
(Joe999) #21

dude, it looks to me as if you were trying to let me look like i’m selfish and i’m not sticking to what i say. it’s as i said above: for me the bob disabling stuff has nothing to do with gaining an advantage or such. of course it leads to distraction if it’s switched on and you can switch it off and gain an advantage, and some could consider this as a cheat or whatever. but that’s only one part of the medal. the other part is that bob leads to motion sickness for some persons, so this is a health issue, and this is something serious. eg tweaking away smoke isn’t a health issue.

i think it’s a responsibility of the game developers to provide a means to avoid motion sickness, amongst other health things. an example problem is: what happens if a kid feels bad from playing a game and goes to it’s mom? mom will go on the street and shout out that her kid is getting sick from playing a computer game. and a problem is that she can proof it. it’s something like epilleptic attacks, and it’s easily reproducable if someone is an affected person. i think this could as well lead to an extent like the “hot coffee mod” debate. not sure, only a thought.

i wonder why in quake 4 the bob variables were first cheat protected and later on the cheat protection was lifted. anyone got info on that issue? i think it’s because of the motion sickness stuff, because there were some posts in the raven forums about it when the game came out. dunno for sure and i could be wrong though.

(SCDS_reyalP) #22

Not being sick is a significant advantage, IMO.

(digibob) #23

set cg_digibobpitch “0”
set cg_digibobroll “0”
set cg_digibobup “0”
set cg_digibobyaw “0”
