Win a Signed Brink Mural to Celebrate Brink's Birthday

(gamepak) #81

When I first played through, I chose to escape the ark.

It seemed like it would be more fun trying to do rebellious escape missions rather than civil defense missions, but it turns out they were both equally awesome, challenging, and engaging. I felt that the bond between the characters in the Resistance in the escape missions were stronger than the bonds between the security members though, and it felt more engaging to be with a group of people in a tight bond working together.

(si_stevo) #82

Saved the Ark without a seconds thought. No thought needed just get out and crush the rebellious tools that think their uprising is justified.

(Siete7) #83

Escape the Ark of course!! :cool:

(DashboardMesiah) #84

I picked it up at midnight from GameStop and I first chose to Save the Ark. Why did I chose this? I could give some long, thought out, in-depth, and way over complicated reason behind the hidden meanings of The Ark and Right and Wrong and what not, but the truth is it’s the first one I clicked on. I knew I would be playing the game through many times and I was going to get the whole story so it was simply my starting point and a year later I’m still playing.

(spire8989) #85

I chose to escape the ark. Resistance just had an appeal to me. As a traceur in real life I fell in love with the look of the Resistance flowing across the environment.

(ninquera) #86

I chose to Escape the Ark. If they cannot help us care for our own and solve the problems presented, we must forge our own way in what is left of the world. Remaining on the Ark would only mean fighting over a few inches of land, back and forth, again and again, year after year. Would it not be better to leave and risk everything for the chance to rise anew?

(Zrmi) #87

Escape the Ark!

When I saw the first motion trailer of Brink I and a lot of others fell in love with the ‘The Anger’ outfit. My character needed to be like that one! But when I started playing and customizing characters in Brink, there were so many awesome possibilities. At the end ‘The Anger’ wasn’t my first choice anymore and this proves how much fun it was to create character after character. And who doesn’t want to play and rebel as a bad ass character with a hockey mask and a shotgun?

(hopefully adding a pic of my character works. And I’m new to this forum because the Bethesda Brink forum was more active)

(Dreadforge) #88

Love the game wish there was a second installment.:smiley:

(Diggins86) #89

I chose to save the Ark, I love the enforcement customization options and the more personal background it seemed like the enforecement officers had.

(Coul33t) #90

I choose to save the Ark, because I hate hippies (even with weapons).

(VeggieLisk) #91

Save the Ark: Because movement speed was way too sluggish and the S.M.A.R.T system way too broken to escape from it.

(OGtaunt) #92

Escape The Ark, When I first saw the trailer for this game at E3 I knew what my role would be from then. Once the game had been released I suited up and helped my brothers escape certain death. Following through the story I released how the founders hid the coming atrocities and wanted only self preservation. I fought many hours on the ark and always enjoyed every bit of it. Hopefully I can be the one selected for this Mural.

(TheKyle) #93

Both! I switched back and forth between characters. I think I created the resistance character first though.

(StephenM28) #94

On my first playthrough of the amazing brink storyline i chose to escape the ark

i chose to escape the ark because being rebelious and saying a big fat NO to authority was more appealing to me ! I idolize the great minds that produced and helped design this magical game !

good job guys , i would love to see a brink two or even some dlc.

(JosefM) #95

I chose to escape the ark.

(Adapt) #96

Escape the Ark? Who would want to leave container city?!! I love the art style =))

(LordMurdoc) #97

I chose to save the ark because I’m one to support the underdog. The rebels seemed to have the numbers in support as the game was being advertised and released and I just couldn’t let that happen That nice sleek look that comes with being a member of Security is just a very nice bonus.

Happy birthday Brink! You’re still one of my favorite and most played games.

(AIJ007) #98

Resistance all the way! :infiltrator:

(trigg3r) #99

On my first playthrough i chose “Save the Ark” as i did with all my 4 characters. I always try to fight on the security side, unless teams gets unbalanced and i’m forced to swicth :confused:

The reason, well… first of all i love their style, even though the resistance felt more unique the securiry was more to my liking, they just look badass. I also felt that they had every right to fight for the Ark, it was their creation, their dream; and the only reason they got caught in this situation was for trying to help and let in more ppl than they should’ve.

(Apoc) #100

I chose to escape, purely on the fact that the resistance looks infinitely more badass, i went on to escape the ark multiple times, however every time i did, i ended up back on the ark, trying to get away again, was a very confusing time in my life to be honest. Eventually i gave up and switched sides to the security, who had obviously also realised that every time you try to escape the ark, it goes to a loading screen then you end up straight back on it again. Thought id be able to persuade the resistance that some evil paradox was the enemy here not me, and that we should just sit back and live in peace on the ark till we figure out a way to avoid the teleporting loading screen.
Didnt work. Still sat on the ark. Running out of water…died multiple times…i go towards the light…then i see a countdown, which i pressume is the last few moments of my life…but then i just get teleported back, alive and well back on the ark. To be honest…iv started abusing this, the other day i tripped and hurt my knee, instead of taking 2 weeks rest, and hobble around for a while, i just took out the pins of my grenades and started juggling. Much quicker. To be honest, im starting to see the positive side. These days i just chill out on the ark, looking out at the sea…the main issue im having is that if i lie too close to a conflict zone, people start throwing syringes at me…i have told them multiple times, im not interested, thats not my style. Once a guy went a step further and jammed one in my chest!!! Needless to say, he has been enjoying molotovs through his window ever since.