Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory 2 - any chances?

(Dragonji) #381

The problem is that ET:QW is actually pretty dead.

(zeNiathan) #382

That’s because quake wars wasn’t Enemy Territory or RTCW for that matter. The fact that Enemy Territory still has Nations Cup matches almost a decade after it was released is a testament to the game. The fast-twitch, pinpoint aiming mixed with the objective based team strategy and, dare i say it, the trickjumping are what made Enemy Territory my favourite FPS ever made. I’d pay money for a Enemy Territory 2.

(rorgoroth) #383

I guarantee you if W:ET wasn’t free and had not been open sourced it would have been as dead as ETQW 5+ more years ago at the very least. It’s incredibly easy to keep a free game going even on such low numbers and have cups going still, I can think of a couple of games doing this and it is a testament to nothing.

If ETQW suddenly became free (and even open) rather then having to pay for an ‘old, dead’ game you would see much higher numbers playing then W:ET I dare say - and that wouldn’t be hard.

(jacKfIsher05) #384

rorgoroth, I don’t agree with you.

If W:ET was Pay-2-Play like ET:QW, it was going to be played still by many peoples, because the game is epic and also let’s not forget the modability of the game. The thing that has made the game more than good is the user content that has been made in the years.

My hopes are that Splash Damage will stop creating Counter-Strike clones and do something with id Software about Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory 2.

(rorgoroth) #385

I guess we will have to agree to disagree, I can’t honestly say I believe that if W:ET wasn’t free and opened at all (ie no SDK, no open engine, stuck with 2.60b server binaries, maybe even stuck with etmain - et got really lucky with etpro imo, punkbuster dropped would for sure be a final blow, much smaller player base through the early years) many/any people would be buying and playing now or 4 years ago. There would also be a severe lacking of and even possibly next to none 3rd party content which is literally the only thing being played in W:ET other then some stock maps :cool:

What would happen to the player numbers if at midnight tonight it became that you needed to buy an account to play? Even something really cheap like $10? I think not very good things would happen, after a few months it would be in the same sorry state as ETQW despite both the games having 90% identical teamwork based core gameplay with just graphical theme/era changes.

Also I wouldn’t say they are creating clones but I’m not a fan of their work the past few years either and I don’t really care for DB for no other reason then I quite like WW1/2 set games. I would love to see W:ET2 personally but I don’t think there is a real market for it :frowning:

(Indloon) #386

[QUOTE=rorgoroth;427930]I guess we will have to agree to disagree, I can’t honestly say I believe that if W:ET wasn’t free and opened at all (ie no SDK, no open engine, stuck with 2.60b server binaries, maybe even stuck with etmain - et got really lucky with etpro imo, punkbuster dropped would for sure be a final blow, much smaller player base through the early years) many/any people would be buying and playing now or 4 years ago. There would also be a severe lacking of and even possibly next to none 3rd party content which is literally the only thing being played in W:ET other then some stock maps :cool:

What would happen to the player numbers if at midnight tonight it became that you needed to buy an account to play? Even something really cheap like $10? I think not very good things would happen, after a few months it would be in the same sorry state as ETQW despite both the games having 90% identical teamwork based core gameplay with just graphical theme/era changes.

Also I wouldn’t say they are creating clones but I’m not a fan of their work the past few years either and I don’t really care for DB for no other reason then I quite like WW1/2 set games. I would love to see W:ET2 personally but I don’t think there is a real market for it :([/QUOTE]

The fact that the SplashDamage did not finish Wolf:ET made Wolf:ET free.

If it would cost some money, I would still except that there could been large players base and the SDK could been published too, because the game belonged to Id Software at that time( correct me if wrong ) and Id Software is well known for publishing their game engines source codes and SDKs of course.
And yes I agree, the ETPro pretty much gave such a large popularity on competition side.

Making Wolf:ET players, now to buy a account so they could play the game, is a waste of time and waste of money from a company view-point, because the game is too old and there have been to many players, that´s why you don´t have to pay for air or water because selling it is pointless because the amount of these nature resources are too big. + the renderer is sadly old and getting nailed by every other modern game( Thought ETXreal project looked very bright, but the lack of time was a reason why it´s inactive or even dead … ).
Even if it would happen, Wolf:ET code is fully open sourced and I would except community to make a patch which allows you to play for free.

I do read various gaming news sites and what I mostly see on comments sections is that the people need a WWII themed game. But there is Wolfenstein 2013 coming, hopefully it won´t be such a disaster as Wolfenstein 2009 was. So WWII game for marketing is currently good, if the game is good too then I except nice selling numbers and the next Wolfenstein coming after 2013 version. In simple words, what more money the game brings on, the more CoD like publishing it gets. :rolleyes:

(rorgoroth) #387

I agree there could have been a large player base still… buuuut I think rtcw would have just had a lot longer ‘busy’ life instead. Of course it is not really possible now to start charging money, simply trying to paint a “What if?” painting.

I must disagree with paying for water though, I’ve been studying Economics the past 2 years and have become very aware of how (safe) water is actually very expensive and had the damn water-diamond paradox drilled in to my brain like tomorrow will never come. :o

Yes I do see some demand for WW1/2 based games also, but it just isn’t enough I think mainly because of that CoD like interest and money potential needed for it to really take off, I guess I can hope CoD goes back to to their roots and bring out a war shooter sometime - I won’t be holding my breath though - Also wont be holding my breath on Wolfenstein 2013 after 2009.

Also as for the renderer I see etlegacy has a new one or are starting to add it, renderer2? I didn’t look in to it but I assume they are ripping out the rendr2 modular thing from ioQ3 - not sure if that will bring some improvement or what they plan to add but I do still play Quake 3 and use rendr2 and have seen no performance gains in matches (only 4 players max so not sure about when things get busy). Then again Q3/ioQ3 never had as bad performance as ET for me anyway.

(Indloon) #388

Id Tech 3 is very good at writting a renderer code,because the renderer code gets complied as lib file,which means that it gives a developer easy way to write Direct3D11 renderer for example without touching other engines parts.
Thought that all Id Tech 3 renderer projects I have seen doesn’t even come close to modern popular engines render as CryEngine 3 for example.

And at economy talk ;-D
Selling water doesnt give you profit,why?
Because for example,if you find a lot of diamonds and you wanna sell it, there will be a lot of rich people who want to buy your diamonds. However this means that if there are a lot of buyers then the prize will go down, to stop prize falling is to get rid of most diamonds and after getting rid of them the prize will very up and the profit will be bigger!( true story example :stuck_out_tongue: ). But the water is everywhere and getting rid of it results dead planet.
Althought that the current money system idea is rather to make profit than make humans life better, I hope that the sick bankers( note,not a single banker hasn’t been punished for what happened in 2008 ),money slavery system will be gone and soon… :expressionless:

(rorgoroth) #389

I like to imagine one day playing ET on such a nice modern engine, if ET still has the same charm on a new engine though… I can’t say :stuck_out_tongue:

You are correct there about the price elasticity (yay I can finally use some of these big words! :D) the problem is much more simple with water-diamond, water is needed to live but diamonds are not, yet they are always so much more expensive and more highly valued for no reason other then personal status :stuck_out_tongue:

Water is also expensive though (just nowhere near as expensive as diamonds to the end user), it is everywhere but not drinkable, my lecturer in the first six months wrote up a simple case study about here in the UK when water supply was free, but then became a paid thing, people complained because “water is everywhere, it’s free” but to store and treat the water costs billions per year, clean drinking water is actually considered a scarce resource :o

The money system will never really be favour of quality of life, greed is very powerful unfortunately.

Edit: Cba to correct any mistakes, I have been awake far too long. :stroggbanana:

(Nail) #390

water is very expensive, even here where we have lots.
what’s worse is they charge more to handle waste water than clean water
I pay x per liter for water and 1.8x for sewage charge.
time to get a cistern for the lawn

(edxot) #391

it play ETQW like if it was a WWII war game.

just with a bit of imagination you can read … instead of …

stuka - icarus
t-34 - hog
tiger - titan
b-29 - bumblebee
me-262 - tormentor
lightning - anansi
88mm at gun - rocket noob (this is not vehicle, hehehe)

etc …

very easy, and usefull mostly when you have a variety of vehicles at your disposal, and you need to come up with a new stretegy because the one you had, just failed on you.

(ZeYos) #392

Any news about Wolfenstein Enemy Territory 2 ?

(lamps) #393


(ZeYos) #394

This isn´t Wolfenstein ET 2 its just BF2 or something like this in ET textures

(Indloon) #395

Well,agreed,Wolf:ET is about RTCW style shooting,not Battlefield kind war.

(Pegazus) #396

I would like to make it clear here that it will not be BF2. It’s going to replace the Quake Wars gameplay with Enemy Territory style.

(Slade05) #397

Frankenstein would be proud with you.

(.Chris.) #398

Did you try the mod? How was it? I’m interested to find out.

(BackSnip3) #399

The mod isn’t even in alpha state you are misunderstanding it with something I don’t know. ^^
I’m interested to find out to. I’m no fan of Battlefield. :smiley:

(Dashiva) #400

I’m working on it as well, but using UDK instead of an id engine. No vehicles though (they’re evil). It’s more along the lines of RtCW than ET.