hi zig-zag … surprised i’m still having these problems?? u were there for the beginning.
the problem started with spyware…or i think.
waited to long to fix the problems as they started. first explorer started crashing in game. took a while to happen at first but slowly it took less and less games. when it did crash i’d get these random glitch’s causing the game to skip real bad every minute or so and i’d have to restart.
had to restart manually thou becuase nothing in the explorer bar/start menu worked.
then one day after i just started using the nvidia desktop manager and i was also trying out different cfg’s (or i believe this was the day) everything went to shit. bullets stoped going where my crosshair was and the constant fps skipping started and got worse and worse everyday.
(set stencil bits to 8 and maybe another cvar and know ur hardware has to support stencil bits but it was in the cfg i was tryin so i said wth…dont know if this can mess up ur vid card if it doesnt support it thou…still dont know what stenil bits are either…if someone knows let it out!)
i’ve reformatted, flashed the bios, and am now at a different house hooking it up for the first time here after a clean reformat and i still have the fps skipping problem. so if there is a virus/spyware stuck on here it can live thru flashed bios. and the only piece of hardware not hooked up when i do this is the video card cuz well…its damn big and sits right in the way of the jumpers.
wolf is also causeing runtime error’s after enough games atm but i’m thinking this has to do with playing on pubs and all the maps i have to download so i’ve been deleteing as much stuff in et as possible every few days.
i’ve also used different cables, router or no router, and new mobo which i plug the internetz directly into because the a8n32sli deluxe’s ports and drivers for these ports are pretty damn good…or should be atleast.
and again…by fps skipping i mean. about every 8 fps or so it skips 1 or 2. only shows up in the lagometer as breaks in the frames bar and i have to turn down the fps to see these.
also…i know pb has a systems file now causing packet problems for many. anybody know if this or another program run’s/scans maybe ur fps in the way of screenshots about 8 frames a second??