
(Joe999) #1

i was just wondering if you can disable wobbling in quake wars? i know you could in ET, but you couldn’t in quake 4 (whoever made that decision???) hence why i’m asking.

thanks 4 info :slight_smile:

(Nail) #2

can’t you:
seta pm_bobpitch “0.0”
seta pm_bobroll “0.0”
seta pm_bobup “0.0”
seta pm_crouchbob “0.0”
seta pm_runbob “0.0”
seta pm_runpitch “0.0”
seta pm_runroll “0.0”
seta pm_walkbob “0.0”

may only be server side, can’t remember

(Joe999) #3

at the time when i played quake 4 this only worked for singleplayer mode, not for multiplayer. the variables you mention were cheat protected, so you couldn’t change them. a change came long time later, actually too late, with a patch:

The variables pm_bobpitch, pm_bobroll, pm_bobup, pm_crouchbob, pm_runbob,
pm_runpitch, pm_runroll and pm_walkbob are no longer cheat protected but
clients will not be able to override the server settings.

(Joe999) #4

just one single bump.

is it possible to give feedback on that issue? the reason is simply that if the same decision is made which was made for quake 4, then i can instantly stop looking forward to quake wars because i won’t be able to play it because of motion sickness.

making the motion sickness supporting variables cheat protected was the reason for me why i had to stop playing quake 4. as the cheat protection was lifted with a later patch, you can assume that the cheat protection won’t be in quake wars. but i didn’t understand at all why they cheat protected those variables in the first place. so i just want to make sure i can keep looking forward to quake wars.

feedback would be appreciated :slight_smile:

(ouroboro) #5

So you support tweaks which you deem beneficial to yourself, but scorn those which don’t benefit you personally, even when they do benefit others?

I’m just asking. No defensive posturing necessary. I’m just wondering if you look beyond your own desires and try to be considerate of others who may need tweaking leniency elsewhere.

I happen to agree, vision bobbing sucks. They have to put it in, because it just makes logical sense that your view bobs around while moving. But after I’ve tried it a few minutes and the “gee-whiz” factor has passed, it’s time to get rid of it. Kinda like rain/snow/etc.

Know what I mean, jellybean?

(Wils) #6

You’ll be able to turn bobbing off in ETQW.

(Joe999) #7

thanks for the feedback, Wils. i’m glad to hear that, i’m sure so are others who suffer from motion sickness in games :slight_smile:

(Nail) #8

I agree, ET was almost unplayable for me till I turned off bob

(richmanrush) #9

If I recall, the bobbing variables were cheat protected (via a patch) because in Quake 3, changing them to a certain number allowed graphical exploits (seeing through walls).

The cheat protection might have just carried over, or been a proactive way of protecting that from happening again.

Again, this is if memory recalls… which is often not reliable LOL

(Hakka) #10

Joe999 in a prior post in reference to tweaking, quoted for irony:

imo all should get distracted by the implemented stuff or none.

So what’s it going to be? Personally, I turn off headbob too - it makes you much more inaccurate and it’s quite distracting in my opinion, but then again, I never argued against turning things like this off.

(SCDS_reyalP) #11

For MP games I think bob should default to off, or at least be prominent in the options menu. That way noobs don’t get a disadvantage from not knowing to turn it off.

(ouroboro) #12

I think they should default to ON, but be in the menu, like you said. The same goes for all legal and relatively common tweaks, IMO. FOV being the other glaringly obvious one, assuming it’s legal in ET:QW.

(Rhoades) #13

could someone tell me what “bob” is in ET in how i could disable it if i wanted to?

(ouroboro) #14

set cg_bobpitch “0”
set cg_bobroll “0”
set cg_bobup “0”
set cg_bobyaw “0”
set cg_runpitch “0”
set cg_runroll “0”

Move around while crouched and you’ll notice a big difference.

(Joe999) #15

dude, what i said still applies. ouroboro may imagineer and presume and rant as usual whatever he wants, i don’t care. but as you asked this way: it has absolutely nothing to do with gaining a personal advantage by tweaking this or that. it’s not about distraction or whatever. the bob stuff is about motion sickness. there are people out there who suffer from it and hence can play the game for a few minutes and after that feel sick. it can happen any time to you as well. i never felt it for a long time, but in some version of tomb raider my stomach felt strange and i felt really sick. didn’t know what it was. short time later i figured it was the game. ever since i have it. trust me, this is not a funny thing you want to have. and i’m not the only one who suffers from it.

i figured i need to do some things to get rid of it:

  • turn off bob
  • play in windowed mode with the game window approx 80% of desktop size
  • have a backlight turned on, ie play not in a totally dark room
  • adjust mouse sensitivity to a higher value

^^ helps me and works. i can play ET for 6 hours and i don’t feel sick afterwards :slight_smile:

as i said: it’s not about getting more fps or tweaking smoke away or whatever. it’s a serious health issue for some people (including me), unfortunately.

if you got serious questions regarding this, i’d be glad to discuss this issue any time. :slight_smile:

(TheBladeRoden) #16

I love bob, personally.

(zivs) #17

set cg_digibobpitch “0”
set cg_digibobroll “0”
set cg_digibobup “0”
set cg_digibobyaw “0”
don’t know what i wanted to say with this… propably nothing :banana:

(ouroboro) #18

Joe999, please don’t drag me into your personal discussion with Hakka. You were addressed by him, so respond to what he said. Leave me out of it unless you have something to say to me directly.

Okey dokey?

(Joe999) #19

i have nothing to say to you directly because you are unable to follow a mature discussion with resaonable arguments to what was actually said in a polite way.

Hakka asked politely, i assumed he was referring to your rant because you first came up with it, so i answered appropriately. if you have a question or want to share an opinion, feel free to do it. if it’s in a mature way, you’ll get an answer by me. if it’s only a rant, feel free to rant, i won’t defend myself. besides: it seems you have only been looking to find something to write against me. using the kind of argument you chose was a bit under the waistline because i’ve written that the tweak was to avoid motion sickness, so using this to make fun of me is … well … low level.

besides some user here on the forum wrote something that the difference between you and me is enough. i respect that, hence why i didn’t give a damn about your wrong opinion above.

(ouroboro) #20

I asked you very politely up above if you could understand that some people require certain tweaks, even if you’re not thrilled about them. I used what I felt were contradictions in your statements as a preface. You chose to ignore the question, but then alluded to it as a rather unpleasant aside in your conversation with Hakka.

I find that to be a bit underhanded, and am asking you to either respond to me directly, or not at all. There was no need to mention me as a third party in a discussion I had no part in.

I hope you will comprehend my meaning this time. Just remember: not everything is about attack and defense. Try to relax and just read without the confrontational demeanor. :slight_smile: