales are going down faster then the CD) In 5 years we use this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UKUuUvDSXk4

(king_troll) #105

means nothing, all of the moms and deads that want a easier life, now have internet on the tv, ipads, netbooks, smart phones to quickly buy stuff on, the past 8 yrs of the “internet” boom, desktops where the only way to have a easy life, making shops in city centres dead from 1000s of crying kids and moms shouting

(Boktor) #106

king_troll you are a very interesting individual

(king_troll) #107

crying kids and moms yalling have`nt all dissappeared into nowhere, they just use the net to buy everything

(taw_m0nsta) #108

And here is the future of making big maps :smiley: (sub-company from Saab, taken over by Apple a few months ago)

(taw_m0nsta) #109

[QUOTE=king_troll;383393]desktops where the only way to have a easy life[/QUOTE] Correct, they where. For processionals they will always be around for the next 10 years, but for the other 98% they will be replaced by for mobile devices.

(Susefreak) #110

were* ty Hail the grammar nazi!

(king_troll) #111

a drop in pc sells means nothing, if most of the people who brought pc`s during the internet boom, when you didnt have to be a “nerd” to use it, are not buying full desktops no more

(taw_m0nsta) #112

Ehm… thats a weird way to say I am right :rolleyes: