OCB World Cup 2

(fzl) #101

6on6 settings

max 2 med per team
max 2 eng per team
max 1fop per team

max 1 or 2 turrets per team
no radars/flyerdrones/3rdeyes

no flyers
only 1 heavy weaps per team strogg:cyclops gdf titan

forced netsettings

we dont need 6on6 inf battles or spam wars…we need a lot of fun and fairness…thats the way for a nice cup

greetz fzl

(Tandem) #102

then your missing out

(murka) #103

[quote=fzl;234294]max 2 med per team
max 2 eng per team
max 1fop per team[/quote]

This i find too restricting.

(Aristotle) #104


Honestly the only thing I think should be limited is the number of heavy weapons as has been restricted in the past with at least NA comp rule sets.

(INF3RN0) #105


Honestly the only thing I think should be limited is the number of heavy weapons as has been restricted in the past with at least NA comp rule sets.[/QUOTE]

Yea I didn’t understand that either. NA comp rules worked well imo.

(Rex) #106

EU rules too :slight_smile:

fzl I disagree with your ruleset, there is a tactic called “rush” where you need 5-6 engis, so it makes no sense to forbid them. Just keep the rules like on CB (6on6 of course).

(Apples) #107

I still have the cfg I used for the last comp if its any help, it was a bit less restrictive “netsetting” wise that the one fzl posted here, but everything else is ok (4on4) and its quick to modify it for 6on6.

ps : I think you need to set one / two day a week for matches and X matches a week, if not you’ll have the usual problem of captains not communicating either their result, or the dates they want to play or whatever and you’ll prolly have many non played game and a cup which never end… I’m talking from my last experience trying to organise a cup tho, maybe ppl will be more motivated nao.


(light_sh4v0r) #108

Why max 2 medic :confused:

(needforWeed) #109

We don’t have 6 players in Estonia.

(murka) #110

Still, 4o4 sucks. We could always get some others & have a mixteam.

(light_sh4v0r) #111

Or just play 6v4. The 2 of you alone should be able to take on half of the other teams :tongue:

(Dthy) #112

Already tried a mixed team (Team UK) was disallowed :frowning:

(gee666) #113

Ok so I think people might not like the fact that we are having this comp in vanilla mode, but to explaine why before people start saying die in fire

Not evryone HAS or Likes Pro Mod
Evryone does have vanilla while some may not like it
We want evryone to be able to take part, it is for fun despite the prizes that dosn’t mean that bragging rights arn’t up for grabs as well, hell if Scotland manage to get a draw I’ll be feckin shouting from the roof tops about it
The reason for mixed teams is for the same reason, instead of having lots of teams where it’s just people who ALLWAYS play together we want to mix it up a bit and have people playing together who might not allways do so

This is a small but loyal comunity and this cup has got a bit of intarest, I know of several ex players coming back to play in it

So hey remember OCB is not a comp clan we play for fun and that is what this comp is about, if you don’t want to play a game you would be playing anyway and possibly win a prize or just have a laugh then thats your choice. There are plenty of Pro style comps out there and I wish you luck and good accuracy.

Happy to explaine if i’ve not cleared this up a bit

On the server side we have quite a few people in many diff zones happy to let there server be used for matches to keep it as close to the competing teams as poss



(Aristotle) #114


Not evryone HAS or Likes Pro Mod
Evryone does have vanilla while some may not like it[/quote]

They may not have it, but it’s not like its hard to get or install. And I am willing to bet at least 90% of those signed up have it. IMO Pro is better for cups/comp. I’m sure there are many who will agree to that.

The reason for mixed teams is for the same reason, instead of having lots of teams where it’s just people who ALLWAYS play together we want to mix it up a bit and have people playing together who might not allways do so [/quote]

That makes sense, I know that there have been a few pub teams in the past who opted out of certain cups for that reason.

No there isn’t. This is pretty much it.

(Dthy) #115

Since i’ve been playing ETQW, i’ve heard of no tournaments what-so-ever.

(Aristotle) #116

I could hold another 6v6 again if i get enough people interested. ( Just for you Deathwish :slight_smile: ) Last one had some pretty good participation.

(Dthy) #117

Wooo! that would be awesome :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

(Tandem) #118


the “V” word

(Rex) #119

Ok, I am out of the cup. Why should we play in mixed teams? I don’t want to explain the other unexperienced players the game.
If someone starts a serious cup with a decent admin and rules, let me know please!

(Aristotle) #120


the “V” word[/QUOTE]

sometimes I wonder about you sir.