DC 3000 - Custom Map

(Donnovan) #41

God does not planed Universe before creating it!

We are the Plan the Creation and the Execution!

You can plan small things! But not when creating worlds!

(Ashog) #42

hehehehehe :slight_smile:

(Donnovan) #43

I feel 1000 times more happy doing a map with a person like Monsta than with a bunch o drunk people that i posted all my hope and did NOTHING.

Sorry, you guys just disapointed me so much.

You are all on AnthonyDA grave now. And i dont like the smell of it.

(.Chris.) #44

Pretty sure the most indepth feedback for Andes, Glory and Consite came from those drunk people but yeah work with humourless ‘yes men’ who like building maps backwards by all means. :slight_smile:

(Donnovan) #45

No no. I really not used many of your feedbacks. And when used was to make you guys happy, to please your “superior self-sense”. I rarely use a feedback directly, i use it to help in my think.

Dont you guys want to loose your lifes with alcohol and “partyes” (or whatever i can call it) snacks?

So consider i am loosing my life with bad maps. I dont consider that, but you can consider and believe in your self.

(.Chris.) #46

Yeah, we noticed, that’s why instead of revised underground stage on Andes we got giant Taz billboard on hillside instead. :slight_smile:

(Ashog) #47

peace ladies :slight_smile:

(Donnovan) #48

Yes, Chris… and say me, you liked my sarcasm?

(.Chris.) #49

Beat me to it Donnovan, wanted to Bazinga you :frowning:

(Donnovan) #50

Was not your fault. Was Ashog fault. He is not a mapper.

(Donnovan) #51

No more updates about this map, from me, on this topic. But i believe TAW will eventualy want to release something, and if they want to use this topic, fell free.

Bye Bye!

(Donnovan) #52

Chris, sorry for the ingratitude. I was really wrong in my talk. Your sarcasm never made me feel bad. Was not really you that made me out of mind, i like when you talk, even if by sarcasm.

Would like a lot if we can continue talking about my maps on IRC.

Today i was moving windows 7 to my SSD drive, so i was not able to go to IRC since i did a fresh new install of everything.

Hope my ingratitude can be forgivem. Thanks for everything.

(.Chris.) #53

Was winding you up man.

(taw_m0nsta) #54

Thanks for screwing up this topic, ladies. I will just make a new one when the time is right. But thumbs up for motivation.

(.Chris.) #55

It’s Donnovan’s thread and his map…

(Apples) #56

Now now, cant take holydays without drama all along heh? :smiley:

Nice map tho, will be fun to play I bet.

(.Chris.) #57

Serious discussion time because I’m bored at work.

Brinstar was a total mess mainly because I hadn’t planned on making it. It just expanded from the idea of having a shield generator on top of a tower. Though eventually I did draw some plans for the 2nd and 3rd stages I didn’t really give much thought into it, was pretty much making it up as went along. This resulted in me building something then trying to make it playable later, a right ball ache. Similar thing happened with Canal but just about managed to turn it around.

It would appear the same is happening here, afaik this map started out as a CTF, arena style map, you can tell from the early shots, the symmetrical main room is a dead give away. As we all know CTF maps aren’t that fun in ET:QW, they are ever over in 2 minutes or a full hold, perhaps this is due to the maps that exist sucking to some extend but I can’t see how a CTF map could ever work unless there was a proper CTF mode that isnt limited to 3 flag captures as is the case with the CTF maps that exist.

Anyway, seems you’ve understood this and decided to change course and make an objective map instead, wise decision. However you’re still using the CTF map as a basis. Did you know Maridia CTF was actually made before Maridia? Though I released it later, the CTF map was just to practice making Strogg style structures and experiment with the sea platform idea. Perhaps you guys should do the same? Hopefully you got older revisions of the map saved from it’s CTF origins, patch it up and release it out there then plan a new map in same style, bet you can re-use a lot of geometry and features once you block out the new map.

Don’t be afraid of starting over again, sometimes it’s easier but yeah, I’ve not played the map yet so maybe it be ok but alarm bells started to ring when you mentioned you’ve only just recently considered where the objectives are going to be.

(Violator) #58

My process for map design is roughly (now, it wasn’t when I did Estate, bar the draw it in Paint phase) -

10 Come up with objective concept / location etc.
20 Draw rough outline in Paint etc., work out where the objectives should go, choke points, travel distances…
30 Resist overwhelming urge to make pretty brushwork right away.
40 Add simple blocks for buildings, walls etc. which affect gameplay.
50 Add in objective entities
60 Do script, test until map objectives are working (for both teams).
70 if (IDEAL_WORLD == true) release this version for testing, but no one will because it ain’t sexeh enuff.
80 Add in pretty brushwork and other gubbins (language files, sounds etc.)
90 Release for testing
100 IDEAL_WORLD = true; GOTO 60

(Runeforce) #59

In the ideal world, you wouldn’t use a GOTO statement! :wink:

(taw_m0nsta) #60

The basic ingredients for this map was: Big ass building, various levels, side railings, good balance between long, medium and short range combats areas, with all focus on the centre of the map. For the size of the building we did a few versions to ‘feel’ if it was big enough. I think its perfect now, but then again, the bots aren’t scripted yet so I have not a good view how it will work out with a full server. Maybe a 12v12 is too much

First plan was to have a never-ending-objective, so both teams are working for the same objective (for example team A needs to hack a computer to enable a portal, team B needs to patch the computer to disable the portal, or enable there own portal (which was located in enemy territory).

But since these is all quite hard to script without making it a mod we moved on to make it and objective map. We are indeed sticking to the layout because I think its nice to have an equal/mirrored layout. If you know how to play the map from playing it as Strogg, its basically the same as playing it as GDF.

A cool feature for this map is that there will be “random” spawn locations for explosive structures :slight_smile: So everytime the map starts it will be a surprise where these structures will be. Both teams can do damage to them, so you can use it against the enemy, or with an excellent bad timing against your own team.