Community Question: Your Favourite Splash Damage Map

(DarkangelUK) #41

Gotta be Tram for me. Coming from RtCW, Tram was the 1st (official) big epic map that featured forward progression after completing the initial objective. So many routes on foot, ride the trams, cover from below… then switch to the other side for more mayhem and regrouping.

ETQW it’s Sewer for me, seemed the least frustrating and the most fun, and came down to which team coordinated best rather than defense getting too many turret spots.

(sidorn) #42

baaah 1 option is way too hard ^^

I went for Valley from quake wars, but I could have easily chosen Oasis or Goldrush …just simply excellent maps.

(GoldenApe) #43

Oh jeez, it’s almost impossible to compare ET maps with QW maps or Brink maps. Quake Wars maps had to accommodate for vehicles, Brink maps for the 3 different bodytypes. So the answers are probably hugely influenced by everyone’s favorite kind of gameplay.
I personally just love the CQC action in WolfET, and there’s no better CQC map than Gold Rush (Oasis comes close though and ofcourse Battery, but only in the final stage). Gold Rush is also a very special map because where most maps have redundancies or plain boring parts, literally every inch of Gold Rush is being used in some part of the match. And because the roads run round, you always end up in the action, no matter which way you go (very noob-friendly). Therefore, Gold Rush is my absolute favorite map ever, not just in Splash Damage games, but in any game.

(light_sh4v0r) #44

Oof, that’s hard. Sewer, Salvage and Volcano are really good fun, will vote Sewer because it integrates vehicles as well as infantry play together so well. Best showcase map for ETQW imo, it has every important bit in it except an anansi (which wouldn’t work for Sewer, I just like anansis :tongue:)
on Wolf I played goldrush most, awesome map but never got all that much into W:ET.

(Humate) #45

Salvage Review
[spoiler]Salvage -. GDF have access to the rooftops on 1st objective which is a nice change to other maps. But most of the time you’ll only see a GPMG up there. The mountains on side, allow for long range rockets, sniping and rocket arty… but both factions have quick access to it…Theres always a mini duel b/w the two factions on that hill to determine who has control over that area. Sometimes GDF concede it, in order to have more numbers around the objective, but they also give up that GPMG on the roof in doing so.

If you plant on the generator on the right side, the defuse can be defended quite easily via the side mountain. Most teams however opt to defend the defuse via violators, but by using a rocket with some lac, you conserve vio/mortar energy for the next phase where its of more value.

Unlike Area22’s mining laser phase - its much easier to defend. Good teams usually run 1 rocket and 1 sniper/scoped assault. Rocket takes out the tac shields, while the scope cleans up. Rarely do Strogg run a Railgun on the first or second push… so its buys a fair bit of time. Another method is to use the mounted GPMG in the tower instead of a sniper, but decent teams take that out quite quickly.

Unlike most other maps, the fight for the spawnpoint becomes a pretty big deal and in itself is a mini-objective… You can ninja plant the final obj to force a push-back, you can go mass infiltrators and teleport over for a surprise attack… you can hack the doorway and send everyone through… or your team can take the many trickjump routes into the complex. You can send an Acc Lacc on the left hill to destroy everyone at range defending it…or you can take the ETQW v1.0 method, wait until the bunkers have been destroyed and watch the “blue smoke” clean you up. cough

The final objective = crossfire city.
There are many sections leading into the final objective room, where the defenders can use to set up. Often a ‘fake’ ninja plant is encouraged, so that the defence feels compelled to defend at the objective, as opposed to the entrances where Strogg get funneled into a meat grinder.
If the GDF push back to the objective room, they have access to some nice vantage points that still make it a bitch for Strogg. Typically a Rocket tends to be favoured over a GPMG, to counter tacshields. And Railgun/Acc lac tends to be used to either snipe the rocket, or flyer drone. cough

Overall its just an awesome map, that allows for a great scope of tactics, both outdoors and indoors.

Rated: 5 stars


Edit: ill do some other ones later :c

(Violator) #46

W:ET - Goldrush - that map has great design and gameplay.
ET:QW - Salvage, esp the last objective :slight_smile:

(Dthy) #47

I think the different games should of had their own threads, since not all of us have played all the games (like me) so we wouldn’t of been able to make a fairer vote. Voted for salvage, always enjoy playing it for some reason.

(INF3RN0) #48

Top 2 from each game;




(Sssaap) #49

W:ET Goldrush by far.
perfectly balanced map; offering lots of potential for teamplay with 3 direct routes to the first objective (tank) while those each having pros and cons and giving the defence team the chance for decent positioning too.
also having 2 nearly 3 ways from spawn, denying axis to spawnkill all the way (against halfway equally expirienced teams)
first barrier not being too easily constructable and yet perfectly balanced concerning planting AND defusing of dynamites plus the last stage offering the purest excitement you can get from any shooter, allowing for single person action aswell as, whats most important, well coordinated crossfire but still also making attacking possible through 2.5 ways and making spawnkilling on attackers side not too hard but yet not easy enough that there’s no hope left after everyone died. even granting great objective runs which made this map not only challanging but also nice to view by spectators, supplying those with numerous scenes of the unexpected happening.

