Sewer Review
[spoiler]Sewer - One word to describe Sewer is intense.
Its intense because the outdoor objective is designed in a way, where players can get nailed from practically anywhere. The game just feels alive, when you have to be constantly on your toes. Its also one of the few maps where GDF has access to pretty much the same terain that Strogg does which allows for some interesting long range battles and tactics.
Sewer normally opens up with a Hog blasting out of spawn, on the hunt for the APC. And normally the APC always gets owned, as the missile on the APC is just too slow. But APC drivers learnt that if they had a rocket soldier with them, the rocket soldier could jump out dumb fire onto the Hog and it would think twice about trying it again.
Conversely the Armadillo would be stacked with GDF players - which would race out of spawn, so that all the players could be transported to their appropriate spots on the map. One to plant a charge, one to cap spawn, one to climb the ladder to the top building etc. But Strogg would already have an Aggressor with rockets on the top building, dumb firing on the Armadillo with a near team-down.
This was countered 2 ways… run a sniper, and send the armadillo spawn first.
Icarus gets sniped before it has a chance to reach the top building. And the Armadillo safely gets to spawn as players drop out one by one to their spots on the map.
APC drops off the rocket soldier to the ladder, now that its open. Reaches the top only to get scoped from the opposite side of the map. Remember, you can get nailed from anywhere.
Sounds exciting? It is. Thats basically the first couple of minutes of Sewer. …
Then you have the more linear, hallway action which is a really nice contrast to the open nature of the first objective. The indoor section, is just as intense if not more but for completely different reasons. The requirement here is more twitch skill than battlesense. And unlike Salvage which allows players to create 50 billion crossfires… aim and timing is king here, not so much how the team sets up.
The thing thats unique about Sewer is - owning the grate room = win. How well you do on the second objective determines how well you control the hack objective room. If you hold the room, with all your team-mates alive…your team can run through and complete the hack objective quite easily. The counter to *****ing up the objective, is conceding it early - and entering the back way.
Usually you have a rocket soldier or sniper taking out the icaruses trying to take the back route, so its not a big deal if they try. But in the unlikely event that Strogg takes the room, you’re pretty much screwed. Lots of smoke canisters are needed when this goes down - because you’re likely to have a hyper pre-firing the grate entrance like a madman on stroyent.
Rated: 5 stars [/spoiler]