DC 3000 - Custom Map

(Donnovan) #61

Donnovans SDK Tour:


Blender Work:

Map Script:

Ashog Playing Defense Grid:

Light_Shavor playing Defense Grid:

(.Chris.) #62

I hope that spiral staircase isnt the only route to the objective down there.

(taw_m0nsta) #63

At the moment it is. No back route or portal. But no worries, its easy to jump down between the curves. Its also possible to jump right in the centre and use your parachute and end up at the very last curve, which is quite tricky because if you fail you will die and the databrain will do a happy dance around your death burning body. Plus it will take 15/20 seconds for the databrain to respawn at its original location, that will give GDF some time to setup their defences again.

I do have 2 exit routes for the underground area in mind, just in case the run upwards becomes to hard for strogg. But these exit routes will only be unlocked as soon the transmit objective is completed. Right now we have a very first alpha release we will run on our custom servers this Thursday. If I am correct his will be on a private server, so no guests allowed.

Im still hunting for a solution/walk trough for running a fake mod, so we don’t have to fed up guest players with ProMod/QWTA + 30 custom maps (=2.5 GB custom content) just to be able to check out this new map.

(Ashog) #64

I’m not mad. It’s just this… ddefense ggrid…problems… enemies ttoo fast… mghm

(taw_m0nsta) #65

(light_sh4v0r) #66

I really hope it plays as good as it looks, because it looks really great :slight_smile:
Been a while since I played Defense grid btw, should try that again!

(Donnovan) #67

I have two problems when trying to reach top 1 score on Defense Grid. The problems names are “Ashog” and “Light_Shavor”.

Man, you two are in the level where 10 points makes the difference.

(Violator) #68

The blue / green looks so much better than the pinky red :slight_smile:

(taw_m0nsta) #69

Yeah i know, I will ask Bob Ross again to make it stroyently-orange. :smiley:

(Ashog) #70

[QUOTE=light_sh4v0r;400264]I really hope it plays as good as it looks, because it looks really great :slight_smile:
Been a while since I played Defense grid btw, should try that again![/QUOTE]

Nah, you guys can’t beat me. I have no body.

(Donnovan) #71

I can beat you two, found this solution on Internet (the big computer network running over TCP/IP protocol):

“How to remove friends from your steam account.”

The high score is composed just by your score and your steam friends score.

Hehe. Justa Kidanga! I will never do that!

(light_sh4v0r) #72

lol :smiley:
I’ll have to give some credit to my Dad, he’s been playing Defense Grid on my steam account and most of the highscores are probably his :wink:

(Ashog) #73

Time to grow up then :wink:

(Donnovan) #74

Grey Samus Bomb Wireless War Servers:

No cables!

(Donnovan) #75

Ultraneck Teleporter 2000, dont let your leg behind anymore!

And you also have Ultraneck Teleport 2001, with penis enlargement multipliers!

Still in beta stage, waiting for aprovance.

(Donnovan) #76

Brocoli Room. Work in progress:

(Donnovan) #77

Brocoli Room front wall detail: more patcha!

(taw_m0nsta) #78

Looking good Don :smiley: I’m very curious about the extra entires and how to orange jump pads will work out. Orange looks much better then the (light) red shields. Last picture looks amazing! Looking forward for a fresh pk4.

(Donnovan) #79

The CPD jungle!

(unsolid cables for the win)

(taw_m0nsta) #80

Can you walk trough the cables or are you forced to jump over them? Is there a way to stand on the servers (as non infiltrator) or only possible to walk under them?