Goldrush made it possible to use all elements ET and FPS in general have to offer

(Humate) #50

Sewer Review
[spoiler]Sewer - One word to describe Sewer is intense.

Its intense because the outdoor objective is designed in a way, where players can get nailed from practically anywhere. The game just feels alive, when you have to be constantly on your toes. Its also one of the few maps where GDF has access to pretty much the same terain that Strogg does which allows for some interesting long range battles and tactics.

Sewer normally opens up with a Hog blasting out of spawn, on the hunt for the APC. And normally the APC always gets owned, as the missile on the APC is just too slow. But APC drivers learnt that if they had a rocket soldier with them, the rocket soldier could jump out dumb fire onto the Hog and it would think twice about trying it again.

Conversely the Armadillo would be stacked with GDF players - which would race out of spawn, so that all the players could be transported to their appropriate spots on the map. One to plant a charge, one to cap spawn, one to climb the ladder to the top building etc. But Strogg would already have an Aggressor with rockets on the top building, dumb firing on the Armadillo with a near team-down.

This was countered 2 ways… run a sniper, and send the armadillo spawn first.
Icarus gets sniped before it has a chance to reach the top building. And the Armadillo safely gets to spawn as players drop out one by one to their spots on the map.

APC drops off the rocket soldier to the ladder, now that its open. Reaches the top only to get scoped from the opposite side of the map. Remember, you can get nailed from anywhere. :slight_smile:

Sounds exciting? It is. Thats basically the first couple of minutes of Sewer. …

Then you have the more linear, hallway action which is a really nice contrast to the open nature of the first objective. The indoor section, is just as intense if not more but for completely different reasons. The requirement here is more twitch skill than battlesense. And unlike Salvage which allows players to create 50 billion crossfires… aim and timing is king here, not so much how the team sets up.

The thing thats unique about Sewer is - owning the grate room = win. How well you do on the second objective determines how well you control the hack objective room. If you hold the room, with all your team-mates alive…your team can run through and complete the hack objective quite easily. The counter to *****ing up the objective, is conceding it early - and entering the back way.

Usually you have a rocket soldier or sniper taking out the icaruses trying to take the back route, so its not a big deal if they try. But in the unlikely event that Strogg takes the room, you’re pretty much screwed. Lots of smoke canisters are needed when this goes down - because you’re likely to have a hyper pre-firing the grate entrance like a madman on stroyent.

Rated: 5 stars [/spoiler]

(.Chris.) #51

Yes, Sewer is my favourite ET:QW map. It uses all the elements of the game but not to the excess that other maps do, you can deal with everything thrown at you reasonable well whatever side you’re on. The outdoor stages aren’t always dominated by vehicles as they is plenty of cover for infantry.

(Humate) #52

If I was to put it into one sentence cough
Its a map that separates the men from the boys. :slight_smile:

(matsy) #53

I voted for Siwa Oasis (Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory), it was the first map I played when I first started out in W:ET and it was my clans home map and the more I played the more I enjoyed playing it! I think as a whole all the maps in ET are great, each one of them so different!

I remember one match which was over three hours long! This was back in the day when we played thirty minute rounds, we played Goldrush which was a full hold for both teams, we then played Radar which was the same and the decider went down to Oasis where we won it with a second to go!

Just so people know Sewer is my fav ETQW map.

(tokamak) #54

I’ve lost count on the number of times I was kicked for spawncamping the allies on Siwa Oasis. Hide in that tent, throw the air strike marker right before the spawn hits and the bombardment ensues right when the shields were off. It leaves the rest of the Axis wondering where the hell their opponents are.

(matsy) #55

If they aren’t dead, probably getting lost in the water tunnel!

(tokamak) #56

I think the pumps should be able to disabled with the satchel charge and the water should rise and sink faster. That would create some nice dynamics.

(.Chris.) #57

14 votes for Brink maps compared with 174 for ET maps, times are changing…

(tokamak) #58

Even if Brink had amazing mechanics and everything, then the maps would simply be too linear to compete with ET maps.

(montheponies) #59

Tram - really needs no explanation. crap for competitive play, but for me couldn’t be touched for large 32man pub games. wasted many hours on the pappadee server (and before that on the blueyonder server). happy days :slight_smile:

(amazinglarry) #60

I used to grief a lot on that map with my friend. We’d take the gold and then run all the way back to the very beginning spawn. And any teammates that tried to tk us, we’d kill… and eventually even Axis got mad and tried to kill us but couldn’t because we were bunkered up in that beginning building. Those were hilarious times.