[MOD] skilth 1.3

(king_troll) #41

it should have a random patch released… folks can make bigger and todays hardware higher poly refinery and outskirt maps, with real life sized buildings

(taw_m0nsta) #42

Hey buddy :wink: just a ‘random’ idea here:

Why not change every model 50% smaller? (As well every else related like movement speed, fire distance, camera distance etc) Should’n this give you 50% more map space? Or does that automatically mean the overall pixel quality goes down 50% while your hunting for 200% bigger textures and map space?

(Breo) #43

The darkmatter will look like a atomic bomb, same goes for obliterator :slight_smile:

(king_troll) #44

everything strogg has been removed, both teams are identical and use everything gdf

(taw_m0nsta) #45

Well I suppose you should change the impact animations (or ‘content_holder’) 50% smaller as well. But offcourse it shouldn mean 50% less poligons…

(taw_m0nsta) #46

Does that include you fixed the ‘strogg’ base shields? So it doesn’t kills you when you are ‘gdf2’ (I mean as Strogg).

(Breo) #47

Why would you do that? Just change the values of the weapons characteristic/stats and you have the same idea?

(king_troll) #48

because its a mod, and strogg are lame, its brink with vehicles, and all team games with full camo and army man

(king_troll) #49

heres a new dev download http://nullnuke.netai.net/skilth_warzone_v1.3_dev-4.zip

seperate from the last… there is plenty of code tweaked and removed including everything that allows players and bots to be disguised and running on new team playerclasses, many tweaks to entitydef settings, and renames strogg to SUC [secret underground cleché] in text only, so existing maps should all work

(king_troll) #50

seperate from the last… there is plenty of code tweaked and removed including everything that allows players and bots to be disguised and running on new team playerclasses, many tweaks to entitydef settings, and renames strogg to SUC [secret underground cleché] in text only, so existing maps should all work

heres a new dev download http://www.mediafire.com/?9higcdhjdm6cjsi repack from other dev 4, this has playname crosshairs working, and strogg/suc quickchat menu

(king_troll) #51

skilth 1.3

replaces all strogg player/weapons/vehicle models and awards, with a replica GDF team

new mini mod, to put in the base folder or official compition mod folder…

cleans up and tweaks all map atmospheres and de-saturates them [ put up the gamma in the options, and brightness down a bit, and the game can almost look photorealistic ].

balances all damages/projectile ranges/spreads/projectile recoils/kickbacks on all handweapons
all main team hand weapons are using the same values for zoom/recoil/muzzlekick/projectile spread/projectile damage/fire rate etc…

adds cvar net_rmapCycle to enable/disable random maps on server or SP in objective and stopwatch gametypes
adds cvar si_tactical to force player walk/run/sprint tactical speeds, if disabled, pm_speed cvars are used
adds cmd listmaps

slows all vehicles down to a realistic “warzone” pace, and tweaks and changes more settings

allows adding key “climate” to mapinfo/*.md files to set a custom skin to match the map, and climate key can be set, if the skinname_climate is found, the climate skin will be set on players/deployables/vehicles… using seperate skins for both teams… mapinfo/climate_skins.md is 99% trash and no longer used

allows easy making of skin packs, set new materials in the skins pk4 and put a skin pack in skilths folder

removes everything that allows players and bots to be disguised and running on new team playerclasses, many tweaks to entitydef settings

renames strogg to SUC [secret underground cleché]

(king_troll) #52

repack of skilth 1.3 dev. download > nullnuke.netai.net/skilth_warzone_v1.3_dev-4.zip 4.94 MB (5,185,809 bytes) <

fixes skins on exploded vehicles, you can play standard QW maps all weekend and make some urban new maps and skins

(Crytiqal) #53

I think ima try this mod out :stuck_out_tongue:

(king_troll) #54

i will upload another if you want some grenade effects when they explode, besides that, its all good to go, except a few menu things, and end of game VO still saying strogg on a few maps

(king_troll) #55

fixes covertops assaultrifle having no ammo on spawn
fixes grenades having no exploding effect
fixes small random things in scripts.dll

changes settings to make a few things more realistic/playable

download > nullnuke.netai.net/skilth_warzone_v1.3.zip 4.94 MB (5,184,664 bytes)

(Crytiqal) #56

I can’t play just now cause I got examns on wednesday <_<, but I will try it out afterwards.

(king_troll) #57

you will get addicted and need hour long matches. playing alone with bots, the game is too hard for them on most maps, and they get pinned down and just run into the line of fire

(king_troll) #58

another skilth : download > http://nullnuke.netai.net/skilth_warzone_v1.3.zip 4.93 MB (5,172,606 bytes)

fixes airstrikes erroring out of game to main menu
fixes trojan not being spawned
fixes platypus not being spawned
fixes mcp not being deployed

changes many settings… health, projectile velocity, damage, splash damage, radius, ammo counts… etc

(king_troll) #59

some daily dose of junk… uploaded another. cleans up map and objective highcommand VO removig team names and playerclasses [english only], removes playing of end of match win/lose VO, fixes mcp arm skins in minigun cockpit, download with the link in above post 6.12 MB (6,425,799 bytes)

(Donnovan) #60

Lots of people are big fan of GDF play. So this can come directly to those ones desire. Also can produce new gameplay.