Dirty Bomb Founders Skins.

(thesuperchris) #81

I would maybe see your point, if that content was widely available and there was ample time to purchase into it. But in this case there was not, and having talked to everyone from streamers to other players of the game, they would disagree with you, as none of them ever heard of this content, despite playing in the open beta, even some have been apart of the game since closed beta and knew nothing about it.

I wouldn’t mind so much if the “exclusive” content had a reasonable timetable associated with it, but it didn’t, and you as a consumer should not embrace the idea of content being cut off to you in such a unreasonable manner.

(thesuperchris) #82

“Life, uh, finds a way.”-Ian Malcom.

(Volcano) #83

how long was the time from alpha to closed beta Darkangel? almost 2 years?

(DarkangelUK) #84

[QUOTE=thesuperchris;533003]I would maybe see your point, if that content was widely available and there was ample time to purchase into it. But in this case there was not, and having talked to everyone from streamers to other players of the game, they would disagree with you, as none of them ever heard of this content, despite playing in the open beta, even some have been apart of the game since closed beta and knew nothing about it.

I wouldn’t mind so much if the “exclusive” content had a reasonable timetable associated with it, but it didn’t, and you as a consumer should not embrace the idea of content being cut off to you in such a unreasonable manner.[/QUOTE]

There was plenty time for it, a year maybe more, and it was posted across several gaming blogs (eurogamer, kotaku, engadget, rockpapershotgun to name a few). Why should I as a consumer get my tits in a twist because a company choose to sell something for a specific amount of time of their choice? They aren’t under any obligation, there are no laws or minimum term critera, no consumer rights were infringed, they made a limited time offer because they can do wtf they want with their own content. You’re just pretty bloody butthurt that you missed it to a point that you’re being a complete dickhead about it, an utter **** in fact, and SD are being kind enough to let you throw a hissy fit on their forums like a spoilt brat. SD could’ve chosen to open the sale up for a single day only, their choice… stop being a bloody baby and grow up, it’s embarrassing you should be bloody ashamed.

(redknob3rd) #85

Dunno what you’re worried about. Getting founder skins was easy. I just had to play.

(redknob3rd) #86

Dunno what you’re worried about. Getting founder skins was easy, I just had to play.

(thesuperchris) #87

The Kotaku website has an incredibly confusing layout, I’m surprised you even cited them as an example as posts can be buried under new posts in no time. And a blog does not constitute as a reputable games media coverage site, and it doesn’t offer up anywhere near as much coverage as a site like youtube, or Gameinformer, etc. etc. You shouldn’t get your titties in a twist if you don’t feel that you should, and by saying that they can do what they want with their content, I as a consumer of their content have the right to express my dissatisfaction of that content or lack there of, which is why there is a medium for that, the forums. You are completely right, they have a right to the time table of exclusive content, as I have the right to continue to support or not support them based on that decision if I find it unreasonable. If it was offered for 5 years it wouldn’t much matter if no one knew about it, if it was content only available to the devs of the game I wouldn’t like that too much either. You are more than welcome to praise a company for making a decision like this, but in the future, if something like this happens to you, and you feel strongly about it, don’t go being a hypocrite about it and remember how much I wanted this content and didn’t get it, and how upset that would make you feel, and then you will feel my pain.

I have given them more than enough money so far to justify being left to vent on a post no one is taking seriously. You are doing all the fighting for them, this is why companies can get away with things like this.

(thesuperchris) #88

Good for you, I’m happy that you were able to take advantage of the offer and/or content.

(DarkangelUK) #89

[QUOTE=thesuperchris;533012]The Kotaku website has an incredibly confusing layout, I’m surprised you even cited them as an example as posts can be buried under new posts in no time. And a blog does not constitute as a reputable games media coverage site, and it doesn’t offer up anywhere near as much coverage as a site like youtube, or Gameinformer, etc. etc. You shouldn’t get your titties in a twist if you don’t feel that you should, and by saying that they can do what they want with their content, I as a consumer of their content have the right to express my dissatisfaction of that content or lack there of, which is why there is a medium for that, the forums. You are completely right, they have a right to the time table of exclusive content, as I have the right to continue to support or not support them based on that decision if I find it unreasonable. If it was offered for 5 years it wouldn’t much matter if no one knew about it, if it was content only available to the devs of the game I wouldn’t like that too much either. You are more than welcome to praise a company for making a decision like this, but in the future, if something like this happens to you, and you feel strongly about it, don’t go being a hypocrite about it and remember how much I wanted this content and didn’t get it, and how upset that would make you feel, and then you will feel my pain.

I have given them more than enough money so far to justify being left to vent on a post no one is taking seriously. You are doing all the fighting for them, this is why companies can get away with things like this.[/QUOTE]

You’re just trolling now, I think you were always trolling really… well played you’re a funny guy, you had us going for a sec :slight_smile:

(Nail) #90

gee, I go away for a while and this turns into a novelette, well played lads

just so stupercrisp knows, all Founders stuff was way before Nexon or Steam

and I was personally invited in Nov 2012 by Paul Wedgwood

NO, you can’t have them

(thesuperchris) #91

which is exactly my point, unless you knew someone that knew someone, that heard about the game from someone who knew about the game, you didn’t know about this offer, and I feel that it is unreasonable for them to lock it out like this.

(DarkangelUK) #92

Google ‘Dirty Bomb Founders Pack’ and scroll through the huge list of websites that reported on it. You’re a moron. I was invited by Paul as well, it was a glorious day.

(thesuperchris) #93

Why would you google Dirty Bomb’s founders pack if you didn’t know Dirty Bomb existed?

(Nail) #94

Oh, I knew about the game before that, it was posted all over here

(Nail) #95

aim lower, it missed him completely

(DarkangelUK) #96

But, I’m struggling to comprehend that someone can be this stupid so it must be a troll account… I mean it just must, it has to be!

(BioSnark) #97

Was the game actually announced when those first invites were sent? Chris probably got an invite from locki but he thought it was spam.

(Nail) #98

maybe he’s lonely and just wants someone to talk to


(thesuperchris) #99

Well, I’ve spent as much time as I feel like I need to about this subject. It was nice meeting you all, have fun with your game.

(Nail) #100

someone said something on Nexon forums I thought sounded good

SD could release Brink weapon skins to people with Brink in their Steam catalog