OCB World Cup 2

(INF3RN0) #81

… I work every day 10am-7pm (on at lunch for 1hr). Your full of lies :tongue:.

(channa) #82

6v6 has my vote and another thing i would like to see is a reaonable cap on clientprediction as there is some people who abuse it and like to nock it to -500 in a firefight and then quickly nock it back to 0 or whatever there use and i know this becuase i capped it on my server to -50 and got 2 random kicks for -500 whilst there were in a firefight

i dont know what the benefit of this is becuase i tryed it and did nothing for me but its bit of a strange thing to be doing tbh

PS. it was anthonyda who noticed this and thats what made me put a cap on which confirmed what he was saying

(Seanza) #83

[QUOTE=channa;234202]6v6 has my vote and another thing i would like to see is a reaonable cap on clientprediction as there is some people who abuse it and like to nock it to -500 in a firefight and then quickly nock it back to 0 or whatever there use and i know this becuase i capped it on my server to -50 and got 2 random kicks for -500 whilst there were in a firefight

i dont know what the benefit of this is becuase i tryed it and did nothing for me but its bit of a strange thing to be doing tbh

PS. it was anthonyda who noticed this and thats what made me put a cap on which confirmed what he was saying[/QUOTE]

Client prediction basically determines hitboxes.

(murka) #84

[quote=channa;234202]6v6 has my vote and another thing i would like to see is a reaonable cap on clientprediction as there is some people who abuse it and like to nock it to -500 in a firefight and then quickly nock it back to 0 or whatever there use and i know this becuase i capped it on my server to -50 and got 2 random kicks for -500 whilst there were in a firefight

i dont know what the benefit of this is becuase i tryed it and did nothing for me but its bit of a strange thing to be doing tbh

PS. it was anthonyda who noticed this and thats what made me put a cap on which confirmed what he was saying[/quote]

I’m quite sure negative values will be translated as 0 by the game as it controls additional prediction.

net_clientPrediction - additional client side prediction in milliseconds

(light_sh4v0r) #85

Yes, positive values of prediction are ‘looking in the future’. A negative value would be adding artificial lag or something like that. Doesn’t make sense anyway because you’ll be predicting stuff you already have server info for.

(r3fleX) #86

Yea if you control the Net_clientprediction and net_clientmaxprediction values there should be a more interesting cup :stuck_out_tongue:

(AnthonyDa) #87

Try playing with -10000, you’ll see that it’s very different from playing with the same cvar sets at 0.

(Rex) #88

I asked the admin when the cup will start, his respond was september.

(channa) #89

i have tryed the -500 it was pure lag and no way playable but what i believe peeps are doing is using a bind to make them unhit for example getting shot from behind hit ya bind turn around hit ya bind again and kill them

and when i say peeps are doing this i am talking about a small minority

edited just for you light_shavor

(light_sh4v0r) #90

A small majority? A minority perhaps?

(Dthy) #91

I’ve experimented using net_clientPrediction -10 and net_clientPrediction 0, and people said when i was using -10, i seemed to be more un-hittable than when i use 0 (which i use now). I don’t get how it works though

(Donatien) #92

Crap? i dont think so, considering they played only a few offi games with 6on6 rules.
Some* people dont like vehicles and stuff like that, cant understand? is it so hard?

And talking about crap, let me say you that you were the worst etqw CB admin ever.
Thats a real crap.

*Considering the success of this game i would say ‘most’ isntead of ‘some’

[QUOTE=Disar;234178]Nothing is wrong with the sprint toggle, just that a lot of players are using it now because 3lack used to do the same and they want to copy their playing style, using weird settings or other stuffs I don’t know (and don’t want to know).And I think it’s sad that in 4on4 teamplay and experience actually worth almost nothing compared to the being-unhit factor.
6on6 would really be more interesting for watchers & players, it’s more intense and epic, and being unhit/using toggle sprint isn’t enough to win.Also, in 6on6, no “insta-winners” like 3lack in 4on4, so I think it would be more fun for everybody.[/QUOTE]

I had lots of fun playing 4on4 scrims with you. Good old times.
Thank you Disarmonia and your old mates

(Kl3ppy) #93

i would most ppl like vehicles, ur talking about the small competition scene, but the normal pub player likes the vehicle. And there are more pubbers then competion players :wink:

(Donatien) #94

Yes, you are right. I was talking about comp.

(gee666) #95

Hey guys I know alot of you are asking about rules and format, ads is busy sorting the team side of things as there are alot of requests from people wanting to make teams. so bear with us while we sort this out. The format will prob be the same as last year for those of you who took part, but it’s Ads baby so I will leave it for him to post. looking for a September start, to allow for peeps to come back from holidays and what not.

Also should have some big news on the prize front soon



(Disar) #96

Most competition players prefer 4on4 because 6on6 is too hard.Requires strats, experience, good vehicle players and more teamplay than “full medic + obj, medics following obj”.Generally they have played only few 6on6, and got so owned that they prefered to not play more this noobish mode with only vehiclenoobs and go back to true infantery 4on4 skill.
At the beginning I used to prefer 4on4 too.But then I started to play 6on6 “seriously” and realised how it was more exciting than 4on4.And I think nobody that has ever played “real 6on6” can prefer 4on4 to 6on6.Well I said “nobody” but for sure there’s also some people who really don’t like vehicles, but the majority of 4on4 players are guys that have never managed to play decently in 6on6.

(Apples) #97

6on6 rox your sox…

Nuff said

(INF3RN0) #98

[QUOTE=Apples;234266]6on6 rox your sox…

Nuff said[/QUOTE]

Agreed. Also was curious how the servers will be chosen for Euro vs NA games?

(oliveoil) #99

I think as we have access to both NA and EU servers maybe we can mix and match but will have to wait and see

(fzl) #100

client prediction forced to +10 or +20

clientmaxprediction forced to 1000

prediction errordecay forced to 0

and some different net settings forced plz…

and then are no discussions and all is fine here…


best regards
