Win a Signed Brink Mural to Celebrate Brink's Birthday

(tebster) #41

I want this so flipping bad this is so sick i hope they make a brink 2 i really hope they do sice they found out how to community responded that they could fix all the issues it was just a good idea please let me win i want this for my bedroom

(Skan) #42

I choose to save an Ark. I did it because I thought it would be bad idea to escape from the last stand of civilization, even if it’s not the best place to live. And audio logs showed that I choose right :slight_smile:

(Aysemut) #43

escape the arc, i prefer the resistance in this awesome game

(Talonluck) #44

I chose to Save the Ark. Security all the way! The 'staches rule.

(SaviorOfTheArk) #45

I chose to save the Ark. In order to preserve what is good about this utopia, I had to choose what was best for the whole, rather than pleasing a few.

(hannibam) #46

I obviously chose to save the Ark !

Good lord we spent years and years to build that thing ! COULD WE AT LEAST TRY TO SAVE IT !

(Jerbuta) #47

Escape the ark, I like being evil.

(Swagger5) #48

I escaped the Ark! I knew there had to be more out there, and I wanted to see it. Plus, the Resistance had some sick looking outfits and weapon skins. So I picked up my Rhett and went to work escaping the Ark. Such an under appreciated game. Definitely one of the best FPS games for this generation of consoles. Thank you Splash Damage and Bethesda!

(Iloveyou) #49

I chose to escape the ark. It sounded like the more logical thing to do.

(napydawise) #50

I choose to escape the ARK because of how awesome the resistance looks.

(LunaClipse) #51

I went for save the Ark it was a beautiful place why not save it? If brink 2 does come out I know the ark will still be there and look more badass than ever! By the way I have a brink poster up and that one would just be epic on my wall! FOR Thee ARK!!!

(Teh_Brutus) #52

I chose to save the Ark.

My family has a history in law enforcement, with most of them serving in some capacity within the US Secret Service, or the BATFE. It just seemed more personal to join the Security forces rather than the Resistance. Clinton Mokoena is also the incident commander that I would want to serve under; his personal connection to his men, along with his unwillingness to appease an increasingly belligerent force is what made me respect him despite the fact that he was a fictional character.

However, I must say that under the leadership of Joseph Chen, the Resistance has legitimate grounds to leave the Ark if they wished. However, this movement would naturally bring many radicals under his banner. Security has its bullies too, but let’s face it. No one in the Security forces was willing to irreversibly irradiate the Ark.

(Strong_Max) #53

I decided to escape the Ark to start.The resistance looked way too cool to pass up! I went and save the Ark eventually, and had just as much fun!

(nilstrustsno1) #54

I choosed to escape the ark, because i don´t like the way the security is working. also am i a fan of things like this.f*** the system :tongue: also was brink the first shooter i played. its just awesome

(Upidstupid) #55

Save the Ark.

You know, cuz it’s cool and stuff.

(trolle999) #56

I choosed to escape the ark just because the equip looks better :smiley:

I preordered brink on febuary 2011 via steam and it came out the day before my birthday so i could download it and started brink at my birthday ! I was reeally happy about that :smiley:

(Slimjim0617) #57

I chose to Save the Ark because the Security guys looked way cooler than the Resistance.

(kidcairo_1) #58

I went with Escaping the Ark. Its great that there is a city in the middle of the ocean that people are just living they’re lives. But what about outside of the Ark? Its not a real adventure until you stop playing in your own back yard

(Catwiesel) #59

I chose to defend the ark first because, well, I guess it made more sense to first defend the ark, get to know it and the game before i went and try to escape / destroy it. but lets be honest, its a game, multiplayer even… i did not waste much time playing against bots just so the maps line up perfectly when there are thousands of players out there just waiting to help or stop me. so in the end, i played none and both at the same time. in time all maps were played on both sides, all won and lost. and yes, it was a nice enough story. but i did not buy the game for the story, i bought it for the fun to be had in multiplayer mode…

(Nondre) #60

I went with Escape, because the Fallout skins looked cooler.