DC 3000 - Custom Map

(Donnovan) #81

Monsta, this is part of the aditional underground area to make the second (GDF) and third (strogg) routes to the objective.

You cant go over the servers, may be only with infiltrator. Cables are unsolid.

(taw_m0nsta) #82

Okay okay, not sure but maybe it is better to have the cables as solid objects? so you can crouch under them and jump over them?

(Donnovan) #83

Ok, next release to come will have then solid.

(.Chris.) #84

Solid wires would be a bad idea, would restrict movement and slow things down.

(Donnovan) #85

Yes, but i made the wires less long, in consequence they are with high tension making their shape a bit more like “stright line” leaving the corrugation on the center and releasing more space on the sides to player move.


Now you can clinb the wires reach the server and then go up in the top of the servers and kick the wireless antenas!

(Donnovan) #86

FATA Atom flesh teleporter (looses only 0,01% calcium). Connected with LongNeck 2000 “Dont let your leg behind” teleporter:

(Donnovan) #87

Monsta, T008 was sended to you box.

(Donnovan) #88

(Violator) #89

Estate destiny-lines (arrow edition) yay :slight_smile:

(Donnovan) #90

Now i have shota. Crok have shota! Posta shota hera!

Crok crack things!

(Donnovan) #91

(Donnovan) #92

I believe its better now:

(taw_m0nsta) #93

I like the smoke thats coming out :slight_smile:

(Donnovan) #94

And it have vent sounds. Vent + Vent Sounds is thanks to Sebasoft ™!

(Donnovan) #95

Monsta, this seens more like Odin Coldness!?

(taw_m0nsta) #96

Brrrrrrrrr :slight_smile:

(Donnovan) #97

My sleep room, the better place in world: