[MOD] skilth 1.3

(AKAMrSmiley) #21

People actually downloaded his ****? Ya’ll are almost as crazy as the troll. o.0

(king_troll) #22

whats ****, it took me a few days to do what its taken all other years todo

they can make new maps and skins and player model packs, when i make player team 100% independent

(taw_m0nsta) #23

I understand your motivation. You don’t like SSSt-rrrOOOggg. That is on one side very sad because your solution to your problem seems to be much more complicated. Right now it doesn’t fit with any map, and thats sad because we, well at least I, am always willing to try out new stuff.

Not being able to escape from your own base is a major fail. Not being able to use the flyerdrone to complete the final objectives in Volcano is ridicules. Removing the tactical shields, spawnhosts, portals and stroydown/up is a major cut in the possibilities for the defending team.

I suggest that you rethink of what you wanted to accomplish here. Try to figure out something with 1 rule in mind, that it should at least work with most of the available vanilla and custom maps. If not, you cannot expect other people will help you out with creating custom content like maps, models an other stuff while being so arrogant.

Having an out-of-the-box idea the easiest step of doing something radical different. But making the idea work requires much more than that. Don’t worry, Thomas Edison was wrong 1,800 times before getting the light bulb right.

To be honest I really like what you did with the atmospheres and ambients. The shadows around the vehicles, players and other stuff look much better now. I was hunting this solution for better shadows for the last few months while working on my night modification, so I’m gonna check out how you did that. (I guess a much brighter sun and much more fog that blocks the sun but not the sunlight).

(king_troll) #24

it doesnt need to fit any maps, just get wrecked and play the game with more style…, and anyone can tweak volcano with a few hours of work, and make it exactly the same as RTCW beach map, which valcano already 99% a replica of

if you want it to fit maps, you have to make your own, then make your own high command and player VO to suit new objectives, and that all aint worth it doing a total conversion mod without bigger maps… then the sdk has no gui editor to do basic layouts of all material images… so making new menus and huds will take 2 years itself

(Violator) #25

Your attitude is ****. I’d put you up there with QUAKEJOE (in fact I have a suspicion you are QUAKEJOE ;)) in terms of trolliness - so well done there at least :). You claim you want us to make maps for you (though we are all plainly inferior to your unique talents and 1-track mindedness - I’ve yet to see you even consider anyone else’s suggestion when it dare to disagree with yours) and in the same breath denounce the entire q3/q4 engine modding community. I’m still not sure why you’ve made a mod for an engine (and community) you despise in the first place?

(king_troll) #26

i am god that made the impossible happen http://www.moddb.com/mods/q43a which q4 world can not stand, q4 is dead, and full of bugs, unless you play q43a, which has too much recoding and new features little duelers do not understand or cry just about about even when you can disable them all in the server setup, or enable tournament mode and just play duel game type…

you all live in another “id” world of modding, someone means anyone, which could be any of you, or it could be a lurker

quakewars engine is easy… if i rename team classes in the main driver “library” to global names allies/axis or something… any mapper or modder can compile their own script driver “library”… and make a full custom mod, using skilth as a base…

(Violator) #27

I’m also the ‘god’ that made the legendary and incredible StupidQW mod in one weekend - this changed all vehicle / player firing speeds / added MG to the husky etc. its not all that tricky if you know a bit of c/++/#, the other stuff is hard - mapping / modelling etc… The problem is if you don’t lighten up / open up to other ideas / remove god complex no-one is going to want to map for you are they. q4 / QW - its still all idtech4 so I’m still not sure why you chose this engine (you hate it / its full of bugs) also the game (its asymmetric and there’s plenty of other non-asymmetric games to pick to play with) other than ‘because its there’ in which case fair enough :).

EDIT: link to StupidQW for some reverse trolling :wink: - http://www.splashdamage.com/forums/showthread.php/20624-QW-Stupid-mod

Working link: http://www.wolffiles.de/index.php?filebase&fid=2763

(taw_m0nsta) #28

No no no, we are living in the same world. I don’t think its your mod thats failing, but its your attitude. I’m afraid its because you are suffering from megalomania. So, to fully understand megalomania, here is something that you would probably hate to read as a response on your mod :

Thank you bro for all your hard works! And thanks for sharing, very generous. Keep up the good work buddy!

Now stop being a pain in the ass and blend this little rascal into something great. I think your mod changes would fit perfectly with the (death match) 21 century warfare maps, have you looked at those? Next step after maps will be (new models and) new outfits and maybe (new models and new) textures for the vehicles. Its really important to recognize the ‘other’ team in a FPS.

(king_troll) #29

you are not a god that recode most of the sdk, and added water, mp vehicles, guided projectiles, lipsynced voice taunts, full custom player models, and all other new features that no code exists for, especially being able to use them all on dedicated server with no loss of performance

q43a has better performance then vanilla q4, even if all new features in active in gameplay

upload another repack of skilth 1.3 dev… you can tweak the included map files

repack :

includes .entities files for all maps, that spawn vehicles using matching team class names… …_husky_gdf / …_husky_gdf

team vehicles now have correct team collection group so they will be targeted correctly by deployables

fixes engineers antiair turrect scriptobject error out of game when deployed, and renames turret to ground to air defense

(Susefreak) #30

I think we found a proper replacement for Basiley.

(king_troll) #31

mapping is just boring, coders make it work

online teams always fail, everyone comes from different worlds and ways of life, and all just end up hating each other… i make a mod, do many different things,

i say make a map or whatever if you want to, mappers and modellers dont get it, and all just want to be in some modding team

(taw_m0nsta) #32

Omg… you really know how to get them working for you init Sheldon? If I may recommend a book: http://www.amazon.com/How-Talk-Anyone-Success-Relationships/dp/007141858X/ref=pd_bxgy_b_img_b

(king_troll) #33

talking about your team stuff again,… why would they be working for me, anyone who uses the mod plays the map their name is on, just need the mod to play it… the map would absolute nothing todo with me

me node, them random and run servers they want, making maps is no different, if someone makes a new vehicle, the script would need to be compiled in included driver “library” if they want it to be usable in random custom made maps

(light_sh4v0r) #34

Yeah that’s all really cool, but you made a mod for a non-existing fanbase which isn’t going to make any maps for it. I’ve got nothing against people making mods, but you should understand that nobody here has any interest in playing a reduced version of ETQW.

(king_troll) #35

i have`nt made a mod… 1.2 has been out most of the year… 1.3 is dev for developement… theres a 1000 small things todo if you want a decent tactical game, and only started 1.3 a few days ago

years of BF3, and can just be a mod for quakewars if the engine could handle bigger megatextures

(taw_m0nsta) #36

Maybe its useful for personal research* to trow out a poll first (something like ‘Do you want to play BF3 in ETQW?’ Vote A, Vote B) before spending your godly precious time on this thing? Ill bet you will be surprised by the result… I still not doubt about your knowledge of the engine part but real gods should saw that answer coming…

(king_troll) #37

no, its a mod, if you want to play quakewars, then play quakewars… if you want a mix of quakewars/counterstrike/wolfET/bf/mw play skilth… if you want to play quakewars or any retail game, then you shouldnt want a sdk released

…skilth not aimed at the console world

(light_sh4v0r) #38

ETQW on consoles doesn’t support custom content anyway :tongue:
I’ve got every mod that’s been released for ETQW installed and played them all, so yeah I like the SDK.

(king_troll) #39

mods and maps probaly work on xbox 360. it is just windows with directx 8. you just have to drop the console down on the main menu and read all the paths it searches, and why you can play 360 in windows 8 on your desktop after a retail install

you would need playstation dev kit for brink and rage and future idtech engines that are fully crossplatform, except for linux

(.Chris.) #40

Mods and map support had to be patched in to fully work, I’m not sure the console version contain patch 1.4 or later which are required.