OCB World Cup 2

(matsy) #201

There are things I like about promod like some of the map changes for inf only and some of the graphical tweaks for people with rubbish pc’s were good ideas but other than that it was the competitive community at the time that made the big dived between public players and the competitive ones, they took the so called top clans and took their opinions rather than taking their time and playing the game with small incremental changes from vanilla.

(Rex) #202

Ok, this bull**** forced me to enlighten you.
The big split between public players and competitive ones? :rolleyes:
There was/ will ever be a divide between comp and pub players.
Have you ever looked at other games? In almost every game you find the “fun” and the competitive community.
It is also justified that the top clans brought their suggestions and opinions into the promod. Who else?
Only because the competitive players didn’t like vanilla, can you say that they haven’t played the game? :eek: Lol, sorry mate but how stupid can you be?

Better you get to know promod and the competitive scene before you keep on talking ****.

(Kl3ppy) #203

Promod isnt the result that vanilla is unplayable, pro mod is the result of the lack of a comp mod where u can force some settings. And yes, promod has some awesome things.
I think, that the rank system created the gap between pub and promod, because everyone wanted to get more xp, a higher rang and everything else wasnt intressting. If it had been possible to set up a promod server who streams to the master stats server i bet more players would play promod than vanilla.

(sereNADE) #204

enough opinions are now surfacing that we should start a new thread.
silly to be unhappy that a high profile cup uses promod.
take a gander up the forum in a few minutes =]

(matsy) #205

I’m not against promod as it provides a service in which admin’s can enforce their rules on the game. It’s some of the choices in which the so called community (top teams) made to decide certain rules, like disabling the flying vehicles (excluding icarus) from word go I disapprove of and the further you move away from the core game the harder the transition from vanilla to competitive game play is.

I’ll get to know the promod scene, please point me in the right direction.

(Aristotle) #206

you can use fliers in pro cant you? doesn’t it just change the spawn time for them slightly

(matsy) #207

Yeah you can use fliers in pro but in the euro scene they were turned off.

(Rex) #208

Where is the problem? If you don’t like some pro rules, play vanilla on pub then.

(f34n0r) #209

The point of the cup is to include people right? Why would you want to exclude MAC players?

Btw, in promod the flier and armor spawns aren’t ‘slightly off’ they are DOUBLE.

Promod is OK for 1 v 1 or maybe 4 v 4. But in unrestricted settings you should just use plain vanilla ETQW. Otherwise you can probably count all of the MAC users out of this tournament…

(Aristotle) #210

[QUOTE=TAW|Feanor;235495]The point of the cup is to include people right? Why would you want to exclude MAC players?

Btw, in promod the flier and armor spawns aren’t ‘slightly off’ they are DOUBLE.

Promod is OK for 1 v 1 or maybe 4 v 4. But in unrestricted settings you should just use plain vanilla ETQW. Otherwise you can probably count all of the MAC users out of this tournament…[/QUOTE]

Does TA run on linux?

(INF3RN0) #211

I thought 1.0c was for mac support on pro?

(Aristotle) #212

Thought so too, but I think Feanor said something about massive fps/ping issues on the mac version of pro.

(Tanzverbot) #213


Promod is OK for 1 v 1 or maybe 4 v 4. But in unrestricted settings you should just use plain vanilla ETQW. Otherwise you can probably count all of the MAC users out of this tournament…[/QUOTE]

Both of them? :eek:

(Susefreak) #214

I suggest playing on the compiles. Yeah sure there is support in the sense that you are able to run it, but it’s bug infested, you can’t even shoot properly. The aim goes to the sky, like an anti-aimbot…

Not to mention the FPS drops at the weirdest moments and getting stuck in the limbo for an eternity.

(matsy) #215

Anyway in terms of vanhilla can’t you just use the comp mod settings they brought out for limits on stuff?

No one seems to play pro so it makes no diffrence.

(AnthonyDa) #216

[quote=TAW|Feanor;235495]The point of the cup is to include people right? Why would you want to exclude MAC players?
Excepted susefreak, is there any MAC player left in QW? And if so he can’t be replaced ? (remember it’s only 4/6 peoples per country)

If that a problem? Not really.

Promod is OK for 1 v 1 or maybe 4 v 4. But in unrestricted settings you should just use plain vanilla ETQW. Otherwise you can probably count all of the MAC users out of this tournament…[/quote]
See above.
Yet i don’t see how you can imaging playing 6v6 vanilla, having each player into a vehicle is kinda ****ty…

(matsy) #217

Why not use the offical compition mod, it works on all the os’s being moaned about above, it keeps vanhilla settings regarding guns and give the ability to set class and vehicle restrictions :rolleyes:.

(Tallen) #218

I want to play ETQW again… :stroggbanana:

(Rex) #219

Yeah, I hope Aristotle starts his cup soon :slight_smile:

(Aristotle) #220

Just need feedback on the config first. If anybody wants a copy of it to test let me know.

Also Tallen, <3