OCB World Cup 2

(f34n0r) #221

Another reason, if there will be ANY custom content at all, such as: maps, campaign scripts, reorganizing of stock maps into new campaigns, etc., then you definitely want to use QWTA. QWTA’s memory is much bigger and you don’t get the constant crashes that pro has when it tries to run lots of custom content. In addition to better and smoother FPS on the MAC clients, I think it delivers smoother FPS on windows too, I always get higher FPS when I play QWTA than when I play pro, especially on custom maps like Maridia, Arctic Assault or Free Spirit City.

(Aristotle) #222

Maridia always ran like a dream for me on Pro, did better with fps and such than any of the stock maps on vanilla.

(Apples) #223

+1 for this… Never have any problem with almost any custom content in pro… I dont say its better than qwta, but cmon try not to find bugs where there are not…


(f34n0r) #224

Try running it without a low-config or riva tuner.

(Kl3ppy) #225

This discussion will lead to nowhere …
pro has his advantages and qwta has his, both mods arent perfect so stop stupid discussion. Instead start to play :wink:

(Aristotle) #226

I’ve never used riva tuner and when Maridia came out and was in the first STA it was in I didn’t have a “low-config” I played with pretty much all defualts. It wasn’t until I was out of ss that I started making my own configs and such.

(gee666) #227

OK so I mentioned earlier that there were some cool prizes up for grabs

We have the following

Games donated by OCB
Brink Posters and T shirts kindly donated by the great guys at Splash Damage


Drum Roll

More Drums

Can you feel it yet?

Signed and personalized to the winners from Splash Damage, copies of ETQW!!!

I can’t thank the guys at SD enough for putting up these prizes, with out a doubt the greatest developers around. As if giving us 2 of the greatest FPS’s going and a 3rd on the way wasn’t enough.



(Aristotle) #228

All i need to start up my tourney/league (if enough teams interested).

Also, thats one hell of a prize for the OCB cup. Big props to the SD guys for putting up the prizes they did. <3 you guys!

(Dthy) #229

Gahh, why do i have to be team less :frowning:

(Aristotle) #230

Find one.

I won’t be able to compete myself, work schedule pretty much denies all chances I have. Still going to host it though, for all the dedicated players :o

Also, there MAY be something in it for players.

OCB can put me down for USA and I will play if I can.

(AnthonyDa) #231

First stop hackusing people. And secondly, if you are using the same cfg on BOTH mods(+base) then it’s fair to compare it. It doesn’t matter which settings you’re using, promod runs faster than base with same cfg.

(f34n0r) #232

I never said it was “hacking” to use a low config or even to use Rivatuner. Quite the opposite, I am simply saying that for Pro to run well, especially on certain custom maps and render good FPS, that you NEED stuff like low configs or rivatuner or else pro won’t render well and you will get crashes and choppiness. I have demos to prove it.

Try playing on max highest settings on promod on Arctic Assault, Tower or Free Spirit City and you will see exactly what I am talking about. I have a high-end system with a 42" screen, so I don’t really like having to turn everything down or having to use external programs to do that just to make a mod play more stable.

(H4rdc0re) #233

[QUOTE=Aristotle;235588]Find one.

Still going to host it though, for all the dedicated players :o[/QUOTE]

We are done with QW and its drama :slight_smile:

Good luck with your tourney.

(Virus047) #234

I’m game to play with Team USA.

Tallen and I already work together and I know two other guys who would be perfect for backup situations if needed. I also can talk to the world famous “THE RevTUBE” if needed. Perhaps he might come out of retirement to shoot people in the face.

(zman) #235

Ok I have tried to sign up for the cup but I am not showing up on the America team list
I can’t log on to the new web site http://www.sgs-gaming.com/index.php?option=com_kunena&Itemid=164
Have I been blackballed from the cup?:eek:


(Aristotle) #236

[QUOTE=H4rdc0re;235605]We are done with QW and its drama :slight_smile:

Good luck with your tourney.[/QUOTE]

pssh, You will compete and you know it <3

(H4rdc0re) #237

I uninstalled lolz not reinstalling but c u in brink :cool:

(sixsixseven) #238

yeah hardcore u told me to come back for this fail tourney and we got banned from pubs lmao back to css and rtcw with vid peace qw for the second time

(Aristotle) #239

I sense QQ’ing. Pubs always get butthurt when raped, nothing is new.

Also nestik, calling the tourney I was starting fail? If so, I agree that it will indeed fail if people like you come along and say they will play and then don’t. Those kinds of people are just so awesome

(sixsixseven) #240

wow everyone should stfu about nestik lmao everyone thinks im him. First they thought i was hardcore now nestik. if u really went on vent with me, NESTIK, hardcore, and others u will laugh at yourself. and yes im leaving since there is no point since there will be no competition for us. You can believe anything u want and u can try your hardest to bring qw comp but it wont happen without decent players so please get back at me with 100+ decent teams. and yes like i said before this is me lmao. even mr. popular chump over there believes im nestik as well.

good luck with ur tourney