Win a Signed Brink Mural to Celebrate Brink's Birthday

(chevy2k12) #101

i picked save the ark first but then because it was to hard picked escape the ark FTW!

(Blastercast) #102

Escape the Ark: Not because rebellion seemed fun or “cool” but because it seemed like a story-line I could get into. Rebels quite often have mis-matched equipment and insufficient supplies and so it could be fun to play through!

(i_Assassinz) #103

I chose the Resistance the customization in Brink is beyond belief as soon as i saw the trailer i knew i had to get this game amazing. finishing the story was awesome and then i went on to use the security who were equally amazing. i have to say the developers of brink have created such a success its just beautiful i love it <3

(Scorch504) #104

Escape the Ark; liberation is always the best choice. People gotta be free.

(Viorotica) #105

I chose to Save the Ark, i like being Security and keeping order, even if that means having to kill a few people to maintain the peace.

(BaroqueGuy) #106

Went with that ideological high-ground and escaped. dat. Ark.

(MightyKoala) #107

I chose to “escape the ark” on my first playthrough due to my own mindset. The Resistance mentality was much better according to me. To be free to leave the ark and not to be contained in misery, forced to stay in a place you don’t wanna be. As soon as the game was announced I fell in love with the way the Resistance was designed, the ragged look and gear was just amazing. The Security while looking awesome as well, did not speak to me as much. I also practice Parkour and felt like the whole meaning of freedom was better portrayed on the Resistance side, not to say that you should be a rebel for doing Parkour, but settling the battle and making a break for it was way more compelling. A part of my choice laid in the gameplay as well, the Resistance objectives seemed more compelling than the Security(I later played both sides and found out that they’re pretty much the same, counting out the story). But the bottom line came down to: What would I do in real life? But I knew that no matter what I chose I was gonna have fun with it. Though I felt like the story wasn’t complete until I had played both sides, the Resistance side was the first to get played while listening to Flobots in the background.
(Damn that’s a nice mural, I was thinking of putting something on my wall and now i know what! wondering who wrote their signature all alone on the LMG to the left?)

(Krazyfingas) #108

I chose to save the Ark. I always choose to be the hero everytime the Ark was my home to claim and I wasn’t stopping until I got what was mine!

(EmmyhasaGun) #109

Save the Ark because it just seemed like a better option.

(Pytox) #110

I went with Escape the Ark cause they had more tshirts to give away :eek:

(karrl1z4j2) #111

Last year, when Brink was release, I knew long before I had the game that I was going to choice the Resistance.

Not only did I love the look of the Resistance fighters I saw before the game came out, but I also feel there is so much more romance in the idea of a resistance fighter. I am a bit of a hippy, and I have always been drawn to stories of people rising up against impossible odds to fight for their freedom.

(HCGamer69) #112

I chose to escape the ark because i think resistance has more cool oufits and equipments than the security

(Drizzter) #113

I choose save the ark, because a friend was playing escape the ark and we wanted to battle one another :smiley:

(DarkangelUK) #114

Save the ark, much prefer the tidy, clean and sleek look of the Security as opposed to the scruffy Resistance… and also because the Ark looks like the same architecture as Miranda (points for the reference).

(LeeSim) #115

I chose to save the Ark, simply because I guess I am just a good guy at heart.

(Smichlynn) #116

I chose to play resistance for pretty much every character I made.They just look way more badass than security.

(Coastiedan) #117

Choose to save the ARK. Always gotta see how good prevails over evil. The prison break level had to be my favorite. Enjoyed Brink alot, still waiting on more DLC to come out. Thanks for all your hard work for putting the game together

(devo14) #118

I chose the Security because they generally looked cooler and more exciting than the Resistance at first. After a while though the Resistance just seemed to appeal to me as their tactics looked completely ‘bad ass’. However, I stayed true to the Security and completed all of their missions…then I cruelly abandoned them for the Resistance. Brink is just amazing to play in every way possible!!! LOVE IT

(BMXer) #119

I choose to attempt to “Save The Ark”. After quickly realizing the society of people living on the Ark could not even create weapons that shoot straight, I felt compelled to help. My attempts to train the weapon technicians to create usable guns that actually hit their target all were ignored. After a few months of frustratingly aiming at the enemy and having my bullets hit random targets I wasn’t aiming at, I was forced to commit suicide. I am only able to tell my story because I was saved because /kill doesn’t work on the Ark.

(xisawsm) #120

i chose " escape the ark" because it was the first played and i think that they’re map/side is way better for parkour. and i think that thy are way coller :slight_smile: