I bought it on xbox 360, and I’m not really big into gun skins, but like I said if this isn’t going to change then that’s that, I for one will not be supporting this project in any way, via streaming, writing reviews, or video reviews, making purchases or playing the game until they change their mind on this subject. I know it’s exclusive and I know some of you feel like it would be a slap in the face to those who did get to purchase the package, but I wanted so much to not only support them but also get something that shows my support. If that’s not a good enough reason for them to re release it, even a dumbed down version of it, then I as a customer am not appreciated in the same way, and I don’t agree with it.
So thank you all for your insight, and views on the matter, and thank you Splash Damage for the enjoyment I got from your title, good luck with it, and I hope one day you will change your mind on the matter, when that day comes I will be back, and I will then support the project.