Community Question: Your Favourite Splash Damage Map

(matsy) #61

Talking of griefing I use to love letting the Axis through the back door on Battery before scripts made it blow-able or my favourite thing was to push the Axis off the ruins on Oasis first stage, usually to their death.

(shagileo) #62

So it was YOU !? :penguin:

(Slade05) #63

Pffft. Pushing enemy to his death is not a griefing by any account.

(EnderWiggin.DA.) #64

TRAM!!! Tram was awesome because you could interact with the map in a way I hadn’t seen before. Sure, taking the tram was completely obvious route and yet the defense often forgot to watch it. Plus you could blow the doors to enter the second phase of the map early. Hell, it was almost required to win. Also, using the flame thrower on offensive players riding the tram was super fun. Tram was a little bit defensive and was a pub map, but I can remember arming the dyno at the first main objective thinking “I’m gonna die, gonna die,gonna ARMED! Runnnnnnn”

Radar-The only stock comp map worth playing even though it crushed my PC when released at ~20 fps :frowning: Great options for routes to objectives. Except for the mines, not overly defensive.

Island-Great, well balanced map with the offensive spawns well placed in relation to the objectives. Lots of routes for the offense to two of the three main objectives. Moderate on the vehicles and good objective types. Also, the map was damn beautiful visually.

Sewer-The only thing that would have made it better would be if the last objective had been a doc run. Not hacking or an escort.

Oasis-A little narrow in two spots and it would have been better if there had only been the south gun. The back and forth when capturing the forward spawn was a lot of fun as was jumping over the wall for secret plants. Planting in strange places at the guns too.

Outskirts. Get the data brain! I thought the map would have been stronger without the escort phase (second objective). The cluster of anti vehicle turrets near the end of the escort mission made the map drag out a bit. The mood to map with the clouds and the rain was perfect. A map with excellent atmosphere.

Refuel-Easily my favorite map of Brink. Lots of routes to objectives. Defense needs to watch their spawn too or possibly get camped.

Market Garden-Another great pub map. Didn’t work well unless the server was near full though. Long, long pub rounds, but fun as ****.

My friends and I have been thinking about doing a RTCW game night (just once). We were talking about maps. One of the things we commented on was that RTCW/ET maps often had objectives that would go back and forth a bit (my friends didn’t play ETQW). For example, capturing the spawn flag on the first part of oaisis or planting/defusing the dynos in RTCW/ET (mp_base? N & S radar objectives). That’s something we didn’t see as much in Brink maps. In Brink, we didn’t feel explosives would often be defused so there was less drama.
The above examples aren’t absolutes. Explosives were definitely defused in Brink. I’m just saying we remembered a ton more last second plants/defuses in other games than in Brink.

(sachewan) #65

As someone who played almost exclusively Stopwatch, Radar was the best map mainly because it was offensively biased. All other balance and nuances in game design get washed away when the map is simply made so that times are regularly set to keep the game moving and the pace high. You would very rarely see a full hold on Radar, while they were common on most of the other maps.

(Magic) #66

Goldrush and Oasis - same fun today as when i first played them.

(tokamak) #67

True, but offensively biased games simply aren’t fun in pubs. I believe both game modes need their own sets of spawn timers in order to be fun.

(nUllSkillZ) #68

Voted for W:ET Siwa Oasis.
Hard choice.
All of the W:ET maps are very good.

(.Chris.) #69

Yeah, that’s why it remains used in competition without any need for a SW or TE version as with Goldrush, it’s perfect the way it is.

(JinxterX) #70

Marketgarden on RTCW, without a doubt the best map in the greatest online FPS ever :smiley:

(ischbinz) #71

i voted for goldrush
but all rtcw/et maps are nice
et:qw maps are not so bad, too.
brink is for me the same desaster as wolfenstein2, unlucky.

(etwolfmod) #72

I have RTCW, but I dont have Operation Market Garden, is that map only in the GOTY edition?

(Stuart Pelton) #73

Gold rush is the best map there its a classic

(badman) #74

Have a look over here - this should include the map:

(charmante) #75

Congratulations on the contents of your blog, which incidentally is very interesting to read, go on, bravo.

